1 research outputs found

    Next-generation High-Capacity Communications with High Flexibility, Efficiency, and Reliability

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    The objective of this dissertation is to address the flexibility, efficiency and reliability in high-capacity heterogeneous communication systems. We will experimentally investigate the shaping techniques, and further extend them to more diverse and complicated scenarios, which result in more flexible systems. The scenarios include 1) entropy allocation scheme under uneven frequency response for multi-carrier system, 2) fiber-free space optics link using unipolar pairwise distribution, and 3) flexible rate passive optical network with a wide range of received optical powers. Next, we perform efficiency analysis in inter-data center and long-haul communications. We will characterize the impact of the laser linewidth, jitter tones, and the flicker noise on coherent systems with different baud rates and fiber lengths through theoretical analysis, simulation, and experimental validation. The trade-off analysis indicates the importance of setting up frequency noise power spectral density masks to qualify the transceiver laser design. Besides efficiency analysis, we will also work on efficient system architecture and algorithm design. We investigate the combined impact of various hardware impairments using proposed simplified DSP schemes in beyond 800G self-homodyne coherent system. The proposed scheme is very promising for next-generation intra-data center applications. On the other hand, to improve the data efficiency of the nonlinearity correction algorithm in broadband communication systems, we leverage the semi-supervised method and Lasso. Experimental results validate that Lasso can reduce the required pilot symbol number by exploiting the sparsity of the tap coefficients. Semi-supervised method can further enhance the system performance without introducing additional overhead. Last but not least, regarding reliability, we propose and experimentally demonstrate an ultra-reliable integrated millimeter wave and free space optics analog radio over fiber system with algorithm design. The multiple-spectra operation shows superior performance in reliability and sensitivity compared to the conventional systems, even in extreme weather conditions and strong burst interference.Ph.D