2 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Driven Visual Path Prediction from a Single Image

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    Capabilities of inference and prediction are significant components of visual systems. In this paper, we address an important and challenging task of them: visual path prediction. Its goal is to infer the future path for a visual object in a static scene. This task is complicated as it needs high-level semantic understandings of both the scenes and motion patterns underlying video sequences. In practice, cluttered situations have also raised higher demands on the effectiveness and robustness of the considered models. Motivated by these observations, we propose a deep learning framework which simultaneously performs deep feature learning for visual representation in conjunction with spatio-temporal context modeling. After that, we propose a unified path planning scheme to make accurate future path prediction based on the analytic results of the context models. The highly effective visual representation and deep context models ensure that our framework makes a deep semantic understanding of the scene and motion pattern, consequently improving the performance of the visual path prediction task. In order to comprehensively evaluate the model's performance on the visual path prediction task, we construct two large benchmark datasets from the adaptation of video tracking datasets. The qualitative and quantitative experimental results show that our approach outperforms the existing approaches and owns a better generalization capability

    Temporal Unknown Incremental Clustering (TUIC) Model for Analysis of Traffic Surveillance Videos

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    Optimized scene representation is an important characteristic of a framework for detecting abnormalities on live videos. One of the challenges for detecting abnormalities in live videos is real-time detection of objects in a non-parametric way. Another challenge is to efficiently represent the state of objects temporally across frames. In this paper, a Gibbs sampling based heuristic model referred to as Temporal Unknown Incremental Clustering (TUIC) has been proposed to cluster pixels with motion. Pixel motion is first detected using optical flow and a Bayesian algorithm has been applied to associate pixels belonging to similar cluster in subsequent frames. The algorithm is fast and produces accurate results in Θ(kn)\Theta(kn) time, where kk is the number of clusters and nn the number of pixels. Our experimental validation with publicly available datasets reveals that the proposed framework has good potential to open-up new opportunities for real-time traffic analysis