2 research outputs found

    Campus Bridging: Software & Software Service Issues Workshop Report

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    This report summarizes the discussion at and findings of a workshop on the software and services aspects of cyberinfrastructure as they apply to campus bridging. The workshop took a broad view of software and services, including services in the business sense of the word, such as user support, in addition to information technology services. Specifically, the workshop addressed the following two goals: * Suggest common elements of software stacks widely usable across the nation/world to promote interoperability/economy of scale; and * Suggested policy documents that any research university should have in place.The preparation of this report and related documents was supported by several sources, including: * The National Science Foundation through Grant 0829462 (Bradley C. Wheeler, PI; Geoffrey Brown, Craig A. Stewart, Beth Plale, Dennis Gannon Co-PIs). * Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute (http://pti.iu.edu/) for funding staff providing logistical support of the task force activities, writing and editorial staff, and layout and production of the final report document. * RENCI (the Renaissance Computing Institute, http://www.renci.org/) supported this workshop and report by generously providing the time and effort of John McGee. * Texas A&M University (http://www.tamu.edu) supported this workshop and report by generously providing the time and effort of Guy Almes

    Adding a Campus Cluster to the SURAgrid Regional Computing Grid

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    This work describes the creation of a university computing cluster and its integration with the SURAgrid. The project involved acquiring and installing a cluster and adding software and middleware to integrate the cluster with the grid. The project also contributed to the development of the grid middleware build process and contributed to the grid installation/build manual