586 research outputs found

    Benchmarking datasets for Anomaly-based Network Intrusion Detection: KDD CUP 99 alternatives

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    Machine Learning has been steadily gaining traction for its use in Anomaly-based Network Intrusion Detection Systems (A-NIDS). Research into this domain is frequently performed using the KDD~CUP~99 dataset as a benchmark. Several studies question its usability while constructing a contemporary NIDS, due to the skewed response distribution, non-stationarity, and failure to incorporate modern attacks. In this paper, we compare the performance for KDD-99 alternatives when trained using classification models commonly found in literature: Neural Network, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Naive Bayes and K-Means. Applying the SMOTE oversampling technique and random undersampling, we create a balanced version of NSL-KDD and prove that skewed target classes in KDD-99 and NSL-KDD hamper the efficacy of classifiers on minority classes (U2R and R2L), leading to possible security risks. We explore UNSW-NB15, a modern substitute to KDD-99 with greater uniformity of pattern distribution. We benchmark this dataset before and after SMOTE oversampling to observe the effect on minority performance. Our results indicate that classifiers trained on UNSW-NB15 match or better the Weighted F1-Score of those trained on NSL-KDD and KDD-99 in the binary case, thus advocating UNSW-NB15 as a modern substitute to these datasets.Comment: Paper accepted into Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security 2018 (ICCCS-2018) Statistics: 8 pages, 7 tables, 3 figures, 34 reference

    Empowering One-vs-One Decomposition with Ensemble Learning for Multi-Class Imbalanced Data

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    Zhongliang Zhang was supported by the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC Proj. 61273204) and CSC Scholarship Program (CSC NO. 201406080059). Bartosz Krawczyk was supported by the Polish National Science Center under the grant no. UMO-2015/19/B/ST6/01597. Salvador Garcia and Francisco Herrera were partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under Project TIN2014-57251-P and the Andalusian Research Plan P10-TIC-6858, P11-TIC-7765. Alejandro Rosales-Perez was supported by the CONACyT grant 329013.Multi-class imbalance classification problems occur in many real-world applications, which suffer from the quite different distribution of classes. Decomposition strategies are well-known techniques to address the classification problems involving multiple classes. Among them binary approaches using one-vs-one and one-vs-all has gained a significant attention from the research community. They allow to divide multi-class problems into several easier-to-solve two-class sub-problems. In this study we develop an exhaustive empirical analysis to explore the possibility of empowering the one-vs-one scheme for multi-class imbalance classification problems with applying binary ensemble learning approaches. We examine several state-of-the-art ensemble learning methods proposed for addressing the imbalance problems to solve the pairwise tasks derived from the multi-class data set. Then the aggregation strategy is employed to combine the binary ensemble outputs to reconstruct the original multi-class task. We present a detailed experimental study of the proposed approach, supported by the statistical analysis. The results indicate the high effectiveness of ensemble learning with one-vs-one scheme in dealing with the multi-class imbalance classification problems.National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 61273204CSC Scholarship Program (CSC) 201406080059Polish National Science Center UMO-2015/19/B/ST6/01597Spanish Government TIN2014-57251-PAndalusian Research Plan P10-TIC-6858 P11-TIC-7765Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACyT) 32901

    Development of an R package to learn supervised classification techniques

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    This TFG aims to develop a custom R package for teaching supervised classification algorithms, starting with the identification of requirements, including algorithms, data structures, and libraries. A strong theoretical foundation is essential for effective package design. Documentation will explain each function’s purpose, accompanied by necessary paperwork. The package will include R scripts and data files in organized directories, complemented by a user manual for easy installation and usage, even for beginners. Built entirely from scratch without external dependencies, it’s optimized for accuracy and performance. In conclusion, this TFG provides a roadmap for creating an R package to teach supervised classification algorithms, benefiting researchers and practitioners dealing with real-world challenges.Grado en Ingeniería Informátic

    A Comprehensive Survey on Rare Event Prediction

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    Rare event prediction involves identifying and forecasting events with a low probability using machine learning and data analysis. Due to the imbalanced data distributions, where the frequency of common events vastly outweighs that of rare events, it requires using specialized methods within each step of the machine learning pipeline, i.e., from data processing to algorithms to evaluation protocols. Predicting the occurrences of rare events is important for real-world applications, such as Industry 4.0, and is an active research area in statistical and machine learning. This paper comprehensively reviews the current approaches for rare event prediction along four dimensions: rare event data, data processing, algorithmic approaches, and evaluation approaches. Specifically, we consider 73 datasets from different modalities (i.e., numerical, image, text, and audio), four major categories of data processing, five major algorithmic groupings, and two broader evaluation approaches. This paper aims to identify gaps in the current literature and highlight the challenges of predicting rare events. It also suggests potential research directions, which can help guide practitioners and researchers.Comment: 44 page

    Predicting Student Performance on Virtual Learning Environment

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    Virtual learning has gained increased importance because of the recent pandemic situation. A mass shift to virtual means of education delivery has been observed over the past couple of years, forcing the community to develop efficient performance assessment tools. Prediction of students performance using different relevant information has emerged as an efficient tool in educational institutes towards improving the curriculum and teaching methodologies. Automated analysis of educational data using state of the art Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms is an active area of research. The research presented in this thesis addresses the problem of students performance prediction comprehensively by applying multiple machine learning models (i.e., Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), CATBoost, K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) and Support Vector Classifier (SVC)) on the two benchmark VLE datasets (i.e., Open University Learning Analytics Dataset (OULAD), Coursera). In this context, a series of experiments are performed and important insights are reported. First, the classification performance of machine learning models has been investigated on both OULAD and Coursera datasets. In the second experiment, performance of machine learning models is studied for each course of Coursera dataset and comparative analysis are performed. From the Experiment 1 and Experiment 2, the class imbalance is reported as the highlighted factor responsible for degraded performance of machine learning models. In this context, Experiment 3 is designed to address the class imbalance problem by making use of multiple Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) and generative models (i.e., Generative Adversial Networks (GANs)). From the results, SMOTE NN approach was able to achieve best classification performance among the implemented SMOTE techniques. Further, when mixed with generative models, the SMOTENN-GAN generated Coursera dataset was the best on which machine learning models were able to achieve the classification accuracy around 90%. Overall, MLP, XGBoost and CATBoost machine learning models were emerged as the best performing in context to different experiments performed in this thesis

    Predictive Modelling Approach to Data-Driven Computational Preventive Medicine

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    This thesis contributes novel predictive modelling approaches to data-driven computational preventive medicine and offers an alternative framework to statistical analysis in preventive medicine research. In the early parts of this research, this thesis presents research by proposing a synergy of machine learning methods for detecting patterns and developing inexpensive predictive models from healthcare data to classify the potential occurrence of adverse health events. In particular, the data-driven methodology is founded upon a heuristic-systematic assessment of several machine-learning methods, data preprocessing techniques, models’ training estimation and optimisation, and performance evaluation, yielding a novel computational data-driven framework, Octopus. Midway through this research, this thesis advances research in preventive medicine and data mining by proposing several new extensions in data preparation and preprocessing. It offers new recommendations for data quality assessment checks, a novel multimethod imputation (MMI) process for missing data mitigation, a novel imbalanced resampling approach, and minority pattern reconstruction (MPR) led by information theory. This thesis also extends the area of model performance evaluation with a novel classification performance ranking metric called XDistance. In particular, the experimental results show that building predictive models with the methods guided by our new framework (Octopus) yields domain experts' approval of the new reliable models’ performance. Also, performing the data quality checks and applying the MMI process led healthcare practitioners to outweigh predictive reliability over interpretability. The application of MPR and its hybrid resampling strategies led to better performances in line with experts' success criteria than the traditional imbalanced data resampling techniques. Finally, the use of the XDistance performance ranking metric was found to be more effective in ranking several classifiers' performances while offering an indication of class bias, unlike existing performance metrics The overall contributions of this thesis can be summarised as follow. First, several data mining techniques were thoroughly assessed to formulate the new Octopus framework to produce new reliable classifiers. In addition, we offer a further understanding of the impact of newly engineered features, the physical activity index (PAI) and biological effective dose (BED). Second, the newly developed methods within the new framework. Finally, the newly accepted developed predictive models help detect adverse health events, namely, visceral fat-associated diseases and advanced breast cancer radiotherapy toxicity side effects. These contributions could be used to guide future theories, experiments and healthcare interventions in preventive medicine and data mining

    Conservative Predictions on Noisy Financial Data

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    Price movements in financial markets are well known to be very noisy. As a result, even if there are, on occasion, exploitable patterns that could be picked up by machine-learning algorithms, these are obscured by feature and label noise rendering the predictions less useful, and risky in practice. Traditional rule-learning techniques developed for noisy data, such as CN2, would seek only high precision rules and refrain from making predictions where their antecedents did not apply. We apply a similar approach, where a model abstains from making a prediction on data points that it is uncertain on. During training, a cascade of such models are learned in sequence, similar to rule lists, with each model being trained only on data on which the previous model(s) were uncertain. Similar pruning of data takes place at test-time, with (higher accuracy) predictions being made albeit only on a fraction (support) of test-time data. In a financial prediction setting, such an approach allows decisions to be taken only when the ensemble model is confident, thereby reducing risk. We present results using traditional MLPs as well as differentiable decision trees, on synthetic data as well as real financial market data, to predict fixed-term returns using commonly used features. We submit that our approach is likely to result in better overall returns at a lower level of risk. In this context we introduce an utility metric to measure the average gain per trade, as well as the return adjusted for downside risk, both of which are improved significantly by our approach.Comment: Accepted at ACM ICAIF 202

