2 research outputs found

    Acoustic Modeling for Automatic Lyrics-to-Audio Alignment

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    Automatic lyrics to polyphonic audio alignment is a challenging task not only because the vocals are corrupted by background music, but also there is a lack of annotated polyphonic corpus for effective acoustic modeling. In this work, we propose (1) using additional speech and music-informed features and (2) adapting the acoustic models trained on a large amount of solo singing vocals towards polyphonic music using a small amount of in-domain data. Incorporating additional information such as voicing and auditory features together with conventional acoustic features aims to bring robustness against the increased spectro-temporal variations in singing vocals. By adapting the acoustic model using a small amount of polyphonic audio data, we reduce the domain mismatch between training and testing data. We perform several alignment experiments and present an in-depth alignment error analysis on acoustic features, and model adaptation techniques. The results demonstrate that the proposed strategy provides a significant error reduction of word boundary alignment over comparable existing systems, especially on more challenging polyphonic data with long-duration musical interludes.Comment: Accepted for publication at Interspeech 201

    DeepSinger: Singing Voice Synthesis with Data Mined From the Web

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    In this paper, we develop DeepSinger, a multi-lingual multi-singer singing voice synthesis (SVS) system, which is built from scratch using singing training data mined from music websites. The pipeline of DeepSinger consists of several steps, including data crawling, singing and accompaniment separation, lyrics-to-singing alignment, data filtration, and singing modeling. Specifically, we design a lyrics-to-singing alignment model to automatically extract the duration of each phoneme in lyrics starting from coarse-grained sentence level to fine-grained phoneme level, and further design a multi-lingual multi-singer singing model based on a feed-forward Transformer to directly generate linear-spectrograms from lyrics, and synthesize voices using Griffin-Lim. DeepSinger has several advantages over previous SVS systems: 1) to the best of our knowledge, it is the first SVS system that directly mines training data from music websites, 2) the lyrics-to-singing alignment model further avoids any human efforts for alignment labeling and greatly reduces labeling cost, 3) the singing model based on a feed-forward Transformer is simple and efficient, by removing the complicated acoustic feature modeling in parametric synthesis and leveraging a reference encoder to capture the timbre of a singer from noisy singing data, and 4) it can synthesize singing voices in multiple languages and multiple singers. We evaluate DeepSinger on our mined singing dataset that consists of about 92 hours data from 89 singers on three languages (Chinese, Cantonese and English). The results demonstrate that with the singing data purely mined from the Web, DeepSinger can synthesize high-quality singing voices in terms of both pitch accuracy and voice naturalness (footnote: Our audio samples are shown in https://speechresearch.github.io/deepsinger/.)Comment: Accepted by KDD2020 research trac