6 research outputs found

    Variable echo time imaging for detecting the short T2* components of the sciatic nerve: a validation study

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to develop and validate an MRI protocol based on a variable echo time (vTE) sensitive to the short T2* components of the sciatic nerve. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 15 healthy subjects (M/F: 9/6; age: 21-62) were scanned at 3T targeting the sciatic nerve at the thigh bilaterally, using a dual echo variable echo time (vTE) sequence (based on a spoiled gradient echo acquisition) with echo times of 0.98/5.37 ms. Apparent T2* (aT2*) values of the sciatic nerves were calculated with a mono-exponential fit and used for data comparison. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in aT2* related to side, sex, age, and BMI, even though small differences for side were reported. Good-to-excellent repeatability and reproducibility were found for geometry of ROIs (Dice indices: intra-rater 0.68-0.7; inter-rater 0.70-0.72) and the related aT2* measures (intra-inter reader ICC 0.95-0.97; 0.66-0.85) from two different operators. Side-related signal-to-noise-ratio non-significant differences were reported, while contrast-to-noise-ratio measures were excellent both for side and echo. DISCUSSION: Our study introduces a novel MR sequence sensitive to the short T2* components of the sciatic nerve and may be used for the study of peripheral nerve disorders

    Probing the myelin water compartment with a saturation‐recovery, multi‐echo gradient‐recalled echo sequence

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    PurposeTo investigate the effect of varying levels of urn:x-wiley:07403194:media:mrm28695:mrm28695-math-0001‐weighting on the evolution of the complex signal from white matter in a multi‐echo gradient‐recalled echo (mGRE) saturation‐recovery sequence.Theory and MethodsAnalysis of the complex signal evolution in an mGRE sequence allows the contributions from short‐ and long‐urn:x-wiley:07403194:media:mrm28695:mrm28695-math-0002 components to be separated, thus providing a measure of the relative strength of signals from the myelin water, and the external and intra‐axonal compartments. Here we evaluated the effect of different levels of urn:x-wiley:07403194:media:mrm28695:mrm28695-math-0003‐weighting on these signals, expecting that the previously reported, short urn:x-wiley:07403194:media:mrm28695:mrm28695-math-0004 of the myelin water would lead to a relative enhancement of the myelin water signal in the presence of signal saturation. Complex, saturation‐recovery mGRE data from the splenium of the corpus callosum from 5 healthy volunteers were preprocessed using a frequency difference mapping (FDM) approach and analyzed using the 3‐pool model of complex signal evolution in white matter.ResultsAn increase in the apparent urn:x-wiley:07403194:media:mrm28695:mrm28695-math-0005 as a function of echo time was demonstrated, but this increase was an order of magnitude smaller than that expected from previously reported myelin water urn:x-wiley:07403194:media:mrm28695:mrm28695-math-0006‐values. This suggests the presence of magnetization transfer and exchange effects which counteract the urn:x-wiley:07403194:media:mrm28695:mrm28695-math-0007‐weighting.ConclusionVariation of the urn:x-wiley:07403194:media:mrm28695:mrm28695-math-0008 amplitude in a saturation‐recovery mGRE sequence can be used to modulate the relative strength of signals from the different compartments in white matter, but the modulation is less than predicted from previously reported urn:x-wiley:07403194:media:mrm28695:mrm28695-math-0009‐values

    Fiber-orientation independent component of R2* obtained from single-orientation MRI measurements in simulations and a post-mortem human optic chiasm

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    The effective transverse relaxation rate (R2*) is sensitive to the microstructure of the human brain like the g-ratio which characterises the relative myelination of axons. However, the fibre-orientation dependence of R2* degrades its reproducibility and any microstructural derivative measure. To estimate its orientation-independent part (R2,iso*) from single multi-echo gradient-recalled-echo (meGRE) measurements at arbitrary orientations, a second-order polynomial in time model (hereafter M2) can be used. Its linear time-dependent parameter, β1, can be biophysically related to R2,iso* when neglecting the myelin water (MW) signal in the hollow cylinder fibre model (HCFM). Here, we examined the performance of M2 using experimental and simulated data with variable g-ratio and fibre dispersion. We found that the fitted β1 can estimate R2,iso* using meGRE with long maximum-echo time (TEmax ≈ 54 ms), but not accurately captures its microscopic dependence on the g-ratio (error 84%). We proposed a new heuristic expression for β1 that reduced the error to 12% for ex vivo compartmental R2 values. Using the new expression, we could estimate an MW fraction of 0.14 for fibres with negligible dispersion in a fixed human optic chiasm for the ex vivo compartmental R2 values but not for the in vivo values. M2 and the HCFM-based simulations failed to explain the measured R2*-orientation-dependence around the magic angle for a typical in vivo meGRE protocol (with TEmax ≈ 18 ms). In conclusion, further validation and the development of movement-robust in vivo meGRE protocols with TEmax ≈ 54 ms are required before M2 can be used to estimate R2,iso* in subjects

    Fiber-orientation independent component of R2* obtained from single-orientation MRI measurements in simulations and a post-mortem human optic chiasm

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    The effective transverse relaxation rate (R2*) is sensitive to the microstructure of the human brain like the g-ratio which characterises the relative myelination of axons. However, the fibre-orientation dependence of R2* degrades its reproducibility and any microstructural derivative measure. To estimate its orientation-independent part (R2,iso*) from single multi-echo gradient-recalled-echo (meGRE) measurements at arbitrary orientations, a second-order polynomial in time model (hereafter M2) can be used. Its linear time-dependent parameter, β1, can be biophysically related to R2,iso* when neglecting the myelin water (MW) signal in the hollow cylinder fibre model (HCFM). Here, we examined the performance of M2 using experimental and simulated data with variable g-ratio and fibre dispersion. We found that the fitted β1 can estimate R2,iso* using meGRE with long maximum-echo time (TEmax ≈ 54 ms), but not accurately captures its microscopic dependence on the g-ratio (error 84%). We proposed a new heuristic expression for β1 that reduced the error to 12% for ex vivo compartmental R2 values. Using the new expression, we could estimate an MW fraction of 0.14 for fibres with negligible dispersion in a fixed human optic chiasm for the ex vivo compartmental R2 values but not for the in vivo values. M2 and the HCFM-based simulations failed to explain the measured R2*-orientation-dependence around the magic angle for a typical in vivo meGRE protocol (with TEmax ≈ 18 ms). In conclusion, further validation and the development of movement-robust in vivo meGRE protocols with TEmax ≈ 54 ms are required before M2 can be used to estimate R2,iso* in subjects