532 research outputs found

    Adaptive Adversarial Training Does Not Increase Recourse Costs

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    Recent work has connected adversarial attack methods and algorithmic recourse methods: both seek minimal changes to an input instance which alter a model's classification decision. It has been shown that traditional adversarial training, which seeks to minimize a classifier's susceptibility to malicious perturbations, increases the cost of generated recourse; with larger adversarial training radii correlating with higher recourse costs. From the perspective of algorithmic recourse, however, the appropriate adversarial training radius has always been unknown. Another recent line of work has motivated adversarial training with adaptive training radii to address the issue of instance-wise variable adversarial vulnerability, showing success in domains with unknown attack radii. This work studies the effects of adaptive adversarial training on algorithmic recourse costs. We establish that the improvements in model robustness induced by adaptive adversarial training show little effect on algorithmic recourse costs, providing a potential avenue for affordable robustness in domains where recoursability is critical

    Does Saliency-Based Training bring Robustness for Deep Neural Networks in Image Classification?

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    Deep Neural Networks are powerful tools to understand complex patterns and making decisions. However, their black-box nature impedes a complete understanding of their inner workings. While online saliency-guided training methods try to highlight the prominent features in the model's output to alleviate this problem, it is still ambiguous if the visually explainable features align with robustness of the model against adversarial examples. In this paper, we investigate the saliency trained model's vulnerability to adversarial examples methods. Models are trained using an online saliency-guided training method and evaluated against popular algorithms of adversarial examples. We quantify the robustness and conclude that despite the well-explained visualizations in the model's output, the salient models suffer from the lower performance against adversarial examples attacks
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