8 research outputs found

    Achieving Robustness in the Wild via Adversarial Mixing with Disentangled Representations

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    Recent research has made the surprising finding that state-of-the-art deep learning models sometimes fail to generalize to small variations of the input. Adversarial training has been shown to be an effective approach to overcome this problem. However, its application has been limited to enforcing invariance to analytically defined transformations like â„“p\ell_p-norm bounded perturbations. Such perturbations do not necessarily cover plausible real-world variations that preserve the semantics of the input (such as a change in lighting conditions). In this paper, we propose a novel approach to express and formalize robustness to these kinds of real-world transformations of the input. The two key ideas underlying our formulation are (1) leveraging disentangled representations of the input to define different factors of variations, and (2) generating new input images by adversarially composing the representations of different images. We use a StyleGAN model to demonstrate the efficacy of this framework. Specifically, we leverage the disentangled latent representations computed by a StyleGAN model to generate perturbations of an image that are similar to real-world variations (like adding make-up, or changing the skin-tone of a person) and train models to be invariant to these perturbations. Extensive experiments show that our method improves generalization and reduces the effect of spurious correlations (reducing the error rate of a "smile" detector by 21% for example).Comment: Accepted at CVPR 202

    Decoder-free Robustness Disentanglement without (Additional) Supervision

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    Adversarial Training (AT) is proposed to alleviate the adversarial vulnerability of machine learning models by extracting only robust features from the input, which, however, inevitably leads to severe accuracy reduction as it discards the non-robust yet useful features. This motivates us to preserve both robust and non-robust features and separate them with disentangled representation learning. Our proposed Adversarial Asymmetric Training (AAT) algorithm can reliably disentangle robust and non-robust representations without additional supervision on robustness. Empirical results show our method does not only successfully preserve accuracy by combining two representations, but also achieve much better disentanglement than previous work

    Training Generative Adversarial Networks by Solving Ordinary Differential Equations

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    The instability of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) training has frequently been attributed to gradient descent. Consequently, recent methods have aimed to tailor the models and training procedures to stabilise the discrete updates. In contrast, we study the continuous-time dynamics induced by GAN training. Both theory and toy experiments suggest that these dynamics are in fact surprisingly stable. From this perspective, we hypothesise that instabilities in training GANs arise from the integration error in discretising the continuous dynamics. We experimentally verify that well-known ODE solvers (such as Runge-Kutta) can stabilise training - when combined with a regulariser that controls the integration error. Our approach represents a radical departure from previous methods which typically use adaptive optimisation and stabilisation techniques that constrain the functional space (e.g. Spectral Normalisation). Evaluation on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet shows that our method outperforms several strong baselines, demonstrating its efficacy

    Out-of-Distribution Generalization via Risk Extrapolation (REx)

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    Distributional shift is one of the major obstacles when transferring machine learning prediction systems from the lab to the real world. To tackle this problem, we assume that variation across training domains is representative of the variation we might encounter at test time, but also that shifts at test time may be more extreme in magnitude. In particular, we show that reducing differences in risk across training domains can reduce a model's sensitivity to a wide range of extreme distributional shifts, including the challenging setting where the input contains both causal and anti-causal elements. We motivate this approach, Risk Extrapolation (REx), as a form of robust optimization over a perturbation set of extrapolated domains (MM-REx), and propose a penalty on the variance of training risks (V-REx) as a simpler variant. We prove that variants of REx can recover the causal mechanisms of the targets, while also providing some robustness to changes in the input distribution ("covariate shift"). By appropriately trading-off robustness to causally induced distributional shifts and covariate shift, REx is able to outperform alternative methods such as Invariant Risk Minimization in situations where these types of shift co-occur

    Enabling certification of verification-agnostic networks via memory-efficient semidefinite programming

