2 research outputs found

    Active Area Coverage from Equilibrium

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    This paper develops a method for robots to integrate stability into actively seeking out informative measurements through coverage. We derive a controller using hybrid systems theory that allows us to consider safe equilibrium policies during active data collection. We show that our method is able to maintain Lyapunov attractiveness while still actively seeking out data. Using incremental sparse Gaussian processes, we define distributions which allow a robot to actively seek out informative measurements. We illustrate our methods for shape estimation using a cart double pendulum, dynamic model learning of a hovering quadrotor, and generating galloping gaits starting from stationary equilibrium by learning a dynamics model for the half-cheetah system from the Roboschool environment.Comment: 16 page

    An Ergodic Measure for Active Learning From Equilibrium

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    This paper develops KL-Ergodic Exploration from Equilibrium (KL-E3\text{KL-E}^3), a method for robotic systems to integrate stability into actively generating informative measurements through ergodic exploration. Ergodic exploration enables robotic systems to indirectly sample from informative spatial distributions globally, avoiding local optima, and without the need to evaluate the derivatives of the distribution against the robot dynamics. Using hybrid systems theory, we derive a controller that allows a robot to exploit equilibrium policies (i.e., policies that solve a task) while allowing the robot to explore and generate informative data using an ergodic measure that can extend to high-dimensional states. We show that our method is able to maintain Lyapunov attractiveness with respect to the equilibrium task while actively generating data for learning tasks such, as Bayesian optimization, model learning, and off-policy reinforcement learning. In each example, we show that our proposed method is capable of generating an informative distribution of data while synthesizing smooth control signals. We illustrate these examples using simulated systems and provide simplification of our method for real-time online learning in robotic systems