6,984 research outputs found

    Environmental Influences on the Development of Child-Directed Speech Modifications in Young Children

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    Background. Siblings play a big role in our early lives. Having an older sibling has been shown to contribute to later-born children’s socio-emotional understanding and prosocial skill development (Barr & Hayne, 2003; Brody, 1998; Dai & Heckman, 2013; Downey & Condron, 2004; Kheirkhah & Cekaite, 2018). However, their influence is often overlooked in the domain of language. In particular, it’s unknown whether older siblings contribute to later-born children’s pragmatic abilities, and whether this relationship is influenced by an older sibling’s gender. Current Research. In this thesis, I focus on the role that older siblings may play in the development of their younger sibling’s ability to adjust their speech for other listeners. This influence could potentially happen in two ways: First, older siblings could provide examples of modifications in their own speech directed towards their younger sibling. From this, younger siblings may learn to use these modifications with other listeners. Second, older siblings may act as a “bridge” to a large community of speakers and listeners (Mannle & Tomasello, 1987). If older siblings are less adept at understanding their younger siblings and accommodating their speech (than adults are), this may motivate later-born children to work on effective communication skills so they can be understood. Methods. This investigation consisted of two parts: An at-home picture completion game, and a virtual guessing game that was completed over Zoom. In the at-home task, target children between the ages of 4-6-years-old, their older sibling (if applicable), and their caregiver were asked to direct each other to complete elements of incomplete images. In an online task via 4 Zoom, target children were asked to direct simulated listeners (i.e., a baseline adult, a toddler, and a non-native accented child) to select the correct target image out of a set of three. Results. Due to time constraints surrounding data transcription and coding, this thesis focuses on the data from the at-home task. Older siblings had a significantly higher pitch and greater proportion of attention-grabbing devices when speaking to their younger sibling vs. their parent. Most notably, their speech to younger siblings was also more fluent (e.g., fewer “uhhs” and “umms”) than their speech to parents. Moreover, these patterns held for both older female and older male siblings, suggesting that there are no gender differences in children’s ability to modify their speech for a younger listener. Implications. The findings from the first half of this two-part investigation demonstrate that, during a structured task, older siblings do modify their speech for their later-born siblings, and most notably, speak more fluently than when speaking to their caregiver. This both replicates and extends previous demonstrations of older siblings’ abilities to modify their speech for their younger siblings

    Roots Reloaded. Culture, Identity and Social Development in the Digital Age

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    This edited volume is designed to explore different perspectives of culture, identity and social development using the impact of the digital age as a common thread, aiming at interdisciplinary audiences. Cases of communities and individuals using new technology as a tool to preserve and explore their cultural heritage alongside new media as a source for social orientation ranging from language acquisition to health-related issues will be covered. Therefore, aspects such as Art and Cultural Studies, Media and Communication, Behavioral Science, Psychology, Philosophy and innovative approaches used by creative individuals are included. From the Aboriginal tribes of Australia, to the Maoris of New Zealand, to the mystical teachings of Sufi brotherhoods, the significance of the oral and written traditions and their current relation to online activities shall be discussed in the opening article. The book continues with a closer look at obesity awareness support groups and their impact on social media, Facebook usage in language learning context, smartphone addiction and internet dependency, as well as online media reporting of controversial ethical issues. The Digital progress has already left its dominating mark as the world entered the 21st century. Without a doubt, as technology continues its ascent, society will be faced with new and altering values in an effort to catch-up with this extraordinary Digitization, adapt satisfactorily in order to utilize these strong developments in everyday life

    Linguistic Diversity and Disparity in the Periphery

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    This thesis uses methods of linguistic ethnography to explore linguistic diversity and disparity in the global periphery. In terms of diversity, it investigates how language users nurture their translingual identities by engaging in creative translingual practices, and relocalising everyday communicative resources. In terms of disparity, it examines the challenges of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse migrant communities in Australia in cases when their translingual identity becomes grounds for lin


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    This thesis attempts to answer the question - What does it mean to be half/plural Egyptian in Egypt? It focuses on the experiences of individuals with one Egyptian parent and one foreign parent living in Egypt. A secondary goal was to examine how individuals created niches and familiarity for themselves within a socio-cultural context marked by the upholding of rigid social boundaries. Contacts were made through existing social ties and referrals by friends and colleagues. Methodologically I conducted interviews with my interlocutors, after introductory e-mails explaining the project and requesting background information in order to ascertain participants\u27 suitability for the project. I also conducted research on the internet via keyword searches and gained access to Facebook groups which were created exclusively for \u27Half Egyptians\u27 by \u27half Egyptians\u27. Participant observation took the form of social gatherings. The majority of individuals I engaged with in this research communicated that Egyptians either categorized them as \u27Egyptian\u27 or \u27foreign\u27 making it clear that there was no category in between. A major deciding factor in this categorization was the gender of the Egyptian parent. This indicates that even though the nationality law changed in 2004 allowing women to confer citizenship, it has little effect on the production of ideas about and the social perceptions of Egyptianness. In my thesis I also examined the meanings of foreignness and Egyptianness. Based on my research it is evident that Egyptianness, though shrouded in ambiguity as to what it really means, remains a fixed category in people\u27s discourses and actions, lacking flexibility and possibilities of inclusion for those labeled as plurals or half Egyptians. The existence of such pluralities, as demonstrated in the lived experiences of participants in my study who have one foreign parent, are rejected in daily social encounters as falling under the rubric of \u27foreign\u27. This process of social marginalization does not enable a blending of social and cultural barriers

    Lisbon’s Web Summit : an event and tourism impact study

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    The Web Summit, founded in 2009, began as 400-person a technology conference with the aim of joining together tech-enthusiasts and businesses in a community that would allow for greater networking and spreading of ideas, projects and even relationships. Today, it has an attendance rate of around 60,000 people and is considered to be the epitome of technology conferences, joining together the most iconic and revolutionary speakers in an environment where communication and bonding is key. In 2016, Web Summit moved deeper into European territory and is now located in Lisbon, Portugal, bringing with it large volumes of attendees. What this thesis aims to identify are the internal pressures that a hallmark event such as the Web Summit has on the local community, using benchmarks of the local event paradigm for a better understanding of the event’s specificities, and how the event and governmental entities are combating these. These hallmark events are classified through their large attendance volumes that have the power to both benefit and disrupt the local community. Therefore, an in-depth analysis on attendee expenditure into the community in the form of recreational activity will be put forth in order to understand what the event is offering in term of tourism add-on. The conclusions aim to understand if in fact the Web Summit does provide this touristic addon and to what extent the Web Summit is enhancing or damaging the local community with its presence.O Web Summit, fundado em 2009, começou como uma conferĂȘncia de tecnologia para cerca de 400 pessoas que tinha o objetivo de reunir empresas e amantes de temas relacionados com tecnologia numa comunidade que permitisse incentivar o networking e transmitir ideias, projetos e, atĂ©, criar relacionamentos. Atualmente, esta conferĂȘncia, considerada o protĂłtipo das conferĂȘncias tecnolĂłgicas, conta com uma assistĂȘncia mĂ©dia de cerca de 60 mil pessoas e reĂșne os mais icĂłnicos e revolucionĂĄrios oradores num ambiente em que a comunicação e as ligaçÔes entre os participantes sĂŁo peças chave. Em 2016 o Web Summit deslocou-se para Lisboa trazendo consigo o, jĂĄ referido, significativo nĂșmero de participantes. Esta dissertação pretende identificar as pressĂ”es internas influenciadas por um evento desta dimensĂŁo na comunidade local, utilizando-se de comparaçÔes com eventos locais paradigmĂĄticos para melhor perceber as especificidades deste evento, assim como perceber como Ă© que as Entidades governativas combatem estas mesmas especificidades. Eventos distintivos como o estudado nesta tese sĂŁo classificados atravĂ©s do seu elevado nĂ­vel de assistĂȘncia que, por sua vez, tem o poder de nĂŁo sĂł beneficiar como influenciar a comunidade local. Assim sendo, por forma a compreender melhor o que Ă© que um evento desta envergadura acrescenta a nĂ­vel de turismo ao seu paĂ­s anfitriĂŁo, serĂĄ levada a cabo uma anĂĄlise profunda aos gastos dos participantes do Web Summit em atividades de lazer durante a sua estadia. Em suma, este estudo pretende tirar conclusĂ”es sobre o valor acrescentado pelo Web Summit no sector do Turismo, assim como em que ponto Ă© que este evento beneficia ou prejudica a comunidade local

