3 research outputs found

    Two-Stream Binocular Network: Accurate Near Field Finger Detection Based On Binocular Images

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    Fingertip detection plays an important role in human computer interaction. Previous works transform binocular images into depth images. Then depth-based hand pose estimation methods are used to predict 3D positions of fingertips. Different from previous works, we propose a new framework, named Two-Stream Binocular Network (TSBnet) to detect fingertips from binocular images directly. TSBnet first shares convolutional layers for low level features of right and left images. Then it extracts high level features in two-stream convolutional networks separately. Further, we add a new layer: binocular distance measurement layer to improve performance of our model. To verify our scheme, we build a binocular hand image dataset, containing about 117k pairs of images in training set and 10k pairs of images in test set. Our methods achieve an average error of 10.9mm on our test set, outperforming previous work by 5.9mm (relatively 35.1%).Comment: Published in: Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2017 IEEE. Original IEEE publication available on https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8305146/. Dataset available on https://sites.google.com/view/thuhand1

    Towards Good Practices for Deep 3D Hand Pose Estimation

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    3D hand pose estimation from single depth image is an important and challenging problem for human-computer interaction. Recently deep convolutional networks (ConvNet) with sophisticated design have been employed to address it, but the improvement over traditional random forest based methods is not so apparent. To exploit the good practice and promote the performance for hand pose estimation, we propose a tree-structured Region Ensemble Network (REN) for directly 3D coordinate regression. It first partitions the last convolution outputs of ConvNet into several grid regions. The results from separate fully-connected (FC) regressors on each regions are then integrated by another FC layer to perform the estimation. By exploitation of several training strategies including data augmentation and smooth L1L_1 loss, proposed REN can significantly improve the performance of ConvNet to localize hand joints. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach achieves the best performance among state-of-the-art algorithms on three public hand pose datasets. We also experiment our methods on fingertip detection and human pose datasets and obtain state-of-the-art accuracy.Comment: Extended version of arXiv:1702.0244

    Bi-stream Pose Guided Region Ensemble Network for Fingertip Localization from Stereo Images

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    In human-computer interaction, it is important to accurately estimate the hand pose especially fingertips. However, traditional approaches for fingertip localization mainly rely on depth images and thus suffer considerably from the noise and missing values. Instead of depth images, stereo images can also provide 3D information of hands and promote 3D hand pose estimation. There are nevertheless limitations on the dataset size, global viewpoints, hand articulations and hand shapes in the publicly available stereo-based hand pose datasets. To mitigate these limitations and promote further research on hand pose estimation from stereo images, we propose a new large-scale binocular hand pose dataset called THU-Bi-Hand, offering a new perspective for fingertip localization. In the THU-Bi-Hand dataset, there are 447k pairs of stereo images of different hand shapes from 10 subjects with accurate 3D location annotations of the wrist and five fingertips. Captured with minimal restriction on the range of hand motion, the dataset covers large global viewpoint space and hand articulation space. To better present the performance of fingertip localization on THU-Bi-Hand, we propose a novel scheme termed Bi-stream Pose Guided Region Ensemble Network (Bi-Pose-REN). It extracts more representative feature regions around joint points in the feature maps under the guidance of the previously estimated pose. The feature regions are integrated hierarchically according to the topology of hand joints to regress the refined hand pose. Bi-Pose-REN and several existing methods are evaluated on THU-Bi-Hand so that benchmarks are provided for further research. Experimental results show that our new method has achieved the best performance on THU-Bi-Hand.Comment: Cairong Zhang and Xinghao Chen are equally contribute