7 research outputs found

    AccEPT: An Acceleration Scheme for Speeding Up Edge Pipeline-parallel Training

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    It is usually infeasible to fit and train an entire large deep neural network (DNN) model using a single edge device due to the limited resources. To facilitate intelligent applications across edge devices, researchers have proposed partitioning a large model into several sub-models, and deploying each of them to a different edge device to collaboratively train a DNN model. However, the communication overhead caused by the large amount of data transmitted from one device to another during training, as well as the sub-optimal partition point due to the inaccurate latency prediction of computation at each edge device can significantly slow down training. In this paper, we propose AccEPT, an acceleration scheme for accelerating the edge collaborative pipeline-parallel training. In particular, we propose a light-weight adaptive latency predictor to accurately estimate the computation latency of each layer at different devices, which also adapts to unseen devices through continuous learning. Therefore, the proposed latency predictor leads to better model partitioning which balances the computation loads across participating devices. Moreover, we propose a bit-level computation-efficient data compression scheme to compress the data to be transmitted between devices during training. Our numerical results demonstrate that our proposed acceleration approach is able to significantly speed up edge pipeline parallel training up to 3 times faster in the considered experimental settings

    A Comprehensive Survey on Model Quantization for Deep Neural Networks in Image Classification

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    Recent advancements in machine learning achieved by Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been significant. While demonstrating high accuracy, DNNs are associated with a huge number of parameters and computation, which leads to high memory usage and energy consumption. As a result, deploying of DNNs on devices with constrained hardware resources poses significant challenges. To overcome this, various compression techniques have been widely employed to optimize DNN accelerators. A promising approach is quantization, in which the full-precision values are stored in low bit-width precision. Quantization not only reduces memory requirements but also replaces high-cost operations with low-cost ones. DNN quantization offers flexibility and efficiency in hardware design, making it a widely adopted technique in various methods. Since quantization has been extensively utilized in previous works, there is a need for an integrated report that provides an understanding, analysis, and comparison of different quantization approaches. Consequently, we present a comprehensive survey of quantization concepts and methods, with a focus on image classification. We describe clustering-based quantization methods and explore the use of a scale factor parameter for approximating full-precision values. Moreover, we thoroughly review the training of quantized DNN, including the use of straight-through estimator and quantized regularization. We explain the replacement of floating-point operations with low-cost bitwise operations in a quantized DNN and the sensitivity of different layers in quantization. Furthermore, we highlight the evaluation metrics for quantized methods and important benchmarks in image classification task. We also present the accuracy of the state-of-the-art methods on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet.Comment: The title of the paper has been changed. The abstract has been improved. The grammatical errors have been corrected. The structure of the paper has been modified. Some new and important references have been added. Some of the used abbreviations in the paper have been corrected. The discussion of some important topics has been extended. Some figures have been improve

    Enabling Deep Learning on Edge Devices

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have succeeded in many different perception tasks, e.g., computer vision, natural language processing, reinforcement learning, etc. The high-performed DNNs heavily rely on intensive resource consumption. For example, training a DNN requires high dynamic memory, a large-scale dataset, and a large number of computations (a long training time); even inference with a DNN also demands a large amount of static storage, computations (a long inference time), and energy. Therefore, state-of-the-art DNNs are often deployed on a cloud server with a large number of super-computers, a high-bandwidth communication bus, a shared storage infrastructure, and a high power supplement. Recently, some new emerging intelligent applications, e.g., AR/VR, mobile assistants, Internet of Things, require us to deploy DNNs on resource-constrained edge devices. Compare to a cloud server, edge devices often have a rather small amount of resources. To deploy DNNs on edge devices, we need to reduce the size of DNNs, i.e., we target a better trade-off between resource consumption and model accuracy. In this dissertation, we studied four edge intelligence scenarios, i.e., Inference on Edge Devices, Adaptation on Edge Devices, Learning on Edge Devices, and Edge-Server Systems, and developed different methodologies to enable deep learning in each scenario. Since current DNNs are often over-parameterized, our goal is to find and reduce the redundancy of the DNNs in each scenario.Comment: PhD thesis at ETH Zuric

    Adaptive Loss-Aware Quantization for Multi-Bit Networks

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    We investigate the compression of deep neural networks by quantizing their weights and activations into multiple binary bases, known as multi-bit networks (MBNs), which accelerate the inference and reduce the storage for the deployment on low-resource mobile and embedded platforms. We propose Adaptive Loss-aware Quantization (ALQ), a new MBN quantization pipeline that is able to achieve an average bitwidth below one-bit without notable loss in inference accuracy. Unlike previous MBN quantization solutions that train a quantizer by minimizing the error to reconstruct full precision weights, ALQ directly minimizes the quantization-induced error on the loss function involving neither gradient approximation nor full precision maintenance. ALQ also exploits strategies including adaptive bitwidth, smooth bitwidth reduction, and iterative trained quantization to allow a smaller network size without loss in accuracy. Experiment results on popular image datasets show that ALQ outperforms state-of-the-art compressed networks in terms of both storage and accuracy

    Adaptive loss-aware quantization for multi-bit networks

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    We investigate the compression of deep neural networks by quantizing their weights and activations into multiple binary bases, known as multi-bit networks (MBNs), which accelerate the inference and reduce the storage for the deployment on low-resource mobile and embedded platforms. We propose Adaptive Loss-aware Quantization (ALQ), a new MBN quantization pipeline that is able to achieve an average bitwidth below one-bit without notable loss in inference accuracy. Unlike previous MBN quantization solutions that train a quantizer by minimizing the error to reconstruct full precision weights, ALQ directly minimizes the quantization-induced error on the loss function involving neither gradient approximation nor full precision maintenance. ALQ also exploits strategies including adaptive bitwidth, smooth bitwidth reduction, and iterative trained quantization to allow a smaller network size without loss in accuracy. Experiment results on popular image datasets show that ALQ outperforms state-of-the-art compressed networks in terms of both storage and accuracy. Code is available at https://github.com/zqu1992/ALQComment: To appear in CVPR 2020; Code available at https://github.com/zqu1992/AL