212 research outputs found

    Mixed Integer Programming Models for Finite Automaton and Its Application to Additive Differential Patterns of Exclusive-Or

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    Inspired by Fu et al. work on modeling the exclusive-or differential property of the modulo addition as an mixed-integer programming problem, we propose a method with which any finite automaton can be formulated as an mixed-integer programming model. Using this method, we show how to construct a mixed integer programming model whose feasible region is the set of all differential patterns (α,β,γ)(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\u27s, such that adp(α,βγ)=Prx,y[((x+α)(y+β))(xy)=γ]>0{\rm adp}^\oplus(\alpha, \beta \rightarrow \gamma) = {\rm Pr}_{x,y}[((x + \alpha) \oplus (y + \beta))-(x \oplus y) = \gamma] > 0. We expect that this may be useful in automatic differential analysis with additive difference

    Limits on Authenticated Encryption Use in TLS

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    This technical note presents limits on the security (as a function of the number of plaintext bytes encrypted and the number of forgery attempts made by an adversary) for the main Authenticated Encryption schemes available in TLS 1.2 and the draft of TLS 1.3. These limits are derived from security proofs for the considered schemes available in the literature. Our intention is to provide considered technical input to on-going discussions in the TLS Working Group of the IETF concerning, amongst other things, the necessity of adding a key update feature to the TLS 1.3 specification

    Programming the Demirci-Selçuk Meet-in-the-Middle Attack with Constraints

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    International audienceCryptanalysis with SAT/SMT, MILP and CP has increased in popularity among symmetric-key cryptanalysts and designers due to its high degree of automation. So far, this approach covers differential, linear, impossible differential, zero-correlation, and integral cryptanaly-sis. However, the Demirci-Selçuk meet-in-the-middle (DS-MITM) attack is one of the most sophisticated techniques that has not been automated with this approach. By an in-depth study of Derbez and Fouque's work on DS-MITM analysis with dedicated search algorithms, we identify the crux of the problem and present a method for automatic DS-MITM attack based on general constraint programming, which allows the crypt-analysts to state the problem at a high level without having to say how it should be solved. Our method is not only able to enumerate distin-guishers but can also partly automate the key-recovery process. This approach makes the DS-MITM cryptanalysis more straightforward and easier to follow, since the resolution of the problem is delegated to off-the-shelf constraint solvers and therefore decoupled from its formulation. We apply the method to SKINNY, TWINE, and LBlock, and we get the currently known best DS-MITM attacks on these ciphers. Moreover, to demonstrate the usefulness of our tool for the block cipher designers, we exhaustively evaluate the security of 8! = 40320 versions of LBlock instantiated with different words permutations in the F functions. It turns out that the permutation used in the original LBlock is one of the 64 permutations showing the strongest resistance against the DS-MITM attack. The whole process is accomplished on a PC in less than 2 hours. The same process is applied to TWINE, and similar results are obtained

    How to Use Metaheuristics for Design of Symmetric-Key Primitives

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    The ultimate goal of designing a symmetric-key cryptographic primitive often can be formulated as an optimization problem. So far, these problems mainly have been solved with trivial algorithms such as brute force or random search. We show that a more advanced and equally versatile class of search algorithms, called metaheuristics, can help to tackle optimization problems related to design of symmetric-key primitives. We use two nature-inspired metaheuristics, simulated annealing and genetic algorithm, to optimize in terms of security the components of two recent cryptographic designs, SKINNY and AES-round based constructions. The positive outputs of the optimization suggest that metaheuristics are non-trivial tools, well suited for automatic design of primitives

    Square Span Programs with Applications to Succinct NIZK Arguments

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    We use SSPs to construct succinct non-interactive zero-knowledge arguments of knowledge. For performance, our proof system is defined over Type III bilinear groups; proofs consist of just 4 group elements, verified in just 6 pairings. Concretely, using the Pinocchio libraries, we estimate that proofs will consist of 160 bytes verified in less than 6 ms

    MILP-aided Cryptanalysis of Round Reduced ChaCha

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    The inclusion of ChaCha20 and Poly1305 into the list of supported ciphers in TLS 1.3 necessitates a security evaluation of those ciphers with all the state-of-the-art tools and innovative cryptanalysis methodologies. Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) has been successfully applied to find more accurate characteristics of several ciphers such as SIMON and SPECK. In our research, we use MILP-aided cryptanalysis to search for differential characteristics, linear approximations and integral properties of ChaCha. We are able to find differential trails up to 2 rounds and linear trails up to 1 round. However, no integral distinguisher has been found, even for 1 round

