3 research outputs found

    Distributed dynamic channel allocation in mobile computing system

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    Channel allocation problem is one of the most important issues in mobile computing networks. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a new distributed dynamic channel allocation algorithm. The proposed algorithm attempts to reuse channels in different cells to optimize the channel usage. It also assigns a large number of channels to the heavily loaded cells, and a few channels to the lightly loaded cells according to the traffic patterns of mobile computing network in real time. Co-channel interference is prevented in this algorithm. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is deadlock-free, interference-free, and achieves that maximum channel utilization

    Adaptive Distributed Dynamic Channel Allocation for Wireless Networks

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    Channel allocation schemes in a mobile computing (wireless) environment can be either static or dynamic. Static allocation offers negligible channel acquisition time and zero message complexity and works well at a low system load; the performance steadily decreases as system load increases since many calls are dropped; in case of even temporary hot spots many calls may be dropped by a heavily loaded switching station even when there are enough idle channels in the interference region of that station. On the other hand, dynamic schemes provide better utilization of the channels at higher loads albeit at the cost of higher channel acquisition time and some additional control messages. Our purpose in the present paper is to propose a combined channel allocation scheme that each switching station can tune to its own load independent of other stations in its interference region; the objective is to minimize the call drop rate and at the same time maintain a minimum average channel acquisiti..