4 research outputs found

    Acoustic Analysis of Nigerian English Vowels Based on Accents

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    Accent has been widely acclaimed to be a major source of automatic speech recognition (ASR) performance degradation. Most ASR applications were developed with native English speaker speech samples not minding the fact that the majority of its potential users speaks English as a second language with a marked accent. Nigeria like most nations colonized by Britain, speaks English as official language despite being a multi-ethnic nation. This work explores the acoustic features of energy, fundamental frequency and the first three formats of the three major ethnic groups of Nigerian based on features extracted from five pure vowels of English obtained from subjects who are Nigerians. This research aimed at determining the differences or otherwise between the pronunciations of the three major ethnic nationalities in Nigeria to aid the development of ASR that is robust to NE accent. The results show that there exist significant differences between the mean values of the pure English vowels based on the pronunciation of the three major ethnics: Hausa, Ibo, and Yoruba. The differences can be explored to enhance the performance of ASR in recognition of NE

    Accent rating by native and non-native listeners

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    This study investigates the influence of listener native language with respect to talker native language on perception of degree of foreign accent in English. Listeners from native English, Finnish, German and Mandarin backgrounds rated the accentedness of native English, Finnish, German and Mandarin talkers producing a controlled set of English sentences. Results indicate that non-native listeners, like native listeners, are able to classify non-native talkers as foreign-accented, and native talkers as unaccented. However, while non-native talkers received higher accentedness ratings than native talkers from all listener groups, non-native listeners judged talkers with non-native accents less harshly than did native English listeners. Similarly, non-native listeners assigned higher degrees of foreign accent to native English talkers than did native English listeners. It seems that non-native listeners give accentedness ratings that are less extreme, or closer to the centre of the rating scale in both directions, than those used by native listeners. Index Terms — Perceptual evaluation, native vs non-native listeners 1

    A review of Yorùbá Automatic Speech Recognition

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    Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) has recorded appreciable progress both in technology and application.Despite this progress, there still exist wide performance gap between human speech recognition (HSR) and ASR which has inhibited its full adoption in real life situation.A brief review of research progress on Yorùbá Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is presented in this paper focusing of variability as factor contributing to performance gap between HSR and ASR with a view of x-raying the advances recorded, major obstacles, and chart a way forward for development of ASR for Yorùbá that is comparable to those of other tone languages and of developed nations.This is done through extensive surveys of literatures on ASR with focus on Yorùbá.Though appreciable progress has been recorded in advancement of ASR in the developed world, reverse is the case for most of the developing nations especially those of Africa.Yorùbá like most of languages in Africa lacks both human and materials resources needed for the development of functional ASR system much less taking advantage of its potentials benefits. Results reveal that attaining an ultimate goal of ASR performance comparable to human level requires deep understanding of variability factors