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    Convex relaxations have emerged as a promising approach for verifying desirable properties of neural networks like robustness to adversarial perturbations. Widely used Linear Programming (LP) relaxations only work well when networks are trained to facilitate verification. This precludes applications that involve verification-agnostic networks, i.e., networks not specially trained for verification. On the other hand, semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations have successfully be applied to verification-agnostic networks, but do not currently scale beyond small networks due to poor time and space asymptotics. In this work, we propose a first-order dual SDP algorithm that (1) requires memory only linear in the total number of network activations, (2) only requires a fixed number of forward/backward passes through the network per iteration. By exploiting iterative eigenvector methods, we express all solver operations in terms of forward and backward passes through the network, enabling efficient use of hardware like GPUs/TPUs. For two verification-agnostic networks on MNIST and CIFAR-10, we significantly improve L-inf verified robust accuracy from 1% to 88% and 6% to 40% respectively. We also demonstrate tight verification of a quadratic stability specification for the decoder of a variational autoencoder

    Learning perturbation sets for robust machine learning

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    Although much progress has been made towards robust deep learning, a significant gap in robustness remains between real-world perturbations and more narrowly defined sets typically studied in adversarial defenses. In this paper, we aim to bridge this gap by learning perturbation sets from data, in order to characterize real-world effects for robust training and evaluation. Specifically, we use a conditional generator that defines the perturbation set over a constrained region of the latent space. We formulate desirable properties that measure the quality of a learned perturbation set, and theoretically prove that a conditional variational autoencoder naturally satisfies these criteria. Using this framework, our approach can generate a variety of perturbations at different complexities and scales, ranging from baseline spatial transformations, through common image corruptions, to lighting variations. We measure the quality of our learned perturbation sets both quantitatively and qualitatively, finding that our models are capable of producing a diverse set of meaningful perturbations beyond the limited data seen during training. Finally, we leverage our learned perturbation sets to train models which are empirically and certifiably robust to adversarial image corruptions and adversarial lighting variations, while improving generalization on non-adversarial data. All code and configuration files for reproducing the experiments as well as pretrained model weights can be found at https://github.com/locuslab/perturbation_learning

    Model Patching: Closing the Subgroup Performance Gap with Data Augmentation

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    Classifiers in machine learning are often brittle when deployed. Particularly concerning are models with inconsistent performance on specific subgroups of a class, e.g., exhibiting disparities in skin cancer classification in the presence or absence of a spurious bandage. To mitigate these performance differences, we introduce model patching, a two-stage framework for improving robustness that encourages the model to be invariant to subgroup differences, and focus on class information shared by subgroups. Model patching first models subgroup features within a class and learns semantic transformations between them, and then trains a classifier with data augmentations that deliberately manipulate subgroup features. We instantiate model patching with CAMEL, which (1) uses a CycleGAN to learn the intra-class, inter-subgroup augmentations, and (2) balances subgroup performance using a theoretically-motivated subgroup consistency regularizer, accompanied by a new robust objective. We demonstrate CAMEL's effectiveness on 3 benchmark datasets, with reductions in robust error of up to 33% relative to the best baseline. Lastly, CAMEL successfully patches a model that fails due to spurious features on a real-world skin cancer dataset

    Defending Against Image Corruptions Through Adversarial Augmentations

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    Modern neural networks excel at image classification, yet they remain vulnerable to common image corruptions such as blur, speckle noise or fog. Recent methods that focus on this problem, such as AugMix and DeepAugment, introduce defenses that operate in expectation over a distribution of image corruptions. In contrast, the literature on â„“p\ell_p-norm bounded perturbations focuses on defenses against worst-case corruptions. In this work, we reconcile both approaches by proposing AdversarialAugment, a technique which optimizes the parameters of image-to-image models to generate adversarially corrupted augmented images. We theoretically motivate our method and give sufficient conditions for the consistency of its idealized version as well as that of DeepAugment. Our classifiers improve upon the state-of-the-art on common image corruption benchmarks conducted in expectation on CIFAR-10-C and improve worst-case performance against â„“p\ell_p-norm bounded perturbations on both CIFAR-10 and ImageNet