2 research outputs found

    Accurate and Efficient Fault Simulation of Realistic CMOS Network Breaks

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    We present a new fault simulation algorithm for realistic break faults in the p-networks and n-networks of static CMOS cells. We show that Miller effects can invalidate a test just as charge sharing can, and we present a new charge-based approach that efficiently and accurately predicts the worst case effects of Miller capacitances and charge sharing together. Results on running our fault simulator on ISCAS85 benchmark circuits are provided. 1 INTRODUCTION Defects that occur during the IC manufacturing process can be categorized into three classes according to Hawkins et al. [7]. These classes are bridge, open circuit, and parametric defects. Open circuit defects cause breaks in the conducting materials in the layout, and contacts are particularly susceptible to such breaks. Breaks can be divided into two categories: those that physically disconnect one or more transistor gates from their drivers, and those that disconnect transistors from each other in the p-network or n-network of ..