11 research outputs found

    Methods for Inference in Graphical Models

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    Graphical models provide a flexible, powerful and compact way to model relationships between random variables, and have been applied with great success in many domains. Combining prior beliefs with observed evidence to form a prediction is called inference. Problems of great interest include finding a configuration with highest probability (MAP inference) or solving for the distribution over a subset of variables (marginal inference). Further, these methods are often critical subroutines for learning the relationships. However, inference is computationally intractable in general. Hence, much effort has focused on two themes: finding subdomains where exact inference is solvable efficiently, or identifying approximate methods that work well. We explore both these themes, restricting attention to undirected graphical models with discrete variables. First we address exact MAP inference by advancing the recent method of reducing the problem to finding a maximum weight stable set (MWSS) on a derived graph, which, if perfect, admits polynomial time inference. We derive new results for this approach, including a general decomposition theorem for models of any order and number of labels, extensions of results for binary pairwise models with submodular cost functions to higher order, and a characterization of which binary pairwise models can be efficiently solved with this method. This clarifies the power of the approach on this class of models, improves our toolbox and provides insight into the range of tractable models. Next we consider methods of approximate inference, with particular emphasis on the Bethe approximation, which is in widespread use and has proved remarkably effective, yet is still far from being completely understood. We derive new formulations and properties of the derivatives of the Bethe free energy, then use these to establish an algorithm to compute log of the optimum Bethe partition function to arbitrary epsilon-accuracy. Further, if the model is attractive, we demonstrate a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS), which is an important theoretical result, and demonstrate its practical applications. Next we explore ways to tease apart the two aspects of the Bethe approximation, i.e. the polytope relaxation and the entropy approximation. We derive analytic results, show how optimization may be explored over various polytopes in practice, even for large models, and remark on the observed performance compared to the true distribution and the tree-reweighted (TRW) approximation. This reveals important novel observations and helps guide inference in practice. Finally, we present results related to clamping a selection of variables in a model. We derive novel lower bounds on an array of approximate partition functions based only on the model's topology. Further, we show that in an attractive binary pairwise model, clamping any variable and summing over the approximate sub-partition functions can only increase (hence improve) the Bethe approximation, then use this to provide a new, short proof that the Bethe partition function lower bounds the true value for this class of models. The bulk of this work focuses on the class of binary, pairwise models, but several results apply more generally

    Approximate inference in Gaussian graphical models

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (p. 161-169).The focus of this thesis is approximate inference in Gaussian graphical models. A graphical model is a family of probability distributions in which the structure of interactions among the random variables is captured by a graph. Graphical models have become a powerful tool to describe complex high-dimensional systems specified through local interactions. While such models are extremely rich and can represent a diverse range of phenomena, inference in general graphical models is a hard problem. In this thesis we study Gaussian graphical models, in which the joint distribution of all the random variables is Gaussian, and the graphical structure is exposed in the inverse of the covariance matrix. Such models are commonly used in a variety of fields, including remote sensing, computer vision, biology and sensor networks. Inference in Gaussian models reduces to matrix inversion, but for very large-scale models and for models requiring distributed inference, matrix inversion is not feasible. We first study a representation of inference in Gaussian graphical models in terms of computing sums of weights of walks in the graph -- where means, variances and correlations can be represented as such walk-sums. This representation holds in a wide class of Gaussian models that we call walk-summable. We develop a walk-sum interpretation for a popular distributed approximate inference algorithm called loopy belief propagation (LBP), and establish conditions for its convergence. We also extend the walk-sum framework to analyze more powerful versions of LBP that trade off convergence and accuracy for computational complexity, and establish conditions for their convergence. Next we consider an efficient approach to find approximate variances in large scale Gaussian graphical models.(cont.) Our approach relies on constructing a low-rank aliasing matrix with respect to the Markov graph of the model which can be used to compute an approximation to the inverse of the information matrix for the model. By designing this matrix such that only the weakly correlated terms are aliased, we are able to give provably accurate variance approximations. We describe a construction of such a low-rank aliasing matrix for models with short-range correlations, and a wavelet based construction for models with smooth long-range correlations. We also establish accuracy guarantees for the resulting variance approximations.by Dmitry M. Malioutov.Ph.D