1 research outputs found

    Ergodic Spectral Efficiency of Massive MIMO with Correlated Rician Channel and MRC Detection based on LS and MMSE Channel Estimation

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    In this paper, we study the spectral efficiency (SE) of a multi-cell massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system with a spatially correlated Rician channel. The correlation between least squares (LS) estimator and its error complicates SE analysis, since signal and interference components become cross-correlated, too. Minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimators do not suffer from this burden. In some previous works, a proper part of the signal is referred to interference, which makes them cross-uncorrelated, and leads to an SE lower bound. In our modified approach, we extract and refer the cross-correlated part of interference to the signal to attain this objective. Here, we use this approach for calculating the instantaneous SE of maximum ratio combining (MRC) detector under LS and MMSE estimation methods. We also derive closed-form approximations of their ergodic SE. This approach is also applicable to other linear channel estimators or data detectors. Numerical results show that achievable SE surpasses that of the previous approach. They also show that our approximation is close enough to Monte Carlo simulation results, especially at the high number of the base station (BS) antennas.Comment: This paper is submitted to IET Communications. If finally accepted, the copy of the record will be available at the IET Digital Library. Here is the submission History: Submitted on 2019 Septemaber 5 Majorly Revised on 2019 December 24 Minorly Revised on 2020 May 1