10 research outputs found

    Self-Explanation Prompts in iFractions: The Effect on Students with Different Levels of Ability

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the help element that is the self-explanation prompts in iFractions educational game software, on the achievement of students with different levels of ability. A total of 40 students from a school in Pulau Pinang participated in this survey. The study was conducted using quasi -experimental with a 3 x 2 factorial design where the questionnaires involved were the pre-test and post-test. The self-explanation prompts was developed using the cartoon concept. The study data was analysed using SPSS version 20 software with the t-test parametric comparison analysis. The findings of the study indicate that the self-explanation prompts in iFractions has helped to improve the students’ achievements when compared to MyCD software without the self-explanation prompts. High ability students and low ability students who used the self-explanation prompts showed significantly better achievements. Students with different levels of ability who used iFractions with self-explanation prompts found that it has helped them make the fractions abstract concept concrete and facilitate the proper construction of fractions schema. Therefore, the design of any educational software must be constructive in parallel with the combination of scaffolding element which is the self-explanation prompts. Keywords: Self- explanation prompts; high ability; low abilit

    Evaluating ChatGPT's Decimal Skills and Feedback Generation in a Digital Learning Game

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    While open-ended self-explanations have been shown to promote robust learning in multiple studies, they pose significant challenges to automated grading and feedback in technology-enhanced learning, due to the unconstrained nature of the students' input. Our work investigates whether recent advances in Large Language Models, and in particular ChatGPT, can address this issue. Using decimal exercises and student data from a prior study of the learning game Decimal Point, with more than 5,000 open-ended self-explanation responses, we investigate ChatGPT's capability in (1) solving the in-game exercises, (2) determining the correctness of students' answers, and (3) providing meaningful feedback to incorrect answers. Our results showed that ChatGPT can respond well to conceptual questions, but struggled with decimal place values and number line problems. In addition, it was able to accurately assess the correctness of 75% of the students' answers and generated generally high-quality feedback, similar to human instructors. We conclude with a discussion of ChatGPT's strengths and weaknesses and suggest several venues for extending its use cases in digital teaching and learning.Comment: Be accepted as a Research Paper in 18th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learnin

    A Domain-Specific Modeling approach for a simulation-driven validation of gamified learning environments Case study about teaching the mimicry of emotions to children with autism

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    Game elements are rarely explicit when designing serious games or gamified learning activities. We think that the overall design, including instructional design aspects and gamification elements, should be validate by involved experts in the earlier stage of the general design & develop process. We tackle this challenge by proposing a Domain-specific Modeling orientation to our proposals: a metamodeling formalism to capture the gamified instructional design model, and a specific validation process involving domain experts. The validation includes a static verification , by using this formalism to model concrete learning sessions based on concrete informations from real situations described by experts, and a dynamic verification, by developing a simplified simulator for 'execut-ing' the learning sessions scenarios with experts. This propositions are part of the EmoTED research project about a learning application, the mimicry of emotions, for children with ASD. It aims at reinforce face-to-face teaching sessions with therapists by training sessions at home with the supervision of the children's parents. This case-study will ground our proposals and their experimentations

    Exploring the Use of Self-explanation Prompts in a Collaborative Learning Environment

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    abstract: A recorded tutorial dialogue can produce positive learning gains, when observed and used to promote discussion between a pair of learners; however, this same effect does not typically occur when an leaner observes a tutorial dialogue by himself or herself. One potential approach to enhancing learning in the latter situation is by incorporating self-explanation prompts, a proven technique for encouraging students to engage in active learning and attend to the material in a meaningful way. This study examined whether learning from observing recorded tutorial dialogues could be made more effective by adding self-explanation prompts in computer-based learning environment. The research questions in this two-experiment study were (a) Do self-explanation prompts help support student learning while watching a recorded dialogue? and (b) Does collaboratively observing (in dyads) a tutorial dialogue with self-explanation prompts help support student learning while watching a recorded dialogue? In Experiment 1, 66 participants were randomly assigned as individuals to a physics lesson (a) with self-explanation prompts (Condition 1) or (b) without self-explanation prompts (Condition 2). In Experiment 2, 20 participants were randomly assigned in 10 pairs to the same physics lesson (a) with self-explanation prompts (Condition 1) or (b) without self-explanation prompts (Condition 2). Pretests and posttests were administered, as well as other surveys that measured motivation and system usability. Although supplemental analyses showed some significant differences among individual scale items or factors, neither primary results for Experiment 1 or Experiment 2 were significant for changes in posttest scores from pretest scores for learning, motivation, or system usability assessments.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Educational Technology 201

    Adding self-explanation prompts to an educational computer game

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    Adoção de jogos no planejamento estratégico

