9,104 research outputs found

    Authentication with Distortion Criteria

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    In a variety of applications, there is a need to authenticate content that has experienced legitimate editing in addition to potential tampering attacks. We develop one formulation of this problem based on a strict notion of security, and characterize and interpret the associated information-theoretic performance limits. The results can be viewed as a natural generalization of classical approaches to traditional authentication. Additional insights into the structure of such systems and their behavior are obtained by further specializing the results to Bernoulli and Gaussian cases. The associated systems are shown to be substantially better in terms of performance and/or security than commonly advocated approaches based on data hiding and digital watermarking. Finally, the formulation is extended to obtain efficient layered authentication system constructions.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Erasure Multiple Descriptions

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    We consider a binary erasure version of the n-channel multiple descriptions problem with symmetric descriptions, i.e., the rates of the n descriptions are the same and the distortion constraint depends only on the number of messages received. We consider the case where there is no excess rate for every k out of n descriptions. Our goal is to characterize the achievable distortions D_1, D_2,...,D_n. We measure the fidelity of reconstruction using two distortion criteria: an average-case distortion criterion, under which distortion is measured by taking the average of the per-letter distortion over all source sequences, and a worst-case distortion criterion, under which distortion is measured by taking the maximum of the per-letter distortion over all source sequences. We present achievability schemes, based on random binning for average-case distortion and systematic MDS (maximum distance separable) codes for worst-case distortion, and prove optimality results for the corresponding achievable distortion regions. We then use the binary erasure multiple descriptions setup to propose a layered coding framework for multiple descriptions, which we then apply to vector Gaussian multiple descriptions and prove its optimality for symmetric scalar Gaussian multiple descriptions with two levels of receivers and no excess rate for the central receiver. We also prove a new outer bound for the general multi-terminal source coding problem and use it to prove an optimality result for the robust binary erasure CEO problem. For the latter, we provide a tight lower bound on the distortion for \ell messages for any coding scheme that achieves the minimum achievable distortion for k messages where k is less than or equal to \ell.Comment: 48 pages, 2 figures, submitted to IEEE Trans. Inf. Theor

    Joint Source-Channel Coding with Time-Varying Channel and Side-Information

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    Transmission of a Gaussian source over a time-varying Gaussian channel is studied in the presence of time-varying correlated side information at the receiver. A block fading model is considered for both the channel and the side information, whose states are assumed to be known only at the receiver. The optimality of separate source and channel coding in terms of average end-to-end distortion is shown when the channel is static while the side information state follows a discrete or a continuous and quasiconcave distribution. When both the channel and side information states are time-varying, separate source and channel coding is suboptimal in general. A partially informed encoder lower bound is studied by providing the channel state information to the encoder. Several achievable transmission schemes are proposed based on uncoded transmission, separate source and channel coding, joint decoding as well as hybrid digital-analog transmission. Uncoded transmission is shown to be optimal for a class of continuous and quasiconcave side information state distributions, while the channel gain may have an arbitrary distribution. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example in which the uncoded transmission achieves the optimal performance thanks to the time-varying nature of the states, while it is suboptimal in the static version of the same problem. Then, the optimal \emph{distortion exponent}, that quantifies the exponential decay rate of the expected distortion in the high SNR regime, is characterized for Nakagami distributed channel and side information states, and it is shown to be achieved by hybrid digital-analog and joint decoding schemes in certain cases, illustrating the suboptimality of pure digital or analog transmission in general.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Multiple Description Quantization via Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization

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    The multiple description (MD) problem has received considerable attention as a model of information transmission over unreliable channels. A general framework for designing efficient multiple description quantization schemes is proposed in this paper. We provide a systematic treatment of the El Gamal-Cover (EGC) achievable MD rate-distortion region, and show that any point in the EGC region can be achieved via a successive quantization scheme along with quantization splitting. For the quadratic Gaussian case, the proposed scheme has an intrinsic connection with the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, which implies that the whole Gaussian MD rate-distortion region is achievable with a sequential dithered lattice-based quantization scheme as the dimension of the (optimal) lattice quantizers becomes large. Moreover, this scheme is shown to be universal for all i.i.d. smooth sources with performance no worse than that for an i.i.d. Gaussian source with the same variance and asymptotically optimal at high resolution. A class of low-complexity MD scalar quantizers in the proposed general framework also is constructed and is illustrated geometrically; the performance is analyzed in the high resolution regime, which exhibits a noticeable improvement over the existing MD scalar quantization schemes.Comment: 48 pages; submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Cores of Cooperative Games in Information Theory

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    Cores of cooperative games are ubiquitous in information theory, and arise most frequently in the characterization of fundamental limits in various scenarios involving multiple users. Examples include classical settings in network information theory such as Slepian-Wolf source coding and multiple access channels, classical settings in statistics such as robust hypothesis testing, and new settings at the intersection of networking and statistics such as distributed estimation problems for sensor networks. Cooperative game theory allows one to understand aspects of all of these problems from a fresh and unifying perspective that treats users as players in a game, sometimes leading to new insights. At the heart of these analyses are fundamental dualities that have been long studied in the context of cooperative games; for information theoretic purposes, these are dualities between information inequalities on the one hand and properties of rate, capacity or other resource allocation regions on the other.Comment: 12 pages, published at http://www.hindawi.com/GetArticle.aspx?doi=10.1155/2008/318704 in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Special Issue on "Theory and Applications in Multiuser/Multiterminal Communications", April 200
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