2 research outputs found

    A multi-directional motion interacting fusion model for diver tracking

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    According to the diver motion characteristics, which are low speed and rapid change of direction, a multi-directional motion model is presented. Then the motion model is introduced into an interacting multiple model method, while the timevarying motion model transition probability was corrected according to current measurements. Firstly, the predictive state was obtained by a multi-directional motion model. Secondly, the parallel Kalman filters were applied to estimate multi-directional state. Finally, the interactive fusion processing for estimations from multidirectional motion model was conducted to implement diver state estimation. The method was verified by both simulation and experiment. The results show that the proposed method has higher tracking accuracy and superior adaptability than conventional interactive multiple model algorithm based on single direction motion model. The proposed method is effective for diver tracking

    Adaptive Interactive Multiple Models applied on pedestrian tracking in car parks

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    voir basilic : http://emotion.inrialpes.fr/bibemotion/2006/BASL06/ address: Beijing (CN)To address perception problems we must be able to track dynamics targets of the environment. An important issue of tracking is filtering problem in which estimates of the targets state are computed while observations are progressively received. This paper presents an adaptive Interacting Multiple Models (IMM) based filtering method. Interacting Multiple Models have been successfully applied to many applications as they allow, using several filters in parallel, to deal with the uncertainty on motion model, a critical component of filtering. Indeed targets can rapidly change their motion over a lapse of time. This is the case of pedestrians for which it is difficult to define an unique motion model which matches all their possible displacements. Nevertheless, the Transition Probability Matrix (TPM) which models the interaction between different filters in an IMM is in currently defined a priori or needs an important amount of tuning to be used efficiently. In this paper, we put forward a method which automatically adapts online the TPM. The TPM adaptation using on-line data significantly improves the effectiveness of IMM filtering and so better target estimates are obtained. To validate our work we applied our method to pedestrian tracking in car parks on a real platform