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    The search for administrative effectiveness seeking the development of a flexible and efficient management to meet the demand of a society as well as to adapt to the modern world requires of the organizations a proactive attitude encouraging the application of strategic planning as an administration tool. In this scope, we try to explore how, more and more, organizations seek to strategic planning to organize themselves observing the real improvements in the performance of the organizations, which can be attributed to the increase of training in the sector evidencing the learning of the strategic planning and repositioning process. Gamification appears as an alternative to traditional methods for elaborating the Strategic Plan of organizations, using methods of games in contexts that are not related to entertainment, applying these methods in the corporate context. Gamification appears as an alternative to promote learning through ludopedagogic and interactive practice with proven effective results. We believe that, in this way, the use of gamification in the organizational environment is of great value and can be a transformative element in the elaboration of the Participatory Strategic Plan, helping and creating new opportunities previously unknown.A busca da eficácia administrativa buscando o desenvolvimento de uma gestão flexível e eficiente para atender a demanda de uma sociedade, bem como se adequar ao mundo moderno requer das organizações uma atitude proativa incentivando a aplicação do planejamento estratégico como ferramenta de administração. Neste escopo, procura-se explorar como, cada vez mais as organizações recorrem a um planejamento estratégico para organizar-se, observando as reais melhorias no desempenho das organizações, o que pode ser atribuído ao aumento da capacitação no setor evidenciando o aprendizado do processo de planejamento e reposicionamento estratégico. A gamificação surge como uma alternativa aos métodos tradicionais para elaboração do Plano Estratégico das organizações, utilizando métodos de jogos em contextos que não são relacionados a entretenimento, aplicando esses métodos no contexto corporativo. A gamificação desperta a experenciar novos modelos de aprendizagem e surge como uma alternativa para promover o aprendizado por meio de prática ludo pedagógicas e interativas com resultados comprovadamente eficazes. Acreditamos que, desta forma, a utilização da gamificação no ambiente organizacional é de grande valia e pode vir a ser um elemento transformador na elaboração do Plano Estratégico Participativo, auxiliando e criando novas oportunidades antes desconhecidas

    Lernen aus Fehlern – Der Einfluss von Fehleranalyseprompts und Begründungsprompts auf das selbstregulierte Lernen in einer Online-Lernumgebung zum Thema Elektrokardiogramm

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    Besonders in der Medizin ist es wichtig, sich mit Fehlern und deren Ursachen zu beschäftigen. Um Fehler zu reduzieren, ist eine interindividuelle Förderung nötig, eine bloße Aufklärung über Fehlerursachen reicht nicht. Prompts als Aufgaben, die eine Selbsterklärung eines Sachverhalts beim Bearbeiter bewirken, scheinen hier vielversprechend. Um dies näher zu untersuchen, wurde die Wirkung speziell gestalteter Prompts auf verschiedene Bereiche des selbstregulierten Lernens analysiert, wofür die Lernleistung von 101 Medizinstudenten mit PJ Reife in einem 2 × 2 faktoriellen Design (Begründungsprompts vs. keine, Fehleranalyseprompts vs. keine) verglichen wurde. Alle Probanden bearbeiteten Patientenfälle in einer Online Lernumgebung zum Thema Elektrokardiogramm. Die Auswirkung der Prompts auf den Lernerfolg, sowie weitere kognitive, metakognitive und motivationale Faktoren wurden erfasst. Die gerichteten Hypothesen über eine lernförderliche Wirkung konnten in der vorliegenden Untersuchung nicht bestätigt werden. Der Nutzen von Fehleranalyseprompts bleibt somit unklar. Begründungsprompts zeigten negative Effekte auf motivationale Faktoren und erhöhten die Sicherheit bei der Beantwortung eines Wissenstests. Begründungsprompts sollten nur mit Bedacht genutzt werden. Weitere Untersuchungen zum optimalen Einsatz von Prompts zur Lernunterstützung sind nötig

    Lernen aus Fehlern – Der Einfluss von Fehleranalyseprompts und Begründungsprompts auf das selbstregulierte Lernen in einer Online-Lernumgebung zum Thema Elektrokardiogramm

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    Besonders in der Medizin ist es wichtig, sich mit Fehlern und deren Ursachen zu beschäftigen. Um Fehler zu reduzieren, ist eine interindividuelle Förderung nötig, eine bloße Aufklärung über Fehlerursachen reicht nicht. Prompts als Aufgaben, die eine Selbsterklärung eines Sachverhalts beim Bearbeiter bewirken, scheinen hier vielversprechend. Um dies näher zu untersuchen, wurde die Wirkung speziell gestalteter Prompts auf verschiedene Bereiche des selbstregulierten Lernens analysiert, wofür die Lernleistung von 101 Medizinstudenten mit PJ Reife in einem 2 × 2 faktoriellen Design (Begründungsprompts vs. keine, Fehleranalyseprompts vs. keine) verglichen wurde. Alle Probanden bearbeiteten Patientenfälle in einer Online Lernumgebung zum Thema Elektrokardiogramm. Die Auswirkung der Prompts auf den Lernerfolg, sowie weitere kognitive, metakognitive und motivationale Faktoren wurden erfasst. Die gerichteten Hypothesen über eine lernförderliche Wirkung konnten in der vorliegenden Untersuchung nicht bestätigt werden. Der Nutzen von Fehleranalyseprompts bleibt somit unklar. Begründungsprompts zeigten negative Effekte auf motivationale Faktoren und erhöhten die Sicherheit bei der Beantwortung eines Wissenstests. Begründungsprompts sollten nur mit Bedacht genutzt werden. Weitere Untersuchungen zum optimalen Einsatz von Prompts zur Lernunterstützung sind nötig