201 research outputs found

    NoCo: ILP-based worst-case contention estimation for mesh real-time manycores

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    Manycores are capable of providing the computational demands required by functionally-advanced critical applications in domains such as automotive and avionics. In manycores a network-on-chip (NoC) provides access to shared caches and memories and hence concentrates most of the contention that tasks suffer, with effects on the worst-case contention delay (WCD) of packets and tasks' WCET. While several proposals minimize the impact of individual NoC parameters on WCD, e.g. mapping and routing, there are strong dependences among these NoC parameters. Hence, finding the optimal NoC configurations requires optimizing all parameters simultaneously, which represents a multidimensional optimization problem. In this paper we propose NoCo, a novel approach that combines ILP and stochastic optimization to find NoC configurations in terms of packet routing, application mapping, and arbitration weight allocation. Our results show that NoCo improves other techniques that optimize a subset of NoC parameters.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grant TIN2015- 65316-P and the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. It also received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (agreement No. 772773). Carles Hernández is jointly supported by the MINECO and FEDER funds through grant TIN2014-60404-JIN. Jaume Abella has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717. Enrico Mezzetti has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva-Incorporaci´on postdoctoral fellowship number IJCI-2016-27396.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Enforcing Predictability of Many-cores with DCFNoC

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] The ever need for higher performance forces industry to include technology based on multi-processors system on chip (MPSoCs) in their safety-critical embedded systems. MPSoCs include a network-on-chip (NoC) to interconnect the cores between them and with memory and the rest of shared resources. Unfortunately, the inclusion of NoCs compromises guaranteeing time predictability as network-level conflicts may occur. To overcome this problem, in this paper we propose DCFNoC, a new time-predictable NoC design paradigm where conflicts within the network are eliminated by design. This new paradigm builds on top of the Channel Dependency Graph (CDG) in order to deterministically avoid network conflicts. The network guarantees predictability to applications and is able to naturally inject messages using a TDM period equal to the optimal theoretical bound without the need of using a computationally demanding offline process. DCFNoC is integrated in a tile-based many-core system and adapted to its memory hierarchy. Our results show that DCFNoC guarantees time predictability avoiding network interference among multiple running applications. DCFNoC always guarantees performance and also improves wormhole performance in a 4 × 4 setting by a factor of 3.7× when interference traffic is injected. For a 8 × 8 network differences are even larger. In addition, DCFNoC obtains a total area saving of 10.79% over a standard wormhole implementation.This work has been supported by MINECO under Grant BES-2016-076885, by MINECO and funds from the European ERDF under Grant TIN2015-66972-C05-1-R and Grant RTI2018-098156-B-C51, and by the EC H2020 RECIPE project under Grant 801137.Picornell-Sanjuan, T.; Flich Cardo, J.; Hernández Luz, C.; Duato Marín, JF. (2021). Enforcing Predictability of Many-cores with DCFNoC. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 70(2):270-283. https://doi.org/10.1109/TC.2020.2987797S27028370

    A time-predictable many-core processor design for critical real-time embedded systems

