3 research outputs found

    Onfocus detection:Identifying individual-camera eye contact from unconstrained images

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    Onfocus detection aims at identifying whether the focus of the individual captured by a camera is on the camera or not. Based on the behavioral research, the focus of an individual during face-to-camera communication leads to a special type of eye contact, i.e., the individual-camera eye contact, which is a powerful signal in social communication and plays a crucial role in recognizing irregular individual status (e.g., lying or suffering mental disease) and special purposes (e.g., seeking help or attracting fans). Thus, developing effective onfocus detection algorithms is of significance for assisting the criminal investigation, disease discovery, and social behavior analysis. However, the review of the literature shows that very few efforts have been made toward the development of onfocus detector due to the lack of large-scale public available datasets as well as the challenging nature of this task. To this end, this paper engages in the onfocus detection research by addressing the above two issues. Firstly, we build a large-scale onfocus detection dataset, named as the OnFocus Detection In the Wild (OFDIW). It consists of 20,623 images in unconstrained capture conditions (thus called ``in the wild'') and contains individuals with diverse emotions, ages, facial characteristics, and rich interactions with surrounding objects and background scenes. On top of that, we propose a novel end-to-end deep model, i.e., the eye-context interaction inferring network (ECIIN), for onfocus detection, which explores eye-context interaction via dynamic capsule routing. Finally, comprehensive experiments are conducted on the proposed OFDIW dataset to benchmark the existing learning models and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed ECIIN. The project (containing both datasets and codes) is at https://github.com/wintercho/focus

    Model Order Estimation in the Presence of multipath Interference using Residual Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Model order estimation (MOE) is often a pre-requisite for Direction of Arrival (DoA) estimation. Due to limits imposed by array geometry, it is typically not possible to estimate spatial parameters for an arbitrary number of sources; an estimate of the signal model is usually required. MOE is the process of selecting the most likely signal model from several candidates. While classic methods fail at MOE in the presence of coherent multipath interference, data-driven supervised learning models can solve this problem. Instead of the classic MLP (Multiple Layer Perceptions) or CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) architectures, we propose the application of Residual Convolutional Neural Networks (RCNN), with grouped symmetric kernel filters to deliver state-of-art estimation accuracy of up to 95.2\% in the presence of coherent multipath, and a weighted loss function to eliminate underestimation error of the model order. We show the benefit of the approach by demonstrating its impact on an overall signal processing flow that determines the number of total signals received by the array, the number of independent sources, and the association of each of the paths with those sources . Moreover, we show that the proposed estimator provides accurate performance over a variety of array types, can identify the overloaded scenario, and ultimately provides strong DoA estimation and signal association performance