37 research outputs found

    Addressing Complex and Subjective Product-Related Queries with Customer Reviews

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    Online reviews are often our first port of call when considering products and purchases online. When evaluating a potential purchase, we may have a specific query in mind, e.g. `will this baby seat fit in the overhead compartment of a 747?' or `will I like this album if I liked Taylor Swift's 1989?'. To answer such questions we must either wade through huge volumes of consumer reviews hoping to find one that is relevant, or otherwise pose our question directly to the community via a Q/A system. In this paper we hope to fuse these two paradigms: given a large volume of previously answered queries about products, we hope to automatically learn whether a review of a product is relevant to a given query. We formulate this as a machine learning problem using a mixture-of-experts-type framework---here each review is an `expert' that gets to vote on the response to a particular query; simultaneously we learn a relevance function such that `relevant' reviews are those that vote correctly. At test time this learned relevance function allows us to surface reviews that are relevant to new queries on-demand. We evaluate our system, Moqa, on a novel corpus of 1.4 million questions (and answers) and 13 million reviews. We show quantitatively that it is effective at addressing both binary and open-ended queries, and qualitatively that it surfaces reviews that human evaluators consider to be relevant.Comment: WWW 2016; 14 pages, 5 figure

    Review Conversational Reading Comprehension

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    Inspired by conversational reading comprehension (CRC), this paper studies a novel task of leveraging reviews as a source to build an agent that can answer multi-turn questions from potential consumers of online businesses. We first build a review CRC dataset and then propose a novel task-aware pre-tuning step running between language model (e.g., BERT) pre-training and domain-specific fine-tuning. The proposed pre-tuning requires no data annotation, but can greatly enhance the performance on our end task. Experimental results show that the proposed approach is highly effective and has competitive performance as the supervised approach. The dataset is available at \url{https://github.com/howardhsu/RCRC

    Product Function Need Recognition via Semi-supervised Attention Network

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    Functionality is of utmost importance to customers when they purchase products. However, it is unclear to customers whether a product can really satisfy their needs on functions. Further, missing functions may be intentionally hidden by the manufacturers or the sellers. As a result, a customer needs to spend a fair amount of time before purchasing or just purchase the product on his/her own risk. In this paper, we first identify a novel QA corpus that is dense on product functionality information \footnote{The annotated corpus can be found at \url{https://www.cs.uic.edu/~hxu/}.}. We then design a neural network called Semi-supervised Attention Network (SAN) to discover product functions from questions. This model leverages unlabeled data as contextual information to perform semi-supervised sequence labeling. We conduct experiments to show that the extracted function have both high coverage and accuracy, compared with a wide spectrum of baselines

    Top-N-Rank: A Scalable List-wise Ranking Method for Recommender Systems

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    We propose Top-N-Rank, a novel family of list-wise Learning-to-Rank models for reliably recommending the N top-ranked items. The proposed models optimize a variant of the widely used discounted cumulative gain (DCG) objective function which differs from DCG in two important aspects: (i) It limits the evaluation of DCG only on the top N items in the ranked lists, thereby eliminating the impact of low-ranked items on the learned ranking function; and (ii) it incorporates weights that allow the model to leverage multiple types of implicit feedback with differing levels of reliability or trustworthiness. Because the resulting objective function is non-smooth and hence challenging to optimize, we consider two smooth approximations of the objective function, using the traditional sigmoid function and the rectified linear unit (ReLU). We propose a family of learning-to-rank algorithms (Top-N-Rank) that work with any smooth objective function. Then, a more efficient variant, Top-N-Rank.ReLU, is introduced, which effectively exploits the properties of ReLU function to reduce the computational complexity of Top-N-Rank from quadratic to linear in the average number of items rated by users. The results of our experiments using two widely used benchmarks, namely, the MovieLens data set and the Amazon Video Games data set demonstrate that: (i) The `top-N truncation' of the objective function substantially improves the ranking quality of the top N recommendations; (ii) using the ReLU for smoothing the objective function yields significant improvement in both ranking quality as well as runtime as compared to using the sigmoid; and (iii) Top-N-Rank.ReLU substantially outperforms the well-performing list-wise ranking methods in terms of ranking quality.Comment: paper accepted by the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Dat

    A Repository of Conversational Datasets

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    Progress in Machine Learning is often driven by the availability of large datasets, and consistent evaluation metrics for comparing modeling approaches. To this end, we present a repository of conversational datasets consisting of hundreds of millions of examples, and a standardised evaluation procedure for conversational response selection models using '1-of-100 accuracy'. The repository contains scripts that allow researchers to reproduce the standard datasets, or to adapt the pre-processing and data filtering steps to their needs. We introduce and evaluate several competitive baselines for conversational response selection, whose implementations are shared in the repository, as well as a neural encoder model that is trained on the entire training set

    Learning to Attend On Essential Terms: An Enhanced Retriever-Reader Model for Open-domain Question Answering