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    Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) are in charge of controlling fundamental parts of embedded system, e.g. energy harvesting solar panels in satellites, steering and breaking in cars, or flight management systems in airplanes. To do so, CRTES require strong evidence of correct functional and timing behavior. The former guarantees that the system operates correctly in response of its inputs; the latter ensures that its operations are performed within a predefined time budget. CRTES aim at increasing the number and complexity of functions. Examples include the incorporation of \smarter" Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) functionality in modern cars or advanced collision avoidance systems in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). All these new features, implemented in software, lead to an exponential growth in both performance requirements and software development complexity. Furthermore, there is a strong need to integrate multiple functions into the same computing platform to reduce the number of processing units, mass and space requirements, etc. Overall, there is a clear need to increase the computing power of current CRTES in order to support new sophisticated and complex functionality, and integrate multiple systems into a single platform. The use of multi- and many-core processor architectures is increasingly seen in the CRTES industry as the solution to cope with the performance demand and cost constraints of future CRTES. Many-cores supply higher performance by exploiting the parallelism of applications while providing a better performance per watt as cores are maintained simpler with respect to complex single-core processors. Moreover, the parallelization capabilities allow scheduling multiple functions into the same processor, maximizing the hardware utilization. However, the use of multi- and many-cores in CRTES also brings a number of challenges related to provide evidence about the correct operation of the system, especially in the timing domain. Hence, despite the advantages of many-cores and the fact that they are nowadays a reality in the embedded domain (e.g. Kalray MPPA, Freescale NXP P4080, TI Keystone II), their use in CRTES still requires finding efficient ways of providing reliable evidence about the correct operation of the system. This thesis investigates the use of many-core processors in CRTES as a means to satisfy performance demands of future complex applications while providing the necessary timing guarantees. To do so, this thesis contributes to advance the state-of-the-art towards the exploitation of parallel capabilities of many-cores in CRTES contributing in two different computing domains. From the hardware domain, this thesis proposes new many-core designs that enable deriving reliable and tight timing guarantees. From the software domain, we present efficient scheduling and timing analysis techniques to exploit the parallelization capabilities of many-core architectures and to derive tight and trustworthy Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) estimates of CRTES.Los sistemas críticos empotrados de tiempo real (en ingles Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems, CRTES) se encargan de controlar partes fundamentales de los sistemas integrados, e.g. obtención de la energía de los paneles solares en satélites, la dirección y frenado en automóviles, o el control de vuelo en aviones. Para hacerlo, CRTES requieren fuerte evidencias del correcto comportamiento funcional y temporal. El primero garantiza que el sistema funciona correctamente en respuesta de sus entradas; el último asegura que sus operaciones se realizan dentro de unos limites temporales establecidos previamente. El objetivo de los CRTES es aumentar el número y la complejidad de las funciones. Algunos ejemplos incluyen los sistemas inteligentes de asistencia a la conducción en automóviles modernos o los sistemas avanzados de prevención de colisiones en vehiculos aereos no tripulados. Todas estas nuevas características, implementadas en software,conducen a un crecimiento exponencial tanto en los requerimientos de rendimiento como en la complejidad de desarrollo de software. Además, existe una gran necesidad de integrar múltiples funciones en una sóla plataforma para así reducir el número de unidades de procesamiento, cumplir con requisitos de peso y espacio, etc. En general, hay una clara necesidad de aumentar la potencia de cómputo de los actuales CRTES para soportar nueva funcionalidades sofisticadas y complejas e integrar múltiples sistemas en una sola plataforma. El uso de arquitecturas multi- y many-core se ve cada vez más en la industria CRTES como la solución para hacer frente a la demanda de mayor rendimiento y las limitaciones de costes de los futuros CRTES. Las arquitecturas many-core proporcionan un mayor rendimiento explotando el paralelismo de aplicaciones al tiempo que proporciona un mejor rendimiento por vatio ya que los cores se mantienen más simples con respecto a complejos procesadores de un solo core. Además, las capacidades de paralelización permiten programar múltiples funciones en el mismo procesador, maximizando la utilización del hardware. Sin embargo, el uso de multi- y many-core en CRTES también acarrea ciertos desafíos relacionados con la aportación de evidencias sobre el correcto funcionamiento del sistema, especialmente en el ámbito temporal. Por eso, a pesar de las ventajas de los procesadores many-core y del hecho de que éstos son una realidad en los sitemas integrados (por ejemplo Kalray MPPA, Freescale NXP P4080, TI Keystone II), su uso en CRTES aún precisa de la búsqueda de métodos eficientes para proveer evidencias fiables sobre el correcto funcionamiento del sistema. Esta tesis ahonda en el uso de procesadores many-core en CRTES como un medio para satisfacer los requisitos de rendimiento de aplicaciones complejas mientras proveen las garantías de tiempo necesarias. Para ello, esta tesis contribuye en el avance del estado del arte hacia la explotación de many-cores en CRTES en dos ámbitos de la computación. En el ámbito del hardware, esta tesis propone nuevos diseños many-core que posibilitan garantías de tiempo fiables y precisas. En el ámbito del software, la tesis presenta técnicas eficientes para la planificación de tareas y el análisis de tiempo para aprovechar las capacidades de paralelización en arquitecturas many-core, y también para derivar estimaciones de peor tiempo de ejecución (Worst-Case Execution Time, WCET) fiables y precisas

    A survey of emerging architectural techniques for improving cache energy consumption

