2 research outputs found

    DySky: Dynamic Skyline Queries on Uncertain Graphs

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    Given a graph, and a set of query vertices (subset of the vertices), the dynamic skyline query problem returns a subset of data vertices (other than query vertices) which are not dominated by other data vertices based on certain distance measure. In this paper, we study the dynamic skyline query problem on uncertain graphs (DySky). The input to this problem is an uncertain graph, a subset of its nodes as query vertices, and the goal here is to return all the data vertices which are not dominated by others. We employ two distance measures in uncertain graphs, namely, \emph{Majority Distance}, and \emph{Expected Distance}. Our approach is broadly divided into three steps: \emph{Pruning}, \emph{Distance Computation}, and \emph{Skyline Vertex Set Generation}. We implement the proposed methodology with three publicly available datasets and observe that it can find out skyline vertex set without taking much time even for million sized graphs if expected distance is concerned. Particularly, the pruning strategy reduces the computational time significantly

    A Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Recommendation System Based on Big Data Mining and Cloud Computing

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    It is crucial to provide compatible treatment schemes for a disease according to various symptoms at different stages. However, most classification methods might be ineffective in accurately classifying a disease that holds the characteristics of multiple treatment stages, various symptoms, and multi-pathogenesis. Moreover, there are limited exchanges and cooperative actions in disease diagnoses and treatments between different departments and hospitals. Thus, when new diseases occur with atypical symptoms, inexperienced doctors might have difficulty in identifying them promptly and accurately. Therefore, to maximize the utilization of the advanced medical technology of developed hospitals and the rich medical knowledge of experienced doctors, a Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Recommendation System (DDTRS) is proposed in this paper. First, to effectively identify disease symptoms more accurately, a Density-Peaked Clustering Analysis (DPCA) algorithm is introduced for disease-symptom clustering. In addition, association analyses on Disease-Diagnosis (D-D) rules and Disease-Treatment (D-T) rules are conducted by the Apriori algorithm separately. The appropriate diagnosis and treatment schemes are recommended for patients and inexperienced doctors, even if they are in a limited therapeutic environment. Moreover, to reach the goals of high performance and low latency response, we implement a parallel solution for DDTRS using the Apache Spark cloud platform. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed DDTRS realizes disease-symptom clustering effectively and derives disease treatment recommendations intelligently and accurately