5 research outputs found

    EigenRank by Committee: A Data Subset Selection and Failure Prediction paradigm for Robust Deep Learning based Medical Image Segmentation

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    Translation of fully automated deep learning based medical image segmentation technologies to clinical workflows face two main algorithmic challenges. The first, is the collection and archival of large quantities of manually annotated ground truth data for both training and validation. The second is the relative inability of the majority of deep learning based segmentation techniques to alert physicians to a likely segmentation failure. Here we propose a novel algorithm, named `Eigenrank' which addresses both of these challenges. Eigenrank can select for manual labeling, a subset of medical images from a large database, such that a U-Net trained on this subset is superior to one trained on a randomly selected subset of the same size. Eigenrank can also be used to pick out, cases in a large database, where deep learning segmentation will fail. We present our algorithm, followed by results and a discussion of how Eigenrank exploits the Von Neumann information to perform both data subset selection and failure prediction for medical image segmentation using deep learning

    Experimental Design for Overparameterized Learning with Application to Single Shot Deep Active Learning

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    The impressive performance exhibited by modern machine learning models hinges on the ability to train such models on a very large amount of labeled data. However, since access to large volumes of labeled data is often limited or expensive, it is desirable to alleviate this bottleneck by carefully curating the training set. Optimal experimental design is a well-established paradigm for selecting data point to be labeled so to maximally inform the learning process. Unfortunately, classical theory on optimal experimental design focuses on selecting examples in order to learn underparameterized (and thus, non-interpolative) models, while modern machine learning models such as deep neural networks are overparameterized, and oftentimes are trained to be interpolative. As such, classical experimental design methods are not applicable in many modern learning setups. Indeed, the predictive performance of underparameterized models tends to be variance dominated, so classical experimental design focuses on variance reduction, while the predictive performance of overparameterized models can also be, as is shown in this paper, bias dominated or of mixed nature. In this paper we propose a design strategy that is well suited for overparameterized regression and interpolation. We demonstrate the applicability of our method in the context of deep learning by proposing a new algorithm for single-shot deep active learnin

    Gone Fishing: Neural Active Learning with Fisher Embeddings

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    There is an increasing need for effective active learning algorithms that are compatible with deep neural networks. This paper motivates and revisits a classic, Fisher-based active selection objective, and proposes BAIT, a practical, tractable, and high-performing algorithm that makes it viable for use with neural models. BAIT draws inspiration from the theoretical analysis of maximum likelihood estimators (MLE) for parametric models. It selects batches of samples by optimizing a bound on the MLE error in terms of the Fisher information, which we show can be implemented efficiently at scale by exploiting linear-algebraic structure especially amenable to execution on modern hardware. Our experiments demonstrate that BAIT outperforms the previous state of the art on both classification and regression problems, and is flexible enough to be used with a variety of model architectures

    A Survey on Deep Learning of Small Sample in Biomedical Image Analysis

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    The success of deep learning has been witnessed as a promising technique for computer-aided biomedical image analysis, due to end-to-end learning framework and availability of large-scale labelled samples. However, in many cases of biomedical image analysis, deep learning techniques suffer from the small sample learning (SSL) dilemma caused mainly by lack of annotations. To be more practical for biomedical image analysis, in this paper we survey the key SSL techniques that help relieve the suffering of deep learning by combining with the development of related techniques in computer vision applications. In order to accelerate the clinical usage of biomedical image analysis based on deep learning techniques, we intentionally expand this survey to include the explanation methods for deep models that are important to clinical decision making. We survey the key SSL techniques by dividing them into five categories: (1) explanation techniques, (2) weakly supervised learning techniques, (3) transfer learning techniques, (4) active learning techniques, and (5) miscellaneous techniques involving data augmentation, domain knowledge, traditional shallow methods and attention mechanism. These key techniques are expected to effectively support the application of deep learning in clinical biomedical image analysis, and furtherly improve the analysis performance, especially when large-scale annotated samples are not available. We bulid demos at https://github.com/PengyiZhang/MIADeepSSL

    Embracing Imperfect Datasets: A Review of Deep Learning Solutions for Medical Image Segmentation

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    The medical imaging literature has witnessed remarkable progress in high-performing segmentation models based on convolutional neural networks. Despite the new performance highs, the recent advanced segmentation models still require large, representative, and high quality annotated datasets. However, rarely do we have a perfect training dataset, particularly in the field of medical imaging, where data and annotations are both expensive to acquire. Recently, a large body of research has studied the problem of medical image segmentation with imperfect datasets, tackling two major dataset limitations: scarce annotations where only limited annotated data is available for training, and weak annotations where the training data has only sparse annotations, noisy annotations, or image-level annotations. In this article, we provide a detailed review of the solutions above, summarizing both the technical novelties and empirical results. We further compare the benefits and requirements of the surveyed methodologies and provide our recommended solutions. We hope this survey article increases the community awareness of the techniques that are available to handle imperfect medical image segmentation datasets.Comment: Accepted for publication in the journal of Medical Image Analysi