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    The search goes on for another ground breaking phenomenon to reduce the ever-increasing disparity between the CPU performance and storage. There are encouraging breakthroughs in enhancing CPU performance through fabrication technologies and changes in chip designs but not as much luck has been struck with regards to the computer storage resulting in material negative system performance. A lot of research effort has been put on finding techniques that can improve the energy efficiency of cache architectures. This work is a survey of energy saving techniques which are grouped on whether they save the dynamic energy, leakage energy or both. Needless to mention, the aim of this work is to compile a quick reference guide of energy saving techniques from 2013 to 2016 for engineers, researchers and students

    A High-performance, Energy-efficient Modular DMA Engine Architecture

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    Data transfers are essential in today's computing systems as latency and complex memory access patterns are increasingly challenging to manage. Direct memory access engines (DMAEs) are critically needed to transfer data independently of the processing elements, hiding latency and achieving high throughput even for complex access patterns to high-latency memory. With the prevalence of heterogeneous systems, DMAEs must operate efficiently in increasingly diverse environments. This work proposes a modular and highly configurable open-source DMAE architecture called intelligent DMA (iDMA), split into three parts that can be composed and customized independently. The front-end implements the control plane binding to the surrounding system. The mid-end accelerates complex data transfer patterns such as multi-dimensional transfers, scattering, or gathering. The back-end interfaces with the on-chip communication fabric (data plane). We assess the efficiency of iDMA in various instantiations: In high-performance systems, we achieve speedups of up to 15.8x with only 1 % additional area compared to a base system without a DMAE. We achieve an area reduction of 10 % while improving ML inference performance by 23 % in ultra-low-energy edge AI systems over an existing DMAE solution. We provide area, timing, latency, and performance characterization to guide its instantiation in various systems.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, accepted by an IEEE journal for publicatio