    Learning from World Architecture Festival 2015: Transitional opportunities and teaching in the new normal

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    This paper explores the potential concealed in the gaps of the current architectural education structure through participation in the 2015 World Architecture Festival Student Charrettes. Central to the discussion and integral to the working process is the role of dialogue that emphasises individual learning, and the cultivation of an open system that encourages students to assume authorship, question and shape the outcomes of design teaching. Consequently, this non-linear and nonhierarchical rhizomic approach to communicating and learning is discussed alongside attitudes to alternative design education and advocates the transformation of latent transitional moments into notable opportunities in the new normal

    Women and Couchsurfing: Empowerment and the Construction of Hybrid Identities in a Local-Global Context

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    Couchsurfing is a worldwide virtual hospitality network. Conceived and launched more than a decade ago, the network firstly attracted people with financial capacities to travel, mainly from Western and more culturally liberal countries. Today, the community has extended to include people that may never travel abroad for cultural or financial hindrances, but who still can participate in a truly global network where like-minded foreigners and also locals gather, exchange and learn from each other. As a global web-based community of people aiming to meet in real life, Couchsurfing precipitates the intercultural encounters towards a rapid, proximate and useful experience for its members. These encounters may take place in more conservative societies where the act of hosting strangers and walking with foreigners may interfere with culturally embedded meanings, practices and limits. Especially when these encounters happen between genders. This research explores the Couchsurfing experiences of women coming from highly gender unequal societies, where travelling and hosting strangers may have immediate and future implications. Using Skype, semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect the stories of these women. Using Grounded Theory, this qualitative research shows that women can use Couchsurfing as a tool to construct their hybrid identity, gain social, cultural and symbolic capital, and that Couchsurfing creates “spaces” where women can empower themselves and experience new gender dynamics.fi=OpinnĂ€ytetyö kokotekstinĂ€ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LĂ€rdomsprov tillgĂ€ngligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    When romantic love crosses borders: the case of mixednationality and transnational couples

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    The analysis of mixed-nationality and transnational couples‟ portraits represented here aimed to explore their experiences and difficulties about adaptation to transnational arrangements, and how these experiences shape their spousal and familial dynamics over time and space. They were analysed by following the main research questions: a) In relation to transnational migration, what are the experiences of mixed-nationality and transnational couples?, b) What are the dynamics and characteristics of mixed-nationality and transnational couples‟ relationships and how do they change over time and space?, c) How transnational migration has influenced spousal and familial dynamics and future plans? These questions were conducted in a qualitative research on the basis of ethnography and semi-structured interviews. I found that their socio-demographic status of both members of the couples had an influence on reshaping family functions, gender relations and roles in both domestic and outside spheres. Their past trajectories reflected that they acknowledged their self, their partner and family members in cross-borders while experiencing a reformation about themselves and new forms of living with diversity. These couples created their own way of intimacy and privacy while reconsidering the globalized perspectives of loving, living, thinking, acting and interacting with their beloved ones through the lens of bi-nationalism and transnationalism. Mixed-nationality couples had fixed plans, on the contrary; both mixednationality and transnational couples could not have stable plans because of their specific transnational way of life. Besides, I also discovered that there were some alterations in the present life of the couple‟s social circle of family, friendship and socialization activities. Last but not least, I figured out that they chose to raise their children in multilingual and multicultural environment in order to improve children development
