12 research outputs found

    Social Loafing Impact on Collaboration in 3D Virtual Worlds: An Empirical Study

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    Collaboration is increasingly distributed and influenced by the technologies involved in the workspace. 3D Virtual Worlds (VWs) are rich and promising collaboration tools that provide highly interactive environments. Several researchers and practitioners are particularly interested in the potential of these new media to support collaborative practices. However, the literature does not provide yet satisfactory and accurate response to companies about impacts of these technologies’ use for professional collaboration purposes. The present research attempts to address this gap and looks at this effect more closely. This research in progress presents the research model and research methodology used. The research model hypothesizes social loafing as substantial factor that determines team members’ involvement in knowledge sharing and application processes. In the future, this empirical study suggests quantitative assessment of the impact of 3D virtual world use in workspace on knowledge sharing and knowledge application

    Enabling Non-Professional Users To Bring Physical Processes Into The Industrial Metaverse

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    Augmented reality is essential for the Metaverse because, with this technology, people, spaces, and things can be digitally and physically intertwined. But the creation of AR content is a very complex process carried out by technically skilled developers. For the Metaverse, it is necessary to enable non-professional users to create AR content. We, therefore, want to study the challenges that non-professional users face while creating AR content for process guidance systems that represents a physical process. For this reason, we conducted an exploratory analysis using ten AR authoring experts and arranged a focus group with domain experts and AR authoring experts. As a result, we identified four fundamental design requirements on how an AR authoring tool must be designed to bring physical processes into the Metaverse. Thus, we contribute to understanding AR-based process guidance systems and enable the instantiation and evaluation of an AR authoring tool in large DSR project

    Training Evaluation in Virtual Worlds: Development of a Model

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    Many organizations have adopted virtual worlds (VWs) as a setting for training programs; however, research on appropriate evaluation of training in this new setting is incomplete. In this article, we address this gap by first exploring the unique issues relevant to evaluation faced by training designers working in VWs. At the macro-organizational level, the primary issue faced is an organizational culture unreceptive to or otherwise skeptical of VWs. At the micro-organizational level, two major issues are identified: individual trainees unreceptive to VWs and general lack of experience navigating VWs. All three of these challenges and their interrelationships may lead to poor reactions, learning, and transfer from VW-based training despite strong, pedagogically sound training design. Second, we survey the training evaluation research literature, identifying the most well-supported training evaluation models, discussing the suitability of each for evaluating VW-based training. Third, we propose a new integrative model based upon this literature, incorporating solutions to the unique issues faced in VWs with the most relevant portions of the models discussed earlier. Fourth, broad thematic implications of this model are identified and applied to prior VW literature. Finally, we provide specific recommendations to practitioners and researchers to evaluate their VW-based training fully

    Team Collaboration in Virtual Worlds: Editorial to the Special Issue

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    Virtual worlds are Internet-based three-dimensional (3D) computer-generated environments where users interact through “avatars” – a computer-generated representation of themselves that they control in terms of appearance and behavior. In recent years, virtual worlds have evolved into sophisticated social systems where millions of people regularly collaborate. For dispersed organizational teams, they represent a viable collaboration environment in which users can integrate different communication channels and manipulate digital artifacts that represent actual team deliverables. In this editorial to the Special Issue on Team Collaboration in Virtual Worlds, we discuss past research and highlight key findings with respect to five dimensions of collaborative work: technology, people, information, process, and leadership. We conclude with a discussion of the key research challenges that lie ahead to shape the research agenda for team collaboration in virtual worlds and metaverses

    Diversity and the Virtual Workplace: Performance Identity and Shifting Boundaries of Workplace Engagement

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    This article explores the meaning of workplace discrimination where reality meets the imaginary world in virtual work settings. Using a more recent development in the realm of virtual work--workplace avatars--the article considers the impact on law of virtual performance identity by workers where appearances can be altered in virtual reality. Current protected-class approaches to antidiscrimination law have not served as the antidote to workplace bias and exclusion. Thus, the article investigates whether avatar technology holds promise for facilitating greater inclusion of marginalized workers in the contemporary workplace. Does this mode of virtual work serve as a platform for diversity or simply create more confusion regarding our fundamental understandings of discrimination? The author\u27s premise is that the mechanics of online identity and the social and behavioral dynamics of virtual engagement produce a new locus for bias to flourish. While the virtual workplace holds some appeal for promoting broader acceptance within organizations, the article claims that avatar-based virtual work environments do not constitute unconditional and neutral spaces. Overall, the article takes an optimistic stance toward immersive environments in the employment context. However, it cautions that avatars create interpersonal dynamics that are just as dangerous to notions of belonging in the contemporary workplace as their physical counterparts. The author posits that the multidimensionality of identity in this context illuminates the limitations of the categorical approach to antidiscrimination law and concludes that the avatar makes the case for intersectionality theory in workplace law

    Diversity and the Virtual Workplace: Performance Identity and Shifting Boundaries of Workplace Engagement

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    This article explores the meaning of workplace discrimination where reality meets the imaginary world in virtual work settings. Using a more recent development in the realm of virtual work--workplace avatars--the article considers the impact on law of virtual performance identity by workers where appearances can be altered in virtual reality. Current protected-class approaches to antidiscrimination law have not served as the antidote to workplace bias and exclusion. Thus, the article investigates whether avatar technology holds promise for facilitating greater inclusion of marginalized workers in the contemporary workplace. Does this mode of virtual work serve as a platform for diversity or simply create more confusion regarding our fundamental understandings of discrimination? The author\u27s premise is that the mechanics of online identity and the social and behavioral dynamics of virtual engagement produce a new locus for bias to flourish. While the virtual workplace holds some appeal for promoting broader acceptance within organizations, the article claims that avatar-based virtual work environments do not constitute unconditional and neutral spaces. Overall, the article takes an optimistic stance toward immersive environments in the employment context. However, it cautions that avatars create interpersonal dynamics that are just as dangerous to notions of belonging in the contemporary workplace as their physical counterparts. The author posits that the multidimensionality of identity in this context illuminates the limitations of the categorical approach to antidiscrimination law and concludes that the avatar makes the case for intersectionality theory in workplace law

    Supporting meetings in Virtual Worlds with enhanced Communication features

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    With the rapid growth in the use of computer for addressing our day to day needs and the increased use of technology in our daily life, we cannot imagine a day without the use of the internet for our routine needs. Today, without any doubt in our mind we can say that technology has taken over human lives completely. A new era of computing has evolved where computers and the internet have a huge impact on everyone‟s life. A lot of research has been done and is in process for generated tools and devices which will bring the world even closer. It started with telephone in the last century and since then till today there have been huge number of tools and devices that try to give the users who are geographically far away a sense of co-presence. The latest technology making rounds is the Virtual World technology. The popularity and impact of online virtual worlds is worth making a note of. It needs to be seen now, how does it really betters people lives. One such persistent virtual world is Second Life. The number of users and organizations associated with this world is impressive. It provides users with the right amount of collaborative content with a set of communication features. Second Life provides its users with unique meeting support which gives them a sense of co-presence achieved nowhere else. This thesis focuses upon the kind of meeting support, collaborative content and the communication features provided by the virtual world that will allow its users to avoid the need for travel and long distance meetings can be achieved successfully in such an environment. This will help the travel time to be converted to productive office time as well as the costs involved in such meetings can also be reduced drastically. Such kind of meetings will also prove eco-friendly as they will save on fuel consumption and benefit from reduced pollution