12 research outputs found

    GeoSay: A Geometric Saliency for Extracting Buildings in Remote Sensing Images

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    Automatic extraction of buildings in remote sensing images is an important but challenging task and finds many applications in different fields such as urban planning, navigation and so on. This paper addresses the problem of buildings extraction in very high-spatial-resolution (VHSR) remote sensing (RS) images, whose spatial resolution is often up to half meters and provides rich information about buildings. Based on the observation that buildings in VHSR-RS images are always more distinguishable in geometry than in texture or spectral domain, this paper proposes a geometric building index (GBI) for accurate building extraction, by computing the geometric saliency from VHSR-RS images. More precisely, given an image, the geometric saliency is derived from a mid-level geometric representations based on meaningful junctions that can locally describe geometrical structures of images. The resulting GBI is finally measured by integrating the derived geometric saliency of buildings. Experiments on three public and commonly used datasets demonstrate that the proposed GBI achieves the state-of-the-art performance and shows impressive generalization capability. Additionally, GBI preserves both the exact position and accurate shape of single buildings compared to existing methods

    Image stitching with perspective-preserving warping

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    Image stitching algorithms often adopt the global transformation, such as homography, and work well for planar scenes or parallax free camera motions. However, these conditions are easily violated in practice. With casual camera motions, variable taken views, large depth change, or complex structures, it is a challenging task for stitching these images. The global transformation model often provides dreadful stitching results, such as misalignments or projective distortions, especially perspective distortion. To this end, we suggest a perspective-preserving warping for image stitching, which spatially combines local projective transformations and similarity transformation. By weighted combination scheme, our approach gradually extrapolates the local projective transformations of the overlapping regions into the non-overlapping regions, and thus the final warping can smoothly change from projective to similarity. The proposed method can provide satisfactory alignment accuracy as well as reduce the projective distortions and maintain the multi-perspective view. Experiments on a variety of challenging images confirm the efficiency of the approach.Comment: ISPRS 2016 - XXIII ISPRS Congress: Prague, Czech Republic, 201

    Holistically-Attracted Wireframe Parsing

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    This paper presents a fast and parsimonious parsing method to accurately and robustly detect a vectorized wireframe in an input image with a single forward pass. The proposed method is end-to-end trainable, consisting of three components: (i) line segment and junction proposal generation, (ii) line segment and junction matching, and (iii) line segment and junction verification. For computing line segment proposals, a novel exact dual representation is proposed which exploits a parsimonious geometric reparameterization for line segments and forms a holistic 4-dimensional attraction field map for an input image. Junctions can be treated as the "basins" in the attraction field. The proposed method is thus called Holistically-Attracted Wireframe Parser (HAWP). In experiments, the proposed method is tested on two benchmarks, the Wireframe dataset, and the YorkUrban dataset. On both benchmarks, it obtains state-of-the-art performance in terms of accuracy and efficiency. For example, on the Wireframe dataset, compared to the previous state-of-the-art method L-CNN, it improves the challenging mean structural average precision (msAP) by a large margin (2.8%2.8\% absolute improvements) and achieves 29.5 FPS on single GPU (89%89\% relative improvement). A systematic ablation study is performed to further justify the proposed method.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 202

    Learning Regional Attraction for Line Segment Detection

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    This paper presents regional attraction of line segment maps, and hereby poses the problem of line segment detection (LSD) as a problem of region coloring. Given a line segment map, the proposed regional attraction first establishes the relationship between line segments and regions in the image lattice. Based on this, the line segment map is equivalently transformed to an attraction field map (AFM), which can be remapped to a set of line segments without loss of information. Accordingly, we develop an end-to-end framework to learn attraction field maps for raw input images, followed by a squeeze module to detect line segments. Apart from existing works, the proposed detector properly handles the local ambiguity and does not rely on the accurate identification of edge pixels. Comprehensive experiments on the Wireframe dataset and the YorkUrban dataset demonstrate the superiority of our method. In particular, we achieve an F-measure of 0.831 on the Wireframe dataset, advancing the state-of-the-art performance by 10.3 percent.Comment: Accepted to IEEE TPAMI. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1812.0212