334 research outputs found

    Advanced Fault Diagnosis and Health Monitoring Techniques for Complex Engineering Systems

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    Over the last few decades, the field of fault diagnostics and structural health management has been experiencing rapid developments. The reliability, availability, and safety of engineering systems can be significantly improved by implementing multifaceted strategies of in situ diagnostics and prognostics. With the development of intelligence algorithms, smart sensors, and advanced data collection and modeling techniques, this challenging research area has been receiving ever-increasing attention in both fundamental research and engineering applications. This has been strongly supported by the extensive applications ranging from aerospace, automotive, transport, manufacturing, and processing industries to defense and infrastructure industries

    Automotive Powertrain Control — A Survey

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    This paper surveys recent and historical publications on automotive powertrain control. Control-oriented models of gasoline and diesel engines and their aftertreatment systems are reviewed, and challenging control problems for conventional engines, hybrid vehicles and fuel cell powertrains are discussed. Fundamentals are revisited and advancements are highlighted. A comprehensive list of references is provided.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72023/1/j.1934-6093.2006.tb00275.x.pd

    Advances in Condition Monitoring, Optimization and Control for Complex Industrial Processes

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    The book documents 25 papers collected from the Special Issue “Advances in Condition Monitoring, Optimization and Control for Complex Industrial Processes”, highlighting recent research trends in complex industrial processes. The book aims to stimulate the research field and be of benefit to readers from both academic institutes and industrial sectors

    In-cylinder pressure resonance analysis for trapped mass estimation in automotive engines

