6,541 research outputs found

    Micro Fourier Transform Profilometry (μ\muFTP): 3D shape measurement at 10,000 frames per second

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    Recent advances in imaging sensors and digital light projection technology have facilitated a rapid progress in 3D optical sensing, enabling 3D surfaces of complex-shaped objects to be captured with improved resolution and accuracy. However, due to the large number of projection patterns required for phase recovery and disambiguation, the maximum fame rates of current 3D shape measurement techniques are still limited to the range of hundreds of frames per second (fps). Here, we demonstrate a new 3D dynamic imaging technique, Micro Fourier Transform Profilometry (μ\muFTP), which can capture 3D surfaces of transient events at up to 10,000 fps based on our newly developed high-speed fringe projection system. Compared with existing techniques, μ\muFTP has the prominent advantage of recovering an accurate, unambiguous, and dense 3D point cloud with only two projected patterns. Furthermore, the phase information is encoded within a single high-frequency fringe image, thereby allowing motion-artifact-free reconstruction of transient events with temporal resolution of 50 microseconds. To show μ\muFTP's broad utility, we use it to reconstruct 3D videos of 4 transient scenes: vibrating cantilevers, rotating fan blades, bullet fired from a toy gun, and balloon's explosion triggered by a flying dart, which were previously difficult or even unable to be captured with conventional approaches.Comment: This manuscript was originally submitted on 30th January 1

    Vision-Based Production of Personalized Video

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    In this paper we present a novel vision-based system for the automated production of personalised video souvenirs for visitors in leisure and cultural heritage venues. Visitors are visually identified and tracked through a camera network. The system produces a personalized DVD souvenir at the end of a visitor’s stay allowing visitors to relive their experiences. We analyze how we identify visitors by fusing facial and body features, how we track visitors, how the tracker recovers from failures due to occlusions, as well as how we annotate and compile the final product. Our experiments demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach

    Video-rate volumetric neuronal imaging using 3D targeted illumination

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    Fast volumetric microscopy is required to monitor large-scale neural ensembles with high spatio-temporal resolution. Widefield fluorescence microscopy can image large 2D fields of view at high resolution and speed while remaining simple and costeffective. A focal sweep add-on can further extend the capacity of widefield microscopy by enabling extended-depth-of-field (EDOF) imaging, but suffers from an inability to reject out-of-focus fluorescence background. Here, by using a digital micromirror device to target only in-focus sample features, we perform EDOF imaging with greatly enhanced contrast and signal-to-noise ratio, while reducing the light dosage delivered to the sample. Image quality is further improved by the application of a robust deconvolution algorithm. We demonstrate the advantages of our technique for in vivo calcium imaging in the mouse brain.This work was funded by the National Institutes of Health (R21EY026310) and the National Science Foundation (CBET-1508988). The authors wish to thank E. McCarthy and Prof. M.J. Baum for providing mouse brain slices used in this manuscript, and A. I. Mohammed for providing in vivo mouse brain samples in the early stages of this work. (R21EY026310 - National Institutes of Health; CBET-1508988 - National Science Foundation)Published versio

    3D Shape Measurement of Objects in Motion and Objects with Complex Surfaces

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    This thesis aims to address the issues caused by high reflective surface and object with motion in the three dimensional (3D) shape measurement based on phase shifting profilometry (PSP). Firstly, the influence of the reflectivity of the object surface on the fringe patterns is analysed. One of the essential factors related to phase precision is modulation index, which has a direct relationship with the surface reflectivity. A comparative study focusing on the modulation index of different materials is presented. The distribution of modulation index for different material samples is statistically analysed, which leads to the conclusion that the modulation index is determined by the diffuse reflectivity. Then the method based on optimized combination of multiple reflected image patterns is proposed to address the saturation issue and improve the accuracy for the reconstruction of object with high reflectivity.A set of phase shifted sinusoidal fringe patterns with different exposure time are projected to the object and then captured by camera. Then a set of masks are generated to select the data for the compositing. Maximalsignal-to-noise ratio combining model is employed to form the composite images pattern. The composite images are then used to phase mapping.Comparing to the method only using the highest intensity of pixels for compositing image, the signal noise ratio (SNR) of composite image is increased due to more efficient use of information carried by the images

    A Coded Structured Light System Based on Primary Color Stripe Projection and Monochrome Imaging

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    Coded Structured Light techniques represent one of the most attractive research areas within the field of optical metrology. The coding procedures are typically based on projecting either a single pattern or a temporal sequence of patterns to provide 3D surface data. In this context, multi-slit or stripe colored patterns may be used with the aim of reducing the number of projected images. However, color imaging sensors require the use of calibration procedures to address crosstalk effects between different channels and to reduce the chromatic aberrations. In this paper, a Coded Structured Light system has been developed by integrating a color stripe projector and a monochrome camera. A discrete coding method, which combines spatial and temporal information, is generated by sequentially projecting and acquiring a small set of fringe patterns. The method allows the concurrent measurement of geometrical and chromatic data by exploiting the benefits of using a monochrome camera. The proposed methodology has been validated by measuring nominal primitive geometries and free-form shapes. The experimental results have been compared with those obtained by using a time-multiplexing gray code strategy