2 research outputs found

    Bond graph based sensitivity and uncertainty analysis modelling for micro-scale multiphysics robust engineering design

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    Components within micro-scale engineering systems are often at the limits of commercial miniaturization and this can cause unexpected behavior and variation in performance. As such, modelling and analysis of system robustness plays an important role in product development. Here schematic bond graphs are used as a front end in a sensitivity analysis based strategy for modelling robustness in multiphysics micro-scale engineering systems. As an example, the analysis is applied to a behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid. By using bond graphs to model power flow through components within different physical domains of the hearing aid, a set of differential equations to describe the system dynamics is collated. Based on these equations, sensitivity analysis calculations are used to approximately model the nature and the sources of output uncertainty during system operation. These calculations represent a robustness evaluation of the current hearing aid design and offer a means of identifying potential for improved designs of multiphysics systems by way of key parameter identification

    Cancelamento de sinais interferentes usando arranjo de microfones: aplicação em aparelhos auditivos

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnolĂłgico, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em Engenharia ElĂ©trica, FlorianĂłpolis, 2013.À medida que o Brasil aumenta sua taxa de envelhecimento populacional, mais pessoas adquirem alguma forma de deficiĂȘncia auditiva, dificultando o convĂ­vio social e reduzindo a qualidade de vida. Embora cada deficiĂȘncia tenha uma causa e, portanto, uma solução especĂ­fica, o aumento na relação sinal-ruĂ­do e sinal-interferĂȘncia pode reduzir o seu impacto geral.Este trabalho tem foco na redução de ruĂ­dos e interferĂȘncias em sinais de ĂĄudio utilizando um arranjo de microfones, implementado adaptativamente atravĂ©s de uma estrutura conhecida como conformador de feixe. AtravĂ©s da redundĂąncia obtida pelos mĂșltiplos microfones, esta estrutura tem a capacidade de filtrar sinais tanto em frequĂȘncia quanto em Ăąngulo de incidĂȘncia, de forma a dar ĂȘnfase a sinais julgados de interesse e atenuar sinais de interferĂȘncia. Por ser adaptativo, o arranjo pode ainda rastrear deslocamentos dos sinais interferentes de forma a efetuar a atenuação mesmo em ambientes ou sinais nĂŁo estacionĂĄrios. Duas estruturas, uma clĂĄssica e outra com tĂ©cnicas mais recentes de processamento, serĂŁo comparadas utilizando simulaçÔes. Estas estruturas foram construĂ­das atravĂ©s da variação de parĂąmetros que vĂŁo desde a construção do arranjo ao algoritmo de adaptação utilizado no problema de otimização. Neste ponto, serĂŁo confrontados o clĂĄssico algoritmo CLMS (Constrained Least Mean Squares) e o mais recente Multi-Split LMS (MS-LMS).Como conclusĂŁo, a estrutura mais avançada obteve um desempenho substancialmente melhor que o da estrutura clĂĄssica, confirmando as expectativas. Abstract : As the Brazil increases its population aging rate, more peoplegain some form of hearing impairment, which complicates socialinteraction and reduces the quality of life. Although each deficiency hasa cause and, therefore, a specific solution, the increasing of signal-tonoiseand signal-to-interference ratio can reduce their general impact.This work focuses on noise and interference reduction in audiosignals using a microphone array, which is adaptively implemented via astructure known as beamformer. Through the obtained redundancy bythe multiple microphones, this structure has the capacity to filter signalsboth in frequency and in incidence angle, in order to give emphasis tosignals judged as of interest and to reduce interference signals. For beingadaptive, the array can even track shifts of the interfering signals inorder to perform the cancellation even in nonstationaries environmentsor signals.Two structures, one classic and another with more recentprocessing techniques, will be compared using simulations. Thesestructures were built through variation of parameters that ranging from the array's construction to the adaptive algorithm used in theoptimization problem. In this point, it will be confronted the classicCLMS (Constrained Least Mean Squares) algorithm and the more recentMulti-Split LMS (MS-LMS). As conclusion, the more advanced structure has obtained a substantially better performance than the pioneer structure, confirming the expectations