    Leveraging Advanced Analytics for Backorder Prediction and Optimization of Business Operations in the Supply Chain

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    Businesses can unlock valuable insights by leveraging advanced analytics techniques to optimize supply chain processes and address backorders. Backorders occur when a customer order cannot be fulfilled immediately due to lack of available supply. Root causes of backorders can range from supply chain complications and manufacturing miscalculations to logistical challenges. While a surge in demand might initially seem beneficial, backorders come with inherent costs, leading to supply chain disruptions, dissatisfied customers, and lost sales. This research aimed to assess the efficacy of predictive analytics in detecting early backorder signs and to understand how parameter tuning influences the performance of these predictive models. The foundation of this study was laid through an exhaustive literature review. In-depth Exploratory Data Analytics/ EDA was utilized to investigate datasets, followed by rigorous preprocessing steps, including data cleaning, feature engineering, scaling, and resampling. Machine learning models were subsequently trained, tuned, and assessed using appropriate evaluation metrics. Findings from this research underscored the value of predictive analytics in early backorder identification. They also offered a comparative analysis of machine learning algorithms and highlighted the significance of parameter tuning. Additionally, they established the necessity of multi-metric evaluations for imbalanced datasets. Thus, the study has provided a fundamental framework that can serve as a basis for future research endeavors

    Behavioral analysis in cybersecurity using machine learning: a study based on graph representation, class imbalance and temporal dissection

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    The main goal of this thesis is to improve behavioral cybersecurity analysis using machine learning, exploiting graph structures, temporal dissection, and addressing imbalance problems.This main objective is divided into four specific goals: OBJ1: To study the influence of the temporal resolution on highlighting micro-dynamics in the entity behavior classification problem. In real use cases, time-series information could be not enough for describing the entity behavior classification. For this reason, we plan to exploit graph structures for integrating both structured and unstructured data in a representation of entities and their relationships. In this way, it will be possible to appreciate not only the single temporal communication but the whole behavior of these entities. Nevertheless, entity behaviors evolve over time and therefore, a static graph may not be enoughto describe all these changes. For this reason, we propose to use a temporal dissection for creating temporal subgraphs and therefore, analyze the influence of the temporal resolution on the graph creation and the entity behaviors within. Furthermore, we propose to study how the temporal granularity should be used for highlighting network micro-dynamics and short-term behavioral changes which can be a hint of suspicious activities. OBJ2: To develop novel sampling methods that work with disconnected graphs for addressing imbalanced problems avoiding component topology changes. Graph imbalance problem is a very common and challenging task and traditional graph sampling techniques that work directly on these structures cannot be used without modifying the graph’s intrinsic information or introducing bias. Furthermore, existing techniques have shown to be limited when disconnected graphs are used. For this reason, novel resampling methods for balancing the number of nodes that can be directly applied over disconnected graphs, without altering component topologies, need to be introduced. In particular, we propose to take advantage of the existence of disconnected graphs to detect and replicate the most relevant graph components without changing their topology, while considering traditional data-level strategies for handling the entity behaviors within. OBJ3: To study the usefulness of the generative adversarial networks for addressing the class imbalance problem in cybersecurity applications. Although traditional data-level pre-processing techniques have shown to be effective for addressing class imbalance problems, they have also shown downside effects when highly variable datasets are used, as it happens in cybersecurity. For this reason, new techniques that can exploit the overall data distribution for learning highly variable behaviors should be investigated. In this sense, GANs have shown promising results in the image and video domain, however, their extension to tabular data is not trivial. For this reason, we propose to adapt GANs for working with cybersecurity data and exploit their ability in learning and reproducing the input distribution for addressing the class imbalance problem (as an oversampling technique). Furthermore, since it is not possible to find a unique GAN solution that works for every scenario, we propose to study several GAN architectures with several training configurations to detect which is the best option for a cybersecurity application. OBJ4: To analyze temporal data trends and performance drift for enhancing cyber threat analysis. Temporal dynamics and incoming new data can affect the quality of the predictions compromising the model reliability. This phenomenon makes models get outdated without noticing. In this sense, it is very important to be able to extract more insightful information from the application domain analyzing data trends, learning processes, and performance drifts over time. For this reason, we propose to develop a systematic approach for analyzing how the data quality and their amount affect the learning process. Moreover, in the contextof CTI, we propose to study the relations between temporal performance drifts and the input data distribution for detecting possible model limitations, enhancing cyber threat analysis.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias y Tecnologías Industriales (RD 99/2011) Industria Zientzietako eta Teknologietako Doktoretza Programa (ED 99/2011
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