40 research outputs found

    The canonical controller and its regularity

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    This paper deals with properties of canonical controllers. We first specify the behavior that they implement. It follows that a canonical controller implements the desired controlled behavior if and only if the desired behavior is implementable. We subsequently investigate the regularity of the controlled behavior. We prove that a canonical controller is regular if and only if every controller is regular. In other words, canonical controllers are maximally irregular

    A behavioral framework for compositionality: linear systems, discrete event systems and hybrid systems

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    In this paper we formulate a general framework based on the behavioral approach to dynamical systems, in which various issues regarding interconnection of systems can be addressed. The main part of the framework is that interconnections or compositions of systems can be modelled with interconnection of behaviors and generalized projection operations. Control problems such as supervisory control problem or feedback control problem can be expressed in terms of behavioral interconnection, and therefore can be put into this framework. In the paper we discuss some variants of control problems and provide solutions to them

    Achievable bisimilar behaviour of abstract state systems

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    Given a plant system and a desired system, we study conditions for which there exists a controller that interconnected with the plant, yields a system that is bisimilar to the desired system. Some sufficient and some necessary conditions are provided in the general case of (non-deterministic) abstract state systems and stronger results are obtained for the special classes of autonomous abstract state systems, finite abstract state systems, and non-deterministic linear dynamical systems

    Behavioral Control in the Presence of Disturbances

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    This paper deals with the issue of control with a constraint that in the controlled system certain variables remain free. By free, we mean that the variables are allowed to assume any trajectory. These variables can be interpreted as disturbances. The question of which controlled behaviors are a priori possible such that the controlled behaviors do not impose any constraints on the disturbance variables is addressed and solved. Certain generalities are imposed on the problem in the sense that a controller can act on only certain variables called control variables, while the performance specification is in terms of a different variable called the tobe- controlled variable. Another issue that we deal with is the notion of compatibility of such controllers. Further, the issue of controllability of the controller itself is dealt with, for the specific control problems of pole placement and stabilization. We use the behavioral approach to address these issues. In this setup control is considered as interconnection of two systems without distinguishing the variables of each system into inputs and outputs