    STT-RAM을 이용한 에너지 효율적인 캐시 설계 기술

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2019. 2. 최기영.지난 수십 년간 '메모리 벽' 문제를 해결하기 위해 온 칩 캐시의 크기는 꾸준히 증가해왔다. 하지만 지금까지 캐시에 주로 사용되어 온 메모리 기술인 SRAM은 낮은 집적도와 높은 대기 전력 소모로 인해 큰 캐시를 구성하는 데에는 적합하지 않다. 이러한 SRAM의 단점을 보완하기 위해 더 높은 집적도와 낮은 대기 전력을 소모하는 새로운 메모리 기술인 STT-RAM으로 SRAM을 대체하는 것이 제안되었다. 하지만 STT-RAM은 데이터를 쓸 때 많은 에너지와 시간을 소비하기 때문에 단순히 SRAM을 STT-RAM으로 대체하는 것은 오히려 캐시 에너지 소비를 증가시킨다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 본 논문에서는 STT-RAM을 이용한 에너지 효율적인 캐시 설계 기술들을 제안한다. 첫 번째, 배타적 캐시 계층 구조에서 STT-RAM을 활용하는 방법을 제안하였다. 배타적 캐시 계층 구조는 계층 간에 중복된 데이터가 없기 때문에 포함적 캐시 계층 구조와 비교하여 더 큰 유효 용량을 갖지만, 배타적 캐시 계층 구조에서는 상위 레벨 캐시에서 내보내진 모든 데이터를 하위 레벨 캐시에 써야 하므로 더 많은 양의 데이터를 쓰게 된다. 이러한 배타적 캐시 계층 구조의 특성은 쓰기 특성이 단점인 STT-RAM을 함께 활용하는 것을 어렵게 한다. 이를 해결하기 위해 본 논문에서는 재사용 거리 예측을 기반으로 하는 SRAM/STT-RAM 하이브리드 캐시 구조를 설계하였다. 두 번째, 비휘발성 STT-RAM을 이용해 캐시를 설계할 때 고려해야 할 점들에 대해 분석하였다. STT-RAM의 비효율적인 쓰기 동작을 줄이기 위해 다양한 해결법들이 제안되었다. 그중 한 가지는 STT-RAM 소자가 데이터를 유지하는 시간을 줄여 (휘발성 STT-RAM) 쓰기 특성을 향상하는 방법이다. STT-RAM에 저장된 데이터를 잃는 것은 확률적으로 발생하기 때문에 저장된 데이터를 안정적으로 유지하기 위해서는 오류 정정 부호(ECC)를 이용해 주기적으로 오류를 정정해주어야 한다. 본 논문에서는 STT-RAM 모델을 이용하여 휘발성 STT-RAM 설계 요소들에 대해 분석하였고 실험을 통해 해당 설계 요소들이 캐시 에너지와 성능에 주는 영향을 보여주었다. 마지막으로, 매니코어 시스템에서의 분산 하이브리드 캐시 구조를 설계하였다. 단순히 기존의 하이브리드 캐시와 분산캐시를 결합하면 하이브리드 캐시의 효율성에 큰 영향을 주는 SRAM 활용도가 낮아진다. 따라서 기존의 하이브리드 캐시 구조에서의 에너지 감소를 기대할 수 없다. 본 논문에서는 분산 하이브리드 캐시 구조에서 SRAM 활용도를 높일 수 있는 두 가지 최적화 기술인 뱅크-내부 최적화와 뱅크간 최적화 기술을 제안하였다. 뱅크-내부 최적화는 highly-associative 캐시를 활용하여 뱅크 내부에서 쓰기 동작이 많은 데이터를 분산시키는 것이고 뱅크간 최적화는 서로 다른 캐시 뱅크에 쓰기 동작이 많은 데이터를 고르게 분산시키는 최적화 방법이다.Over the last decade, the capacity of on-chip cache is continuously increased to mitigate the memory wall problem. However, SRAM, which is a dominant memory technology for caches, is not suitable for such a large cache because of its low density and large static power. One way to mitigate these downsides of the SRAM cache is replacing SRAM with a more efficient memory technology. Spin-Transfer Torque RAM (STT-RAM), one of the emerging memory technology, is a promising candidate for the alternative of SRAM. As a substitute of SRAM, STT-RAM can compensate drawbacks of SRAM with its non-volatility and small cell size. However, STT-RAM has poor write characteristics such as high write energy and long write latency and thus simply replacing SRAM to STT-RAM increases cache energy. To overcome those poor write characteristics of STT-RAM, this dissertation explores three different design techniques for energy-efficient cache using STT-RAM. The first part of the dissertation focuses on combining STT-RAM with exclusive cache hierarchy. Exclusive caches are known to provide higher effective cache capacity than inclusive caches by removing duplicated copies of cache blocks across hierarchies. However, in exclusive cache hierarchies, every block evicted from the upper-level cache is written back to the last-level cache regardless of its dirtiness thereby incurring extra write overhead. This makes it challenging to use STT-RAM for exclusive last-level caches due to its high write energy and long write latency. To mitigate this problem, we design an SRAM/STT-RAM hybrid cache architecture based on reuse distance prediction. The second part of the dissertation explores trade-offs in the design of volatile STT-RAM cache. Due to the inefficient write operation of STT-RAM, various solutions have been proposed to tackle this inefficiency. One of the proposed solutions is redesigning STT-RAM cell for better write characteristics at the cost of shortened retention time (i.e., volatile STT-RAM). Since the retention failure of STT-RAM has a stochastic property, an extra overhead of periodic scrubbing with error correcting code (ECC) is required to tolerate the failure. With an analysis based on analytic STT-RAM model, we have conducted extensive experiments on various volatile STT-RAM cache design parameters including scrubbing period, ECC strength, and target failure rate. The experimental results show the impact of the parameter variations on last-level cache energy and performance and provide a guideline for designing a volatile STT-RAM with ECC and scrubbing. The last part of the dissertation proposes Benzene, an energy-efficient distributed SRAM/STT-RAM hybrid cache architecture for manycore systems running multiple applications. It is based on the observation that a naive application of hybrid cache techniques to distributed caches in a manycore architecture suffers from limited energy reduction due to uneven utilization of scarce SRAM. We propose two-level optimization techniques: intra-bank and inter-bank. Intra-bank optimization leverages highly-associative cache design, achieving more uniform distribution of writes within a bank. Inter-bank optimization evenly balances the amount of write-intensive data across the banks.Abstract i Contents iii List of Figures vii List of Tables xi Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Exclusive Last-Level Hybrid Cache 2 1.2 Designing Volatile STT-RAM Cache 4 1.3 Distributed Hybrid Cache 5 Chapter 2 Background 9 2.1 STT-RAM 9 2.1.1 Thermal Stability 10 2.1.2 Read and Write Operation of STT-RAM 11 2.1.3 Failures of STT-RAM 11 2.1.4 Volatile STT-RAM 13 2.1.5 Related Work 14 2.2 Exclusive Last-Level Hybrid Cache 18 2.2.1 Cache Hierarchies 18 2.2.2 Related Work 19 2.3 Distributed Hybrid Cache 21 2.3.1 Prediction Hybrid Cache 21 2.3.2 Distributed Cache Partitioning 22 2.3.3 Related Work 23 Chapter 3 Exclusive Last-Level Hybrid Cache 27 3.1 Motivation 27 3.1.1 Exclusive Cache Hierarchy 27 3.1.2 Reuse Distance 29 3.2 Architecture 30 3.2.1 Reuse Distance Predictor 30 3.2.2 Hybrid Cache Architecture 32 3.3 Evaluation 34 3.3.1 Methodology 34 3.3.2 LLC Energy Consumption 35 3.3.3 Main Memory Energy Consumption 38 3.3.4 Performance 39 3.3.5 Area Overhead 39 3.4 Summary 39 Chapter 4 Designing Volatile STT-RAM Cache 41 4.1 Analysis 41 4.1.1 Retention Failure of a Volatile STT-RAM Cell 41 4.1.2 Memory Array Design 43 4.2 Evaluation 45 4.2.1 Methodology 45 4.2.2 Last-Level Cache Energy 46 4.2.3 Performance 51 4.3 Summary 52 Chapter 5 Distributed Hybrid Cache 55 5.1 Motivation 55 5.2 Architecture 58 5.2.1 Intra-Bank Optimization 59 5.2.2 Inter-Bank Optimization 63 5.2.3 Other Optimizations 67 5.3 Evaluation Methodology 69 5.4 Evaluation Results 73 5.4.1 Energy Consumption and Performance 73 5.4.2 Analysis of Intra-bank Optimization 76 5.4.3 Analysis of Inter-bank Optimization 78 5.4.4 Impact of Inter-Bank Optimization on Network Energy 79 5.4.5 Sensitivity Analysis 80 5.4.6 Implementation Overhead 81 5.5 Summary 82 Chapter 6 Conculsion 85 Bibliography 88 초록 101Docto