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    Open-domain question answering remains a challenging task as it requires models that are capable of understanding questions and answers, collecting useful information, and reasoning over evidence. Previous work typically formulates this task as a reading comprehension or entailment problem given evidence retrieved from search engines. However, existing techniques struggle to retrieve indirectly related evidence when no directly related evidence is provided, especially for complex questions where it is hard to parse precisely what the question asks. In this paper we propose a retriever-reader model that learns to attend on essential terms during the question answering process. We build (1) an essential term selector which first identifies the most important words in a question, then reformulates the query and searches for related evidence; and (2) an enhanced reader that distinguishes between essential terms and distracting words to predict the answer. We evaluate our model on multiple open-domain multiple-choice QA datasets, notably performing at the level of the state-of-the-art on the AI2 Reasoning Challenge (ARC) dataset

    Dual Attention Network for Product Compatibility and Function Satisfiability Analysis

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    Product compatibility and their functionality are of utmost importance to customers when they purchase products, and to sellers and manufacturers when they sell products. Due to the huge number of products available online, it is infeasible to enumerate and test the compatibility and functionality of every product. In this paper, we address two closely related problems: product compatibility analysis and function satisfiability analysis, where the second problem is a generalization of the first problem (e.g., whether a product works with another product can be considered as a special function). We first identify a novel question and answering corpus that is up-to-date regarding product compatibility and functionality information. To allow automatic discovery product compatibility and functionality, we then propose a deep learning model called Dual Attention Network (DAN). Given a QA pair for a to-be-purchased product, DAN learns to 1) discover complementary products (or functions), and 2) accurately predict the actual compatibility (or satisfiability) of the discovered products (or functions). The challenges addressed by the model include the briefness of QAs, linguistic patterns indicating compatibility, and the appropriate fusion of questions and answers. We conduct experiments to quantitatively and qualitatively show that the identified products and functions have both high coverage and accuracy, compared with a wide spectrum of baselines

    Open Information Extraction from Question-Answer Pairs

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    Open Information Extraction (OpenIE) extracts meaningful structured tuples from free-form text. Most previous work on OpenIE considers extracting data from one sentence at a time. We describe NeurON, a system for extracting tuples from question-answer pairs. Since real questions and answers often contain precisely the information that users care about, such information is particularly desirable to extend a knowledge base with. NeurON addresses several challenges. First, an answer text is often hard to understand without knowing the question, and second, relevant information can span multiple sentences. To address these, NeurON formulates extraction as a multi-source sequence-to-sequence learning task, wherein it combines distributed representations of a question and an answer to generate knowledge facts. We describe experiments on two real-world datasets that demonstrate that NeurON can find a significant number of new and interesting facts to extend a knowledge base compared to state-of-the-art OpenIE methods.Comment: NAACL 201

    Review-Driven Answer Generation for Product-Related Questions in E-Commerce

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    The users often have many product-related questions before they make a purchase decision in E-commerce. However, it is often time-consuming to examine each user review to identify the desired information. In this paper, we propose a novel review-driven framework for answer generation for product-related questions in E-commerce, named RAGE. We develope RAGE on the basis of the multi-layer convolutional architecture to facilitate speed-up of answer generation with the parallel computation. For each question, RAGE first extracts the relevant review snippets from the reviews of the corresponding product. Then, we devise a mechanism to identify the relevant information from the noise-prone review snippets and incorporate this information to guide the answer generation. The experiments on two real-world E-Commerce datasets show that the proposed RAGE significantly outperforms the existing alternatives in producing more accurate and informative answers in natural language. Moreover, RAGE takes much less time for both model training and answer generation than the existing RNN based generation models

    Subjective Knowledge Acquisition and Enrichment Powered By Crowdsourcing

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    Knowledge bases (KBs) have attracted increasing attention due to its great success in various areas, such as Web and mobile search.Existing KBs are restricted to objective factual knowledge, such as city population or fruit shape, whereas,subjective knowledge, such as big city, which is commonly mentioned in Web and mobile queries, has been neglected. Subjective knowledge differs from objective knowledge in that it has no documented or observed ground truth. Instead, the truth relies on people's dominant opinion. Thus, we can use the crowdsourcing technique to get opinion from the crowd. In our work, we propose a system, called crowdsourced subjective knowledge acquisition (CoSKA),for subjective knowledge acquisition powered by crowdsourcing and existing KBs. The acquired knowledge can be used to enrich existing KBs in the subjective dimension which bridges the gap between existing objective knowledge and subjective queries.The main challenge of CoSKA is the conflict between large scale knowledge facts and limited crowdsourcing resource. To address this challenge, in this work, we define knowledge inference rules and then select the seed knowledge judiciously for crowdsourcing to maximize the inference power under the resource constraint. Our experimental results on real knowledge base and crowdsourcing platform verify the effectiveness of CoSKA system