4 research outputs found

    Domain-specific lexicon generation for emotion detection from text.

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    Emotions play a key role in effective and successful human communication. Text is popularly used on the internet and social media websites to express and share emotions, feelings and sentiments. However useful applications and services built to understand emotions from text are limited in effectiveness due to reliance on general purpose emotion lexicons that have static vocabulary and sentiment lexicons that can only interpret emotions coarsely. Thus emotion detection from text calls for methods and knowledge resources that can deal with challenges such as dynamic and informal vocabulary, domain-level variations in emotional expressions and other linguistic nuances. In this thesis we demonstrate how labelled (e.g. blogs, news headlines) and weakly-labelled (e.g. tweets) emotional documents can be harnessed to learn word-emotion lexicons that can account for dynamic and domain-specific emotional vocabulary. We model the characteristics of realworld emotional documents to propose a generative mixture model, which iteratively estimates the language models that best describe the emotional documents using expectation maximization (EM). The proposed mixture model has the ability to model both emotionally charged words and emotion-neutral words. We then generate a word-emotion lexicon using the mixture model to quantify word-emotion associations in the form of a probability vectors. Secondly we introduce novel feature extraction methods to utilize the emotion rich knowledge being captured by our word-emotion lexicon. The extracted features are used to classify text into emotion classes using machine learning. Further we also propose hybrid text representations for emotion classification that use the knowledge of lexicon based features in conjunction with other representations such as n-grams, part-of-speech and sentiment information. Thirdly we propose two different methods which jointly use an emotion-labelled corpus of tweets and emotion-sentiment mapping proposed in psychology to learn word-level numerical quantification of sentiment strengths over a positive to negative spectrum. Finally we evaluate all the proposed methods in this thesis through a variety of emotion detection and sentiment analysis tasks on benchmark data sets covering domains from blogs to news articles to tweets and incident reports

    Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

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    dissertationOver the last decade, social media has emerged as a revolutionary platform for informal communication and social interactions among people. Publicly expressing thoughts, opinions, and feelings is one of the key characteristics of social media. In this dissertation, I present research on automatically acquiring knowledge from social media that can be used to recognize people's affective state (i.e., what someone feels at a given time) in text. This research addresses two types of affective knowledge: 1) hashtag indicators of emotion consisting of emotion hashtags and emotion hashtag patterns, and 2) affective understanding of similes (a form of figurative comparison). My research introduces a bootstrapped learning algorithm for learning hashtag in- dicators of emotions from tweets with respect to five emotion categories: Affection, Anger/Rage, Fear/Anxiety, Joy, and Sadness/Disappointment. With a few seed emotion hashtags per emotion category, the bootstrapping algorithm iteratively learns new hashtags and more generalized hashtag patterns by analyzing emotion in tweets that contain these indicators. Emotion phrases are also harvested from the learned indicators to train additional classifiers that use the surrounding word context of the phrases as features. This is the first work to learn hashtag indicators of emotions. My research also presents a supervised classification method for classifying affective polarity of similes in Twitter. Using lexical, semantic, and sentiment properties of different simile components as features, supervised classifiers are trained to classify a simile into a positive or negative affective polarity class. The property of comparison is also fundamental to the affective understanding of similes. My research introduces a novel framework for inferring implicit properties that 1) uses syntactic constructions, statistical association, dictionary definitions and word embedding vector similarity to generate and rank candidate properties, 2) re-ranks the top properties using influence from multiple simile components, and 3) aggregates the ranks of each property from different methods to create a final ranked list of properties. The inferred properties are used to derive additional features for the supervised classifiers to further improve affective polarity recognition. Experimental results show substantial improvements in affective understanding of similes over the use of existing sentiment resources

    Acquiring a Dictionary of Emotion-Provoking Events

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    Abstract This paper is concerned with the discovery and aggregation of events that provoke a particular emotion in the person who experiences them, or emotion-provoking events. We first describe the creation of a small manually-constructed dictionary of events through a survey of 30 subjects. Next, we describe first attempts at automatically acquiring and aggregating these events from web data, with a baseline from previous work and some simple extensions using seed expansion and clustering. Finally, we propose several evaluation measures for evaluating the automatically acquired events, and perform an evaluation of the effectiveness of automatic event extraction