    McSimA+: A Manycore Simulator with Application-level+ Simulation and Detailed Microarchitecture Modeling

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    Abstract-With their significant performance and energy advantages, emerging manycore processors have also brought new challenges to the architecture research community. Manycore processors are highly integrated complex system-on-chips with complicated core and uncore subsystems. The core subsystems can consist of a large number of traditional and asymmetric cores. The uncore subsystems have also become unprecedentedly powerful and complex with deeper cache hierarchies, advanced on-chip interconnects, and high-performance memory controllers. In order to conduct research for emerging manycore processor systems, a microarchitecture-level and cycle-level manycore simulation infrastructure is needed. This paper introduces McSimA+, a new timing simulation infrastructure, to meet these needs. McSimA+ models x86-based asymmetric manycore microarchitectures in detail for both core and uncore subsystems, including a full spectrum of asymmetric cores from single-threaded to multithreaded and from in-order to out-of-order, sophisticated cache hierarchies, coherence hardware, on-chip interconnects, memory controllers, and main memory. McSimA+ is an application-level+ simulator, offering a middle ground between a full-system simulator and an application-level simulator. Therefore, it enjoys the light weight of an application-level simulator and the full control of threads and processes as in a full-system simulator. This paper also explores an asymmetric clustered manycore architecture that can reduce the thread migration cost to achieve a noticeable performance improvement compared to a state-of-the-art asymmetric manycore architecture