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    This thesis presents a new application for in-cylinder pressure sensors in internal combustion engines. The new method takes profit of the high-frequency content of the in-cylinder pressure signal to determine the speed of sound evolution during the expansion stroke and combines this estimation with the low-frequency content of the pressure signal and a volume estimation to obtain a measurement of the trapped mass. The new method is based on the studies of the resonance phenomenon in pent-roof combustion chambers and proposes three calibration procedures to determine the resonant frequency evolution when bowl-in-piston geometries are considered. The Fourier transform has been modified in order to include harmonics with frequency variations, which allows a rapid identification of the resonant modes with no need of time-frequency analysis, e.g. STFT or WD. The main limitation of the method resides in the resonance excitation, which may be insufficient in low-load conditions, such as idle. An observer is presented to overcome that problem. The observer takes into account the dynamics of the sensors, the dynamics at the intake manifold, and combines current flow sensors with intermittent measurements, such as the trapped mass obtained by the resonance method, to provide the system with accurate and robust measurements of the trapped mass, the EGR, and the composition at the exhaust. The trapped mass obtained by the resonance method has been compared with auxiliary methods in various experimental facilities: in a SI engine, where no EGR exist, the differences founded were below 1%, in a conventional CI light-duty engine the average of the differences over 808 operating conditions accounted for a 2.64 %, in a research heavy-duty RCCI engine, with EGR, port fuel gasoline, and direct diesel injections, the average difference was 2.17 %, and in a research two-strokes single cylinder engine, where significant short-circuit and residual gases exist, the differences founded were 4.36 %. In all the studied cases the differences founded with the reference estimation can be attributed to the auxiliary method employed and its expected error. In order to demonstrate the potential of the resonance method four applications for control and diagnosis of internal combustion engines have been proposed: the estimation of residuals in engines with NVO, the prediction of knock in SI engines, the estimation of the exhaust gases temperature, and a NOx model for CI engines. In the four applications the method was compared with current methodologies and with additional sensors, demonstrating the improvement in accuracy and a cycle-to-cycle resolution.Esta tesis presenta una nueva aplicación para los sensores de presión en cámara. El nuevo método utiliza el contenido de alta frecuencia de la señal de presión en cámara para estimar la evolución de la velocidad del sonido durante la expansión de los gases de escape y combina esta estimación con el contenido de baja frecuencia de la presión en cámara y el volumen instantáneo de la cámara para obtener una medida de la masa atrapada. El nuevo método está basado en los estudios de la resonancia en cámaras de combustión cilíndricas y propone tres procedimientos de calibración para estimar la evolución de la frecuencia de resonancia en cámaras de combustión con bowl. La transformada de Fourier ha sido modificada para considerar harmónicos con frecuencias que varían en el tiempo, lo que permite una rápida identificación de los modos de resonancia sin necesidad de utilizar un análisis en tiempo frecuencia, como por ejemplo STFT o WD. La principal limitación del método es la necesidad de excitación suficiente de la resonancia, que puede impedir su uso en condiciones de baja carga como el ralentí. Para solventar este problema se ha diseñado un observador. El observador incluye las dinámicas de los sensores, las dinámicas del colector de admisión, y combina los sensores actuales de flujo con medidas intermitentes (como la medida ofrecida por el nuevo método de la resonancia) para obtener medidas de la masa atrapada, del EGR y de la composición en el escape precisas y robustas. La medida de la masa atrapada obtenida por el método de la resonancia ha sido comparado con métodos auxiliares en diferentes instalaciones experimentales: en un motor SI, sin EGR, las diferencias con los sensores eran menores del 1%, en un motor convencional CI la media de las diferencias sobre 808 puntos de operación distintos ha sido de 2.64 %, en un motor de investigación con EGR, con inyección gasolina en el colector e inyección directa de diesel, las diferencias fueron de 2.17 %, y en un motor de investigación de dos tiempos, donde existían grandes cantidades de corto-circuito y gases residuales, las diferencias fueron de 4.36 %. En todos los casos estudiados las diferencias encontradas pueden ser atribuidas a los errores que caracterizan los métodos auxiliares utilizados para obtener la medida de referencia. Finalmente, para demostrar el potencial del método se han desarrollado cuatro aplicaciones para control y diagnóstico de motores de combustión interna alternativos: la estimación de gases residuales en motores con NVO, la predicción de knock en motores SI, la estimación de la temperatura de los gases de escape, y un modelo de NOx para motores CI. En las cuatro aplicaciones el método ha sido comparado con los sistemas de medidas actuales y con sensores adicionales, demostrando mejoras importantes en la precisión de la medida y una resolución de un solo ciclo.Aquesta tesi presenta una nova aplicació per als sensors de pressió en cambra. El nou mètode utilitza el contingut d'alta freqüència del senyal de pressió en cambra per estimar l'evolució de la velocitat del so durant l'expansió dels gasos d'eixida i combina aquesta estimació amb el contingut de baixa freqüència de la pressió en cambra i el volum instantani de la cambra per obtenir una mesura de la massa atrapada. El nou mètode està desenvolupat dels estudis de la ressonància en cambres de combustió cilíndriques i proposa tres procediments de calibratge per estimar l'evolució de la freqüència de ressonància en cambres de combustió amb bowl. La transformada de Fourier ha sigut modificada per considerar harmònics amb freqüències que varien en el temps, el que permet una ràpida identificació dels modes de ressonància sense necessitat d'utilitzar una anàlisi en temps-freqüència, com per exemple la STFT o la WD. La principal limitació del mètode és la necessitat d'excitació suficient de la ressonància, que pot impedir el seu ús en condicions de baixa càrrega, com al ralentí. Per solucionar aquest problema s'ha desenvolupat un observador. L'observador inclou les dinàmiques dels sensors, les dinàmiques del col·lector d'admissió, i combina els sensors actuals de flux amb mesures intermitents (com l'obtinguda pel nou mètode de la ressonància) per obtenir mesures de la massa atrapada, del EGR i de la composició d'eixida precises i robustes. La mesura de la massa atrapada obtinguda pel mètode de la ressonància ha sigut comparada en mètodes auxiliars en diferents instal·lacions experimentals: a un motor SI, sense EGR, les diferencies amb els sensors estaven per davall de l'1 %, a un motor convencional CI la mitja de les diferències sobre 808 punts d'operació diferents ha sigut de 2.64 %, a un motor d'investigació, en EGR, en injecció gasolina en el col·lector i injecció directa de dièsel, les diferències van ser de 2.17 %, i a un motor d'investigació de dos temps, on existien grans quantitats de curtcircuit i residuals, les diferencies foren de 4.36 %. En tots els casos estudiats les diferències trobades poden ser atribuïdes als errors que caracteritzen els mètodes auxiliars utilitzats per obtenir la mesura de referència. Finalment, per demostrar el potencial del mètode s'han desenvolupat quatre aplicacions per al control i diagnòstic de motors de combustió interna alternatius: l'estimació de gasos residuals en motors amb NVO, la predicció de knock en motors SI, l'estimació de la temperatura dels gasos d'eixida, i un model de NOx per a motors CI. En les quatre aplicacions el mètode ha sigut comparat amb els sistemes de mesures actuals i amb sensors addicionals, demostrant millores importants en la precisió de la mesura i una resolució de solament un cicle.Bares Moreno, P. (2017). In-cylinder pressure resonance analysis for trapped mass estimation in automotive engines [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/9042

