4 research outputs found

    The Impact of Correlated Blocking on Millimeter-Wave Personal Networks

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    Due to its potential to support high data rates at low latency with reasonable interference isolation, millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications has emerged as a promising solution for wireless personal-area networks (WPAN) and an enabler for emerging applications such as high-resolution untethered virtual reality. At mmWave, signals are prone to blockage by objects in the environment, including human bodies. Most mmWave systems utilize directional antennas in order to overcome the significant path loss. In this paper, we consider the effects of blockage and antenna directivity on the performance of a mmWave WPAN. Similar to related work, we assume that the interferers are in arbitrary locations and the blockages are drawn from a random point process. However, unlike related work that assumes independent blocking, we carefully account for the possibility of correlated blocking, which arises when two interferers are close to each other and therefore an obstruction that blocks the first interferer may likely block the second interferer. Closed form expressions for the blockage correlation coefficient and the distribution of the SINR are provided for the case of two dominant interferers and a fixed number of blockages drawn from a binomial point process. Finally, the effects of antenna directivity and the spatial randomness of the interferers are taken into account, resulting in SINR curves that fully account for correlated blocking, which are compared against curves that neglect correlation. The results provide insight into the validity of the commonly held assumption of independent blocking and the improved accuracy that can be obtained when the blocking correlation is taken into account.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, in IEEE Military Commun. Conf. (MILCOM), 201

    The Potential Gains of Macrodiversity in mmWave Cellular Networks with Correlated Blocking

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    At millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies, signals are prone to blocking by objects in the environment, which causes paths to go from line-of-sight (LOS) to non-LOS (NLOS). We consider macrodiversity as a strategy to improve the performance of mmWave cellular systems, where the user attempts to connect with two or more base stations. An accurate analysis of macrodiversity must account for the possibility of correlated blocking, which occurs when a single blockage simultaneously blocks the paths to two base stations. In this paper, we analyze the macrodiverity gain in the presence of correlated random blocking and interference. To do so, we develop a framework to determine distributions for the LOS probability, SNR, and SINR by taking into account correlated blocking. We consider a cellular uplink with both diversity combining and selection combining schemes. We also study the impact of blockage size and blockage density. We show that blocking can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, the signal from the source transmitter could be blocked, and on the other hand, interfering signals tend to also be blocked, which leads to a completely different effect on macrodiversity gains. We also show that the assumption of independent blocking can lead to an incorrect evaluation of macrodiversity gain, as the correlation tends to decrease macrodiversity gain

    Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO Downlink Per-Group Communications with Hybrid Linear Precoding

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    We address the problem of analyzing and classifying in groups the downlink channel environment in a millimeter-wavelength cell, accounting for path loss, multipath fading, and User Equipment (UE) blocking, by employing a hybrid propagation and multipath fading model, thus using accurate inter-group interference modeling. The base station (BS) employs a large Uniform Planar Array (UPA) to facilitate massive Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO) communications with high efficiency. UEs are equipped with a single antenna and are distributed uniformly within the cell. The key problem is analyzing and defining groups toward precoding. Because equitable type of throughput is desired between groups, Combined Frequency and Spatial Division and Multiplexing (CFSDM) prevails as necessary. We show that by employing three subcarrier frequencies, the UEs can be efficiently separated into high throughput groups, with each group employing Virtual Channel Model Beams (VCMB) based inner precoding, followed by efficient Multi-User Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MU-MIMO) outer precoders. For each group, we study three different sub-grouping methods offering different advantages. We show that the improvement offered by Zero-Forcing Per-Group Precoding (ZF-PGP) over Zero-Forcing Precoding (ZFP) is very high

    A Tractable Analysis of the Blind-spot Probability in Localization Networks under Correlated Blocking

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    In localization applications, the line-of-sight between anchors and targets may be blocked by obstacles in the environment. A target that is invisible (i.e., without line-of-sight) to a sufficient number of anchors cannot be unambiguously localized and is, therefore, said to be in a blind spot. In this paper, we analyze the blind spot probability of a typical target by using stochastic geometry to model the randomness in the obstacle and anchor locations. In doing so, we handle correlated anchor blocking induced by the obstacles, unlike previous works that assume independent anchor blocking. We first characterize the regime over which the independent blocking assumption underestimates the blind spot probability of the typical target, which in turn, is characterized as a function of the distribution of the visible area, surrounding the target location. Since this distribution is difficult to characterize exactly, we formulate the nearest two-obstacle approximation, which is equivalent to considering correlated blocking for only the nearest two obstacles from the target and assuming independent blocking for the remaining obstacles. Based on this, we derive an approximate expression for the blind spot probability, which helps determine the anchor deployment intensity needed for the blind spot probability of a typical target to be at most a threshold, μ\mu.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication