2 research outputs found

    Consensus-based joint target tracking and sensor localization

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    In this paper, consensus-based Kalman filtering is extended to deal with the problem of joint target tracking and sensor self-localization in a distributed wireless sensor network. The average weighted Kullback-Leibler divergence, which is a function of the unknown drift parameters, is employed as the cost to measure the discrepancy between the fused posterior distribution and the local distribution at each sensor. Further, a reasonable approximation of the cost is proposed and an online technique is introduced to minimize the approximated cost function with respect to the drift parameters stored in each node. The remarkable features of the proposed algorithm are that it needs no additional data exchanges, slightly increased memory space and computational load comparable to the standard consensus-based Kalman filter. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated through simulation experiments on both a tree network and a network with cycles as well as for both linear and nonlinear sensors

    Distributed Joint Sensor Registration and Multitarget Tracking Via Sensor Network

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    This paper addresses distributed registration of a sensor network for multitarget tracking. Each sensor gets measurements of the target position in a local coordinate frame, having no knowledge about the relative positions (referred to as drift parameters) and azimuths (referred to as orientation parameters) of its neighboring nodes. The multitarget set is modeled as an independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) cluster random finite set (RFS), and a consensus cardinality probability hypothesis density (CPHD) filter is run over the network to recursively compute in each node the posterior RFS density. Then a suitable cost function, xpressing the discrepancy between the local posteriors in terms of averaged Kullback-Leibler divergence, is minimized with respect to the drift and orientation parameters for sensor registration purposes. In this way, a computationally feasible optimization approach for joint sensor registraton and multitarget tracking is devised. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated through simulation experiments on both tree networks and networks with cycles, as well as with both linear and nonlinear sensors