8 research outputs found


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    Frequent changes in network topology and confined battery capacity of the mobile devices are the main challenges for routing in ad-hoc networks. In this paper, we propose a novel, Signal strength and Energy Aware routing protocol (SEA-DSR), which directly incorporates signal strength and residual battery capacity of nodes into route selection through cross layer approach. This model defines a metric called Reliability Factor for route selection among the feasible routes. It is simulated using ns2, under different mobility conditions. The simulation results shows better performance in terms of packet delivery ratio, control overhead and average end-end delay. The proposed model has extended the time to network partition and reduce the path breakages when compared with similar routing protocols DSR and SSA

    Link Quality and Energy Aware Geographical Routing in MANETs using Fuzzy Logics, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2016, nr 3

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    In literature, varieties of topology and geographical routing protocols have been proposed for routing in the MANETs. It is widely accepted that the geographical routings are a superior decision than topological routings. Majority of geographical routing protocols assume an ideal network model and choose the route that contains minimum number of hops. However, in reality, nodes have limited battery power and wireless links are additionally unreliable, so they may highly affect the routing procedure. Thus, for reliable data transmission, condition of the network such as link quality and residual energy must be considered. This paper aims to propose a novel multi-metric geographical routing protocol that considers both links-quality and energy metric along with progress metric to choose the next optimal node. The progress is determined by utilizing greedy as well as compass routing rather than pure greedy routing schemes. To combine these metrics, fuzzy logics are used to get the optimal result. Further, the protocol deals with “hole” problem and proposes a technique to overcome it. Simulations show that the proposed scheme performs better in terms of the packet delivery ratio, throughput and residual energy than other existing protocols

    Performance metrics and routing in vehicular ad hoc networks

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    The aim of this thesis is to propose a method for enhancing the performance of Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs). The focus is on a routing protocol where performance metrics are used to inform the routing decisions made. The thesis begins by analysing routing protocols in a random mobility scenario with a wide range of node densities. A Cellular Automata algorithm is subsequently applied in order to create a mobility model of a highway, and wide range of density and transmission range are tested. Performance metrics are introduced to assist the prediction of likely route failure. The Good Link Availability (GLA) and Good Route Availability (GRA) metrics are proposed which can be used for a pre-emptive action that has the potential to give better performance. The implementation framework for this method using the AODV routing protocol is also discussed. The main outcomes of this research can be summarised as identifying and formulating methods for pre-emptive actions using a Cellular Automata with NS-2 to simulate VANETs, and the implementation method within the AODV routing protocol

    Cross-Layer Resilience Based On Critical Points in MANETs

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    A fundamental problem in mobile ad hoc and unstructured sensor networks is maintaining connectivity. A network is connected if all nodes have a communication route (typically multi-hop) to each other. Maintaining connectivity is a challenge due to the unstructured nature of the network topology and the frequent occurrence of link and node failures due to interference, mobility, radio channel effects and battery limitations. In order to effectively deploy techniques to improve the resilience of sensor and mobile ad hoc networks against failures or attacks one must be able to identify all the weak points of a network topology. Here we define the weak or critical points of the topology as those links and nodes whose failure results in partitioning of the network. In this dissertation, we propose a set of algorithms to identify the critical points of a network topology. Utilizing these algorithms we study the behavior of critical points and the effect of using only local information in identifying global critical points. Then, we propose both local and global based resilient techniques that can improve the wireless network connectivity around critical points to lessen their importance and improve the network resilience. Next we extend the work to examine the network connectivity for heterogeneous wireless networks that can be result due to factors such as variations in transmission power and signal propagation environments and propose an algorithm to identify the connectivity of the network. We also propose two schemes for constructing additional links to enhance the connectivity of the network and evaluate the network performance of when a random interference factor occurs. Lastly, we implement our resilience techniques to improve the performance

    Ad hoc routing based on the stability of routes

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