    Conflict-Free Networks on Chip for Real Time Systems

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    [ES] La constante necesidad de un mayor rendimiento para cumplir con la gran demanda de potencia de cómputo de las nuevas aplicaciones, (ej. sistemas de conducción autónoma), obliga a la industria a apostar por la tecnología basada en Sistemas en Chip con Procesadores Multinúcleo (MPSoCs) en sus sistemas embebidos de seguridad-crítica. Los sistemas MPSoCs generalmente incluyen una red en el chip (NoC) para interconectar los núcleos de procesamiento entre ellos, con la memoria y con el resto de recursos compartidos. Desafortunadamente, el uso de las NoCs dificulta alcanzar la predecibilidad en el tiempo, ya que pueden aparecer conflictos en muchos puntos y de forma distribuida a nivel de red. Para afrontar este problema, en esta tesis se propone un nuevo paradigma de diseño para NoCs de tiempo real donde los conflictos en la red son eliminados por diseño. Este nuevo paradigma parte del Grafo de Dependencia de Canales (CDG) para evitar los conflictos de red de forma determinista. Nuestra solución es capaz de inyectar mensajes de forma natural usando un periodo TDM igual al límite teórico óptimo sin la necesidad de usar un proceso offline exigente computacionalmente. La red se ha integrado en un sistema multinúcleo basado en tiles y adaptado a su jerarquía de memoria. Como segunda contribución principal, proponemos un nuevo planificador dinámico y distribuido capaz de alcanzar un rendimiento pico muy cercanos a las NoC basadas en un diseño wormhole sin comprometer sus garantías de tiempo real. El planificador se basa en nuestro diseño de red para explotar sus propiedades clave. Los resultados de nuestra NoC muestran que nuestro diseño garantiza la predecibilidad en el tiempo evitando interferencias en la red entre múltiples aplicaciones ejecutándose concurrentemente. La red siempre garantiza el rendimiento y también mejora el rendimiento respecto al de las redes wormhole en una red 4 x 4 en un factor de 3,7x cuando se inyecta trafico para generar interferencias. En una red 8 x 8 las diferencias son incluso mayores. Además, la red obtiene un ahorro de área total del 10,79% frente a una implementación básica de una red wormhole. El planificador propuesto alcanza una mejora de rendimiento de 6,9x y 14,4x frente la versión básica de la red DCFNoC para redes en forma de malla de 16 y 64 nodos, respectivamente. Cuando lo comparamos frente a un conmutador estándar wormhole se preserva un rendimiento de red del 95% al mismo tiempo que preserva la estricta predecibilidad en el tiempo. Este logro abre la puerta a nuevos diseños de NoCs de alto rendimiento con predecibilidad en el tiempo. Como contribución final, construimos una taxonomía de NoCs basadas en TDM con propiedades de tiempo real. Con esta taxonomía realizamos un análisis exhaustivo para estudiar y comparar desde tiempos de respuesta, a implementaciones con bajo coste, pasando por soluciones de compromiso para diseños de NoCs de tiempo real. Como resultado, obtenemos nuevos diseños de NoCs basadas en TDM.[CA] La constant necessitat d'un major rendiment per a complir amb la gran demanda de potència de còmput de les noves aplicacions, (ex. sistemes de conducció autònoma), obliga la indústria a apostar per la tecnologia basada en Sistemes en Xip amb Processadors Multinucli (MPSoCs) en els seus sistemes embeguts de seguretat-crítica. Els sistemes MPSoCs generalment inclouen una xarxa en el xip (NoC) per a interconnectar els nuclis de processament entre ells, amb la memòria i amb la resta de recursos compartits. Desafortunadament, l'ús de les NoCs dificulta aconseguir la predictibilitat en el temps, ja que poden aparéixer conflictes en molts punts i de forma distribuïda a nivell de xarxa. Per a afrontar aquest problema, en aquesta tesi es proposa un nou paradigma de disseny per a NoCs de temps real on els conflictes en la xarxa són eliminats per disseny. Aquest nou paradigma parteix del Graf de Dependència de Canals (CDG) per a evitar els conflictes de xarxa de manera determinista. La nostra solució és capaç d'injectar missatges de mra natural fent ús d'un període TDM igual al límit teòric òptim sense la necessitat de fer ús d'un procés offline exigent computacionalment. La xarxa s'ha integrat en un sistema multinucli basat en tiles i adaptat a la seua jerarquia de memòria. Com a segona contribució principal, proposem un nou planificador dinàmic i distribuït capaç d'aconseguir un rendiment pic molt pròxims a les NoC basades en un disseny wormhole sense comprometre les seues garanties de temps real. El planificador es basa en el nostre disseny de xarxa per a explotar les seues propietats clau. Els resultats de la nostra NoC mostren que el nostre disseny garanteix la predictibilitat en el temps evitant interferències en la xarxa entre múltiples aplicacions executant-se concurrentment. La xarxa sempre garanteix el rendiment i també millora el rendiment respecte al de les xarxes wormhole en una xarxa 4 x 4 en un factor de 3,7x quan s'injecta trafic per a generar interferències. En una xarxa 8 x 8 les diferències són fins i tot majors. A més, la xarxa obté un estalvi d'àrea