4 research outputs found

    A New Computed Torque Control System with an Uncertain RBF Neural Network Controller for a 7-DOF Robot

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    A novel percutaneous puncture robot system is proposed in the paper. Increasing the surgical equipment precision to reduce the patient\u27s pain and the doctor\u27s operation difficulty to treat smaller tumors can increase the success rate of surgery. To attain this goal, an optimized Computed Torque Law (CTL) using a radial basis function (RBF) neural network controller (RCTL) is proposed to improve the direction and position accuracy. BRF neural network with an uncertain term (URBF) which is able to compensate the system error caused by the imprecision of the model is added in the RCTL system. At first, a 7-DOF robotic system is established. It consists of robotic arm and actuator control channels. Now, the RBF compensator is added to the CTL to adjust the robot arm to reduce the position and direction errors. The angle and velocity errors of the robot arm are compensated using the RBF controller. According to the Lyapunov theory, the accuracy of torque control system depends on path tracking errors, inertia of robot, dynamic parameters and disturbance of each joint. Compared to general CTL approaches, the precision of a 7-DOF robot could be improved by adjusting the RBF parameters

    Robust BELBIC-Extension for Trajectory Tracking Control

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    Нейросетевое управление манипулятором

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    В данной работе в качестве объекта исследования рассматривается двухзвенный манипулятор, исследуются и анализируются его динамические характеристики. Далее разработано управление объектом на основе использования нейронной сети, составлена схема управления манипулятором, разработана имитационная модель в приложении Simulink программы MatLab. В итоге выполнено моделирование отслеживания траектории манипулятора, управляемого нейронной сетью RBF.In this paper, a two-link manipulator is considered as an object of study, its dynamic characteristics are investigated and analyzed. Further, object control was developed based on the use of a neural network, a manipulator control scheme was drawn up, and a simulation model was developed in the Simulink application of the MatLab program. As a result, the tracking of the trajectory of the manipulator controlled by the RBF neural network was simulated

    Robotic Trajectory Tracking: Position- and Force-Control

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    This thesis employs a bottom-up approach to develop robust and adaptive learning algorithms for trajectory tracking: position and torque control. In a first phase, the focus is put on the following of a freeform surface in a discontinuous manner. Next to resulting switching constraints, disturbances and uncertainties, the case of unknown robot models is addressed. In a second phase, once contact has been established between surface and end effector and the freeform path is followed, a desired force is applied. In order to react to changing circumstances, the manipulator needs to show the features of an intelligent agent, i.e. it needs to learn and adapt its behaviour based on a combination of a constant interaction with its environment and preprogramed goals or preferences. The robotic manipulator mimics the human behaviour based on bio-inspired algorithms. In this way it is taken advantage of the know-how and experience of human operators as their knowledge is translated in robot skills. A selection of promising concepts is explored, developed and combined to extend the application areas of robotic manipulators from monotonous, basic tasks in stiff environments to complex constrained processes. Conventional concepts (Sliding Mode Control, PID) are combined with bio-inspired learning (BELBIC, reinforcement based learning) for robust and adaptive control. Independence of robot parameters is guaranteed through approximated robot functions using a Neural Network with online update laws and model-free algorithms. The performance of the concepts is evaluated through simulations and experiments. In complex freeform trajectory tracking applications, excellent absolute mean position errors (<0.3 rad) are achieved. Position and torque control are combined in a parallel concept with minimized absolute mean torque errors (<0.1 Nm)