55,393 research outputs found

    Adler Function, DIS sum rules and Crewther Relations

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    The current status of the Adler function and two closely related Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) sum rules, namely, the Bjorken sum rule for polarized DIS and the Gross-Llewellyn Smith sum rule are briefly reviewed. A new result is presented: an analytical calculation of the coefficient function of the latter sum rule in a generic gauge theory in order O(alpha_s^4). It is demonstrated that the corresponding Crewther relation allows to fix two of three colour structures in the O(alpha_s^4) contribution to the singlet part of the Adler function.Comment: Talk presented at 10-th DESY Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory: Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory, W\"orlitz, Germany, 25-30 April 201

    Higher Resonance Contributions to the Adler-Weisberger Sum Rule in the Large N_c Limit

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    We determine the NcN_c--dependence of the resonance contributions to the Adler--Weisberger sum rule for the inverse square 1/gA21/g_A^2 of the axial charge coupling constant and show that in the large NcN_c limit the contributions of the Roper-like excitations scale as O(1/Nc)O(1/N_c). Consistency with the 1/Nc21/N_c^2 scaling of the 1/gA21/g_A^2 term in the sum rule requires these contributions to cancel against each other.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, TH Darmstadt preprint IKDA 93/47, REVISE

    Evaluation of the Axial Vector Commutator Sum Rule for Pion-Pion Scattering

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    We consider the sum rule proposed by one of us (SLA), obtained by taking the expectation value of an axial vector commutator in a state with one pion. The sum rule relates the pion decay constant to integrals of pion-pion cross sections, with one pion off the mass shell. We remark that recent data on pion-pion scattering allow a precise evaluation of the sum rule. We also discuss the related Adler--Weisberger sum rule (obtained by taking the expectation value of the same commutator in a state with one nucleon), especially in connection with the problem of extrapolation of the pion momentum off its mass shell. We find, with current data, that both the pion-pion and pion-nucleon sum rules are satisfied to better than six percent, and we give detailed estimates of the experimental and extrapolation errors in the closure discrepancies.Comment: Plain TeX file;minor changes; version to be published in Pys. Rev. D; corrected refs.12,1

    Adler Function, Sum Rules and Crewther Relation of Order O(alpha_s^4): the Singlet Case

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    The analytic result for the singlet part of the Adler function of the vector current in a general gauge theory is presented in five-loop approximation. Comparing this result with the corresponding singlet part of the Gross-Llewellyn Smith sum rule [1], we successfully demonstrate the validity of the generalized Crewther relation for the singlet part. This provides a non-trivial test of both our calculations and the generalized Crewther relation. Combining the result with the already available non-singlet part of the Adler function [2,3] we arrive at the complete O(αs4){\cal O}(\alpha_s^4) expression for the Adler function and, as a direct consequence, at the complete O(αs4){\cal O}(\alpha_s^4) correction to the e+e−e^+ e^- annihilation into hadrons in a general gauge theory.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Final published versio

    Sum Rules for Radiative and Strong Decays of Heavy Mesons

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    We derive two model-independent sum rules relating the transition matrix elements for radiative and strong decays of excited heavy mesons to properties of the lowest-lying heavy mesons. The sum rule for the radiative decays is an analog of the Cabibbo-Radicati sum rule and expresses the sum of the radiative widths in terms of the isovector charge radius of the ground state heavy meson. Using model-dependent estimates and heavy hadron chiral perturbation theory calculations, we show that this sum rule is close to saturation with states of excitation energies less than 1 GeV. An analog of the Adler-Weisberger sum rule gives an useful sum rule for the pionic widths of heavy excited mesons, which is used to set a model-independent upper bound on the coupling of the P-wave heavy mesons.Comment: 12 pages, REVTe
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