    Probabilistic Extensions: A One-Step Framework for Finding Rectangle Attacks and Beyond

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    In differential-like attacks, the process typically involves extending a distinguisher forward and backward with probability 1 for some rounds and recovering the key involved in the extended part. Particularly in rectangle attacks, a holistic key recovery strategy can be employed to yield the most efficient attacks tailored to a given distinguisher. In this paper, we treat the distinguisher and the extended part as an integrated entity and give a one-step framework for finding rectangle attacks with the purpose of reducing the overall complexity or attacking more rounds. In this framework, we propose to allow probabilistic differential propagations in the extended part and incorporate the holistic recovery strategy. Additionally, we introduce the ``split-and-bunch technique\u27\u27 to further reduce the time complexity. Beyond rectangle attacks, we extend these foundational concepts to encompass differential attacks as well. To demonstrate the efficiency of our framework, we apply it to Deoxys-BC-384, SKINNY, ForkSkinny, and CRAFT, achieving a series of refined and improved rectangle attacks and differential attacks. Notably, we obtain the first 15-round attack on Deoxys-BC-384, narrowing its security margin to only one round. Furthermore, our differential attack on CRAFT extends to 23 rounds, covering two more rounds than the previous best attacks

    Multi-Key Security: The Even-Mansour Construction Revisited

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    At ASIACRYPT 1991, Even and Mansour introduced a block cipher construction based on a single permutation. Their construction has since been lauded for its simplicity, yet also criticized for not providing the same security as other block ciphers against generic attacks. In this paper, we prove that if a small number of plaintexts are encrypted under multiple independent keys, the Even-Mansour construction surprisingly offers similar security as an ideal block cipher with the same block and key size. Note that this multi-key setting is of high practical relevance, as real-world implementations often allow frequent rekeying. We hope that the results in this paper will further encourage the use of the Even-Mansour construction, especially when the secure and efficient implementation of a key schedule would result in a significant overhead

    Iterative Differential Characteristic of TRIFLE-BC

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    TRIFLE is a Round 1 candidate of the NIST Lightweight Cryptography Standardization process. In this paper, we present an interesting 1-round iterative differential characteristic of the underlying block cipher TRIFLE-BC used in TRIFLE, which holds with probability of 232^{-3}. Consequently, it allows to mount distinguishing attack on TRIFLE-BC for up to 43 (out of 50) rounds with data complexity 21242^{124} and time complexity 21242^{124}. Most importantly, with such an iterative differential characteristic, the forgery attack on TRIFLE can reach up to 21 (out of 50) rounds with data complexity 2632^{63} and time complexity 2632^{63}. Finally, to achieve key recovery attack on reduced TRIFLE, we construct a differential characteristic covering three blocks by carefully choosing the positions of the iterative differential characteristic. As a result, we can mount key-recovery attack on TRIFLE for up to 11 rounds with data complexity 2632^{63} and time complexity 21042^{104}. Although the result in this paper cannot threaten the security margin of TRIFLE, we hope it can help further understand the security of TRIFLE

    Related-Tweakey Impossible Differential Attack on Reduced-Round SKINNY-AEAD M1/M3

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    SKINNY-AEAD is one of the second-round candidates of the Lightweight Cryptography Standardization project held by NIST. SKINNY-AEAD M1 is the primary member of six SKINNY-AEAD schemes, while SKINNY-AEAD M3 is another member with a small tag. In the design document, only security analyses of their underlying primitive SKINNY-128-384 are provided. Besides, there are no valid third-party analyses on SKINNY-AEAD M1/M3 according to our knowledge. Therefore, this paper focuses on constructing the first third-party security analyses on them under a nonce-respecting scenario. By taking the encryption mode of SKINNY-AEAD into consideration and exploiting several properties of SKINNY, we can deduce some necessary constraints on the input and tweakey differences of related-tweakey impossible differential distinguishers. Under these constraints, we can find distinguishers suitable for mounting powerful tweakey recovery attacks. With the help of the automatic searching algorithms based on STP, we find some 14-round distinguishers. Based on one of these distinguishers, we mount a 20-round and an 18-round tweakey recovery attack on SKINNY-AEAD M1/M3. To the best of our knowledge, all these attacks are the best ones so far