    Pitch angle control with fault diagnosis and tolerance for wind turbine generation systems

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    To enhance the reliability of wind turbine generation systems that are generally located in the remote area and subjected to harsh environment, we design the pitch angle control for variable speed wind turbines with the function of fault diagnosis and fault tolerance. The main fault targeted in this research is the mechanical wear and possible break of the blade, pitch gear set or shaft, which cause shaft rotary friction change. The proposed method uses a disturbance observer to diagnose the fault. The estimated fault is used for component assessment and later maintenance. The fault-tolerant control is achieved using a full-order terminal sliding mode control combined with an adaptive neural network estimator. With the compensation of the adaptive estimator, the post-fault states can be driven onto the sliding surface and converge to a small area around the origin. The full-order terminal sliding mode control ensures the state convergence in finite time. The Lyapunov method is used to derive the control law, so that the closed-loop post-fault stability and the convergence of the adaptive estimator adaptation are both guaranteed. The computer simulations of the pitch angle control based on a 5-MW variable-speed variable-pitch angle wind turbine model are conducted with different types of fault simulated. A third-order nonlinear state space model with fault term is derived, and real physical parameters are applied in the simulations. The simulation results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed scheme and the potential of real-world applications. © IMechE 2021

    Integration of anti-lock braking system and regenerative braking for hybrid/electric vehicles

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    Vehicle electrification aims at improving energy efficiency and reducing pollutant emissions which creates an opportunity to use the electric machines (EM) as Regenerative Braking System (RBS) to support the friction brake system. Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) is part of the active safety systems that help drivers to stop safely during panic braking while ensuring the vehicle’s stability and steerability. Nevertheless, the RBS is deactivated at a safe (low) deceleration threshold in favour of ABS. This safety margin results in significantly less energy recuperation than what would be possible if both RBS and ABS were able to operate simultaneously. Vehicle energy efficiency can be improved by integrating RBS and friction brakes to enable more frequent energy recuperation activations, especially during high deceleration demands. The main aim of this doctoral research is to design and implement new wheel slip control with torque blending strategies for various vehicle topologies using four, two and one EM. The integration between the two braking actuators will improve the braking performance and energy efficiency of the vehicle. It also enables ABS by pure EM in certain situations where the regenerative brake torque is sufficient. A novelmethod for integrating the wheel slip control and torque blending is developed using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC). The method is well known for the optimal performance and enforcement of critical control and state constraints. A linear MPC strategy is also developed for comparison purpose. A pragmatic brake torque blending algorithm using Daisy-Chain with sliding mode slip control is also developed based on a pre-defined energy recuperation priority. Simulation using high fidelity model using co-simulation in Matlab/Simulink and CarMaker is used to validate the developed strategies. Different test patterns are used to evaluate the controllers’ performance which includes longitudinal and lateral motions of the vehicle. Comparison analysis is done for the proposed strategies for each case. The capability for real-time implementation of the MPC controllers is assessed in simulation testing using dSPACE hardware

    Advances in Theoretical and Computational Energy Optimization Processes

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    The paradigm in the design of all human activity that requires energy for its development must change from the past. We must change the processes of product manufacturing and functional services. This is necessary in order to mitigate the ecological footprint of man on the Earth, which cannot be considered as a resource with infinite capacities. To do this, every single process must be analyzed and modified, with the aim of decarbonising each production sector. This collection of articles has been assembled to provide ideas and new broad-spectrum contributions for these purposes

    Volume 1 – Symposium: Tuesday, March 8

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    Group A: Digital Hydraulics Group B: Intelligent Control Group C: Valves Group D | G | K: Fundamentals Group E | H | L: Mobile Hydraulics Group F | I: Pumps Group M: Hydraulic Components:Group A: Digital Hydraulics Group B: Intelligent Control Group C: Valves Group D | G | K: Fundamentals Group E | H | L: Mobile Hydraulics Group F | I: Pumps Group M: Hydraulic Component

    Fluid Power and Motion Control:FPMC 2012

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