4 research outputs found

    Secure Grouping Protocol Using a Deck of Cards

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    We consider a problem, which we call secure grouping, of dividing a number of parties into some subsets (groups) in the following manner: Each party has to know the other members of his/her group, while he/she may not know anything about how the remaining parties are divided (except for certain public predetermined constraints, such as the number of parties in each group). In this paper, we construct an information-theoretically secure protocol using a deck of physical cards to solve the problem, which is jointly executable by the parties themselves without a trusted third party. Despite the non-triviality and the potential usefulness of the secure grouping, our proposed protocol is fairly simple to describe and execute. Our protocol is based on algebraic properties of conjugate permutations. A key ingredient of our protocol is our new techniques to apply multiplication and inverse operations to hidden permutations (i.e., those encoded by using face-down cards), which would be of independent interest and would have various potential applications

    Computing cardinalities of Q-curve reductions over finite fields

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    We present a specialized point-counting algorithm for a class of elliptic curves over F\_{p^2} that includes reductions of quadratic Q-curves modulo inert primes and, more generally, any elliptic curve over F\_{p^2} with a low-degree isogeny to its Galois conjugate curve. These curves have interesting cryptographic applications. Our algorithm is a variant of the Schoof--Elkies--Atkin (SEA) algorithm, but with a new, lower-degree endomorphism in place of Frobenius. While it has the same asymptotic asymptotic complexity as SEA, our algorithm is much faster in practice.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of ANTS-XII. Added acknowledgement of Drew Sutherlan

    Chosen Ciphertext Secure Keyed Two-Level Homomorphic Encryption

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    Homomorphic encryption (HE) is a useful variant of public key encryption (PKE), but it has a drawback that HE cannot fully achieve IND-CCA2 security, which is a standard security notion for PKE. Beyond existing HE schemes achieving weaker IND-CCA1 security, Emura et al.\ (PKC 2013) proposed the notion of \lq\lq keyed\rq\rq{} version of HE, called KH-PKE, which introduces an evaluation key controlling the functionality of homomorphic operations and achieves security stronger than IND-CCA1 and as close to IND-CCA2 as possible. After Emura et al.\u27s scheme which can evaluate linear polynomials only, Lai et al.\ (PKC 2016) proposed a fully homomorphic KH-PKE, but it requires indistinguishability obfuscation and hence has a drawback in practical feasibility. In this paper, we propose a \lq\lq two-level\rq\rq{} KH-PKE scheme for evaluating degree-two polynomials, by cleverly combining Emura et al.\u27s generic framework with a recent efficient two-level HE by Attrapadung et al.\ (ASIACCS 2018). Our scheme is the first KH-PKE that can handle non-linear polynomials while keeping practical efficiency