total del 10,79% front una implementació bàsica d'una xarxa wormhole. El planificador proposat aconsegueix una millora de rendiment de 6,9x i 14,4x front la versió bàsica de la xarxa DCFNoC per a xarxes en forma de malla de 16 i 64 nodes, respectivament. Quan ho comparem amb un commutador estàndard wormhole es preserva un rendiment de xarxa del 95% al mateix temps que preserva la estricta predictibilitat en el temps. Aquest assoliment obri la porta a nous dissenys de NoCs d'alt rendiment amb predictibilitat en el temps. Com a contribució final, construïm una taxonomia de NoCs basades en TDM amb propietats de temps real. Amb aquesta taxonomia realitzem una anàlisi exhaustiu per a estudiar i comparar des de temps de resposta, a implementacions amb baix cost, passant per solucions de compromís per a dissenys de NoCs de temps real. Com a resultat, obtenim nous dissenys de NoCs basades en TDM.[EN] The ever need for higher performance to cope with the high computational power demands of new applications (e.g autonomous driving systems), forces industry to support technology based on multi-processors system on chip (MPSoCs) in their safety-critical embedded systems. MPSoCs usually include a network-on-chip (NoC) to interconnect the cores between them and, with memory and the rest of shared resources. Unfortunately, the inclusion of NoCs difficults achieving time predictability as network-level conflicts may occur in many points in a distributed manner. To overcome this problem, this thesis proposes a new time-predictable NoC design paradigm where conflicts within the network are eliminated by design. This new paradigm builds on top of the Channel Dependency Graph (CDG) in order to deterministically avoid network conflicts. Our solution is able to naturally inject messages using a TDM period equal to the optimal theoretical bound without the need of using a computationally demanding offline process. The network is integrated in a tile-based manycore system and adapted to its memory hierarchy. As a second main contribution, we propose a novel distributed dynamic scheduler that is able to achieve peak performance close to a wormhole-based NoC design without compromising its real-time guarantees. The scheduler builds on top of our NoC design to exploit its key properties. The results of our NoC show that our design guarantees time predictability avoiding network interference among multiple running applications. The network always guarantees performance and also improves wormhole performance in a 4 x 4 setting by a factor of 3.7x when interference traffic is injected. For a 8 x 8 network differences are even larger. In addition, the network obtains a total area saving of 10.79% over a standard wormhole implementation. The proposed scheduler achieves an overall throughput improvement of 6.9x and 14.4x over a baseline conflict-free NoC for 16 and 64-node meshes, respectively. When compared against a standard wormhole router 95% of its network throughput is preserved while strict timing predictability is kept. This achievement opens the door to new high performance time predictable NoC designs. As a final contribution, we build a taxonomy of TDM-based NoCs with real-time properties. With this taxonomy we perform a comprehensive analysis to study and compare from response time specific, to low resource implementation cost, through trade-off solutions for real-time NoCs designs. As a result, we derive new TDM-based NoC designs.Picornell Sanjuan, T. (2021). Conflict-Free Networks on Chip for Real Time Systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/177347TESI

    High-Performance and Time-Predictable Embedded Computing

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    Nowadays, the prevalence of computing systems in our lives is so ubiquitous that we live in a cyber-physical world dominated by computer systems, from pacemakers to cars and airplanes. These systems demand for more computational performance to process large amounts of data from multiple data sources with guaranteed processing times. Actuating outside of the required timing bounds may cause the failure of the system, being vital for systems like planes, cars, business monitoring, e-trading, etc. High-Performance and Time-Predictable Embedded Computing presents recent advances in software architecture and tools to support such complex systems, enabling the design of embedded computing devices which are able to deliver high-performance whilst guaranteeing the application required timing bounds. Technical topics discussed in the book include: Parallel embedded platforms Programming models Mapping and scheduling of parallel computations Timing and schedulability analysis Runtimes and operating systems The work reflected in this book was done in the scope of the European project P SOCRATES, funded under the FP7 framework program of the European Commission. High-performance and time-predictable embedded computing is ideal for personnel in computer/communication/embedded industries as well as academic staff and master/research students in computer science, embedded systems, cyber-physical systems and internet-of-things.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio