2,124 research outputs found

    Design and analysis of a beacon-less routing protocol for large volume content dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks

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    Largevolumecontentdisseminationispursuedbythegrowingnumberofhighquality applications for Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks(VANETs), e.g., the live road surveillance service and the video-based overtaking assistant service. For the highly dynamical vehicular network topology, beacon-less routing protocols have been proven to be efficient in achieving a balance between the system performance and the control overhead. However, to the authors’ best knowledge, the routing design for large volume content has not been well considered in the previous work, which will introduce new challenges, e.g., the enhanced connectivity requirement for a radio link. In this paper, a link Lifetime-aware Beacon-less Routing Protocol (LBRP) is designed for large volume content delivery in VANETs. Each vehicle makes the forwarding decision based on the message header information and its current state, including the speed and position information. A semi-Markov process analytical model is proposed to evaluate the expected delay in constructing one routing path for LBRP. Simulations show that the proposed LBRP scheme outperforms the traditional dissemination protocols in providing a low end-to-end delay. The analytical model is shown to exhibit a good match on the delay estimation with Monte Carlo simulations, as well

    Fuzzy Logic Control of Adaptive ARQ for Video Distribution over a Bluetooth Wireless Link

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    Bluetooth's default automatic repeat request (ARQ) scheme is not suited to video distribution resulting in missed display and decoded deadlines. Adaptive ARQ with active discard of expired packets from the send buffer is an alternative approach. However, even with the addition of cross-layer adaptation to picture-type packet importance, ARQ is not ideal in conditions of a deteriorating RF channel. The paper presents fuzzy logic control of ARQ, based on send buffer fullness and the head-of-line packet's deadline. The advantage of the fuzzy logic approach, which also scales its output according to picture type importance, is that the impact of delay can be directly introduced to the model, causing retransmissions to be reduced compared to all other schemes. The scheme considers both the delay constraints of the video stream and at the same time avoids send buffer overflow. Tests explore a variety of Bluetooth send buffer sizes and channel conditions. For adverse channel conditions and buffer size, the tests show an improvement of at least 4 dB in video quality compared to nonfuzzy schemes. The scheme can be applied to any codec with I-, P-, and (possibly) B-slices by inspection of packet headers without the need for encoder intervention.</jats:p

    Mitigating TCP Degradation over Intermittent Link Failures Using Intermediate Buffers

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    This thesis addresses the improvement of data transmission performance in a challenged network. It is well known that the popular Transmission Control Protocol degrades in environments where one or more of the links along the route is intermittently available. To avoid this degradation, this thesis proposes placing at least one node along the path of transmission to buffer and retransmit as needed to overcome the intermittent link. In the four-node, three-link testbed under particular conditions, file transmission time was reduced 20 fold in the case of an intermittent second link when the second node strategically buffers for retransmission opportunity

    Achieving reliable and enhanced communication in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs)

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyWith the envisioned age of Internet of Things (IoTs), different aspects of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) will be linked so as to advance road transportation safety, ease congestion of road traffic, lessen air pollution, improve passenger transportation comfort and significantly reduce road accidents. In vehicular networks, regular exchange of current position, direction, speed, etc., enable mobile vehicle to foresee an imminent vehicle accident and notify the driver early enough in order to take appropriate action(s) or the vehicle on its own may take adequate preventive measures to avert the looming accident. Actualizing this concept requires use of shared media access protocol that is capable of guaranteeing reliable and timely broadcast of safety messages. This dissertation investigates the use of Network Coding (NC) techniques to enrich the content of each transmission and ensure improved high reliability of the broadcasted safety messages with less number of retransmissions. A Code Aided Retransmission-based Error Recovery (CARER) protocol is proposed. In order to avoid broadcast storm problem, a rebroadcasting vehicle selection metric η, is developed, which is used to select a vehicle that will rebroadcast the received encoded message. Although the proposed CARER protocol demonstrates an impressive performance, the level of incurred overhead is fairly high due to the use of complex rebroadcasting vehicle selection metric. To resolve this issue, a Random Network Coding (RNC) and vehicle clustering based vehicular communication scheme with low algorithmic complexity, named Reliable and Enhanced Cooperative Cross-layer MAC (RECMAC) scheme, is proposed. The use of this clustering technique enables RECMAC to subdivide the vehicular network into small manageable, coordinated clusters which further improve transmission reliability and minimise negative impact of network overhead. Similarly, a Cluster Head (CH) selection metric ℱ(\u1d457) is designed, which is used to determine and select the most suitably qualified candidate to become the CH of a particular cluster. Finally, in order to investigate the impact of available radio spectral resource, an in-depth study of the required amount of spectrum sufficient to support high transmission reliability and minimum latency requirements of critical road safety messages in vehicular networks was carried out. The performance of the proposed schemes was clearly shown with detailed theoretical analysis and was further validated with simulation experiments

    Dynamic Retransmission Limit Scheme in MAC Layer for Routing in Multihop Ad hoc Networks

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    We consider a wireless ad hoc network with random access channel. We present a model that takes into account topology, routing, random access in MAC layer, and forwarding probability. In this paper, we focus on drawing benefit from the interaction of the MAC (governed by IEEE 802.11 or slotted Aloha) and routing by defining a new cross-layer scheme for routing based on the limit number of retransmission. By adjusting dynamically and judiciously this parameter in a saturated network, we have realized that both stability of forwarding queues and average throughput are significantly improved in linear networks with symmetric traffic: a gain of 100% can be reached. While in asymmetric topology network with asymmetric traffic, we achieve a better average delay (resp., throughput) for each connection without changing the average throughput (resp., delay). In addition, we show the efficiency of our new scheme in case of multimedia applications with delay constraint. A detailed performance study is presented using analytical and simulation evaluation

    Channel Access Management in Data Intensive Sensor Networks

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    There are considerable challenges for channel access in Data Intensive Sensor Networks - DISN, supporting Data Intensive Applications like Structural Health Monitoring. As the data load increases, considerable degradation of the key performance parameters of such sensor networks is observed. Successful packet delivery ratio drops due to frequent collisions and retransmissions. The data glut results in increased latency and energy consumption overall. With the considerable limitations on sensor node resources like battery power, this implies that excessive transmissions in response to sensor queries can lead to premature network death. After a certain load threshold the performance characteristics of traditional WSNs become unacceptable. Research work indicates that successful packet delivery ratio in 802.15.4 networks can drop from 95% to 55% as the offered network load increases from 1 packet/sec to 10 packets/sec. This result in conjunction with the fact that it is common for sensors in an SHM system to generate 6-8 packets/sec of vibration data makes it important to design appropriate channel access schemes for such data intensive applications.In this work, we address the problem of significant performance degradation in a special-purpose DISN. Our specific focus is on the medium access control layer since it gives a fine-grained control on managing channel access and reducing energy waste. The goal of this dissertation is to design and evaluate a suite of channel access schemes that ensure graceful performance degradation in special-purpose DISNs as the network traffic load increases.First, we present a case study that investigates two distinct MAC proposals based on random access and scheduling access. The results of the case study provide the motivation to develop hybrid access schemes. Next, we introduce novel hybrid channel access protocols for DISNs ranging from a simple randomized transmission scheme that is robust under channel and topology dynamics to one that utilizes limited topological information about neighboring sensors to minimize collisions and energy waste. The protocols combine randomized transmission with heuristic scheduling to alleviate network performance degradation due to excessive collisions and retransmissions. We then propose a grid-based access scheduling protocol for a mobile DISN that is scalable and decentralized. The grid-based protocol efficiently handles sensor mobility with acceptable data loss and limited overhead. Finally, we extend the randomized transmission protocol from the hybrid approaches to develop an adaptable probability-based data transmission method. This work combines probabilistic transmission with heuristics, i.e., Latin Squares and a grid network, to tune transmission probabilities of sensors, thus meeting specific performance objectives in DISNs. We perform analytical evaluations and run simulation-based examinations to test all of the proposed protocols

    Cooperative retransmission protocols in fading channels : issues, solutions and applications

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    Future wireless systems are expected to extensively rely on cooperation between terminals, mimicking MIMO scenarios when terminal dimensions limit implementation of multiple antenna technology. On this line, cooperative retransmission protocols are considered as particularly promising technology due to their opportunistic and flexible exploitation of both spatial and time diversity. In this dissertation, some of the major issues that hinder the practical implementation of this technology are identified and pertaining solutions are proposed and analyzed. Potentials of cooperative and cooperative retransmission protocols for a practical implementation of dynamic spectrum access paradigm are also recognized and investigated. Detailed contributions follow. While conventionally regarded as energy efficient communications paradigms, both cooperative and retransmission concepts increase circuitry energy and may lead to energy overconsumption as in, e.g., sensor networks. In this context, advantages of cooperative retransmission protocols are reexamined in this dissertation and their limitation for short transmission ranges observed. An optimization effort is provided for extending an energy- efficient applicability of these protocols. Underlying assumption of altruistic relaying has always been a major stumbling block for implementation of cooperative technologies. In this dissertation, provision is made to alleviate this assumption and opportunistic mechanisms are designed that incentivize relaying via a spectrum leasing approach. Mechanisms are provided for both cooperative and cooperative retransmission protocols, obtaining a meaningful upsurge of spectral efficiency for all involved nodes (source-destination link and the relays). It is further recognized in this dissertation that the proposed relaying-incentivizing schemes have an additional and certainly not less important application, that is in dynamic spectrum access for property-rights cognitive-radio implementation. Provided solutions avoid commons-model cognitive-radio strict sensing requirements and regulatory and taxonomy issues of a property-rights model
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