7,764 research outputs found

    On the almost sure central limit theorem for ARX processes in adaptive tracking

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    The goal of this paper is to highlight the almost sure central limit theorem for martingales to the control community and to show the usefulness of this result for the system identification of controllable ARX(p,q) process in adaptive tracking. We also provide strongly consistent estimators of the even moments of the driven noise of a controllable ARX(p,q) process as well as quadratic strong laws for the average costs and estimation errors sequences. Our theoretical results are illustrated by numerical experiments

    Multi-Tap Extended Kalman Filter for a Periodic Waveform with Uncertain Frequency and Waveform Shape, and Data Dropouts

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    Gait analysis presents the challenge of detecting a periodic waveform in the presence of time varying frequency, amplitude, DC offset, and waveform shape, with acquisition gaps from partial occlusions. The combination of all of these components presents a formidable challenge. The Extended Kalman Filter for this system model has six states, which makes it weakly identifiable within the standard Extended Kalman Filter network. In this work, a novel robust Extended Kalman Filter-based approach is presented and evaluated for clinical use in gait analysis. The novel aspect of the proposed method is that at each sample, the present and several past observations are used to update the system state, strengthening the state identification. These past observations are referred to as delay-line taps

    Estimation, Decision and Applications to Target Tracking

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    This dissertation mainly consists of three parts. The first part proposes generalized linear minimum mean-square error (GLMMSE) estimation for nonlinear point estimation. The second part proposes a recursive joint decision and estimation (RJDE) algorithm for joint decision and estimation (JDE). The third part analyzes the performance of sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) when the log-likelihood ratios (LLR) are independent but not identically distributed. The linear minimum mean-square error (LMMSE) estimation plays an important role in nonlinear estimation. It searches for the best estimator in the set of all estimators that are linear in the measurement. A GLMMSE estimation framework is proposed in this disser- tation. It employs a vector-valued measurement transform function (MTF) and finds the best estimator among all estimators that are linear in MTF. Several design guidelines for the MTF based on a numerical example were provided. A RJDE algorithm based on a generalized Bayes risk is proposed in this dissertation for dynamic JDE problems. It is computationally efficient for dynamic problems where data are made available sequentially. Further, since existing performance measures for estimation or decision are effective to evaluate JDE algorithms, a joint performance measure is proposed for JDE algorithms for dynamic problems. The RJDE algorithm is demonstrated by applications to joint tracking and classification as well as joint tracking and detection in target tracking. The characteristics and performance of SPRT are characterized by two important functions—operating characteristic (OC) and average sample number (ASN). These two functions have been studied extensively under the assumption of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) LLR, which is too stringent for many applications. This dissertation relaxes the requirement of identical distribution. Two inductive equations governing the OC and ASN are developed. Unfortunately, they have non-unique solutions in the general case. They do have unique solutions in two special cases: (a) the LLR sequence converges in distributions and (b) the LLR sequence has periodic distributions. Further, the analysis can be readily extended to evaluate the performance of the truncated SPRT and the cumulative sum test
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