2 research outputs found

    Adaptive finite element methods for the pointwise tracking optimal control problem of the Stokes equations

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    We propose and analyze a reliable and efficient a posteriori error estimator for the pointwise tracking optimal control problem of the Stokes equations. This linear-quadratic optimal control problem entails the minimization of a cost functional that involves point evaluations of the velocity field that solves the state equations. This leads to an adjoint problem with a linear combination of Dirac measures as a forcing term and whose solution exhibits reduced regularity properties. We also consider constraints on the control variable. The proposed a posteriori error estimator can be decomposed as the sum of four contributions: three contributions related to the discretization of the state and adjoint equations, and another contribution that accounts for the discretization of the control variable. On the basis of the devised a posteriori error estimator, we design a simple adaptive strategy that illustrates our theory and exhibits a competitive performance

    An adaptive finite element method for the sparse optimal control of fractional diffusion

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    We propose and analyze an a posteriori error estimator for a PDE-constrained optimization problem involving a nondifferentiable cost functional, fractional diffusion, and control-constraints. We realize fractional diffusion as the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map for a nonuniformly PDE and propose an equivalent optimal control problem with a local state equation. For such an equivalent problem, we design an a posteriori error estimator which can be defined as the sum of four contributions: two contributions related to the approximation of the state and adjoint equations and two contributions that account for the discretization of the control variable and its associated subgradient. The contributions related to the discretization of the state and adjoint equations rely on anisotropic error estimators in weighted Sobolev spaces. We prove that the proposed a posteriori error estimator is locally efficient and, under suitable assumptions, reliable. We design an adaptive scheme that yields, for the examples that we perform, optimal experimental rates of convergence