3 research outputs found

    A comparative study of adaptive mutation operators for metaheuristics

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    Genetic algorithms (GAs) are a class of stochastic optimization methods inspired by the principles of natural evolution. Adaptation of strategy parameters and genetic operators has become an important and promising research area in GAs. Many researchers are applying adaptive techniques to guide the search of GAs toward optimum solutions. Mutation is a key component of GAs. It is a variation operator to create diversity for GAs. This paper investigates several adaptive mutation operators, including population level adaptive mutation operators and gene level adaptive mutation operators, for GAs and compares their performance based on a set of uni-modal and multi-modal benchmark problems. The experimental results show that the gene level adaptive mutation operators are usually more efficient than the population level adaptive mutation operators for GAs

    Adaptive mutation with fitness and allele distribution correlation for genetic algorithms

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    In this paper, a new gene based adaptive mutation scheme is proposed for genetic algorithms (GAs), where the information on gene based fitness statistics and on gene based allele distribution statistics are correlated to explicitly adapt the mutation probability for each gene locus over time. A convergence control mechanism is combined with the proposed mutation scheme to maintain sufficient diversity in the population. Experiments are carried out to compare the proposed mutation scheme to traditional mutation and two advanced adaptive mutation schemes on a set of optimization problems. The experimental results show that the proposed mutation scheme efficiently improves GA's performance