2 research outputs found

    Every 4-regular graph is acyclically edge-6-colorable

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    An acyclic edge coloring of a graph GG is a proper edge coloring such that no bichromatic cycles are produced. The acyclic chromatic index a′(G)a'(G) of GG is the smallest integer kk such that GG has an acyclic edge coloring using kk colors. Fiamcˇ{\rm \check{c}}ik (1978) and later Alon, Sudakov and Zaks (2001) conjectured that a′(G)≤Δ+2a'(G)\le \Delta + 2 for any simple graph GG with maximum degree Δ\Delta. Basavaraju and Chandran (2009) showed that every graph GG with Δ=4\Delta=4, which is not 4-regular, satisfies the conjecture. In this paper, we settle the 4-regular case, i.e., we show that every 4-regular graph GG has a′(G)≤6a'(G)\le 6.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figure

    A new upper bound on the acyclic chromatic indices of planar graphs

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    An acyclic edge coloring of a graph GG is a proper edge coloring such that no bichromatic cycles are produced. The acyclic chromatic index a′(G)a'(G) of GG is the smallest integer kk such that GG has an acyclic edge coloring using kk colors. It was conjectured that a′(G)≤Δ+2a'(G)\le \Delta+2 for any simple graph GG with maximum degree Δ\Delta. In this paper, we prove that if GG is a planar graph, then a′(G)≤Δ+7a'(G)\leq\Delta +7. This improves a result by Basavaraju et al. [{\em Acyclic edge-coloring of planar graphs}, SIAM J. Discrete Math., 25 (2011), pp. 463-478], which says that every planar graph GG satisfies a′(G)≤Δ+12a'(G)\leq\Delta +12.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure