2,567 research outputs found

    TensorLayer: A Versatile Library for Efficient Deep Learning Development

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    Deep learning has enabled major advances in the fields of computer vision, natural language processing, and multimedia among many others. Developing a deep learning system is arduous and complex, as it involves constructing neural network architectures, managing training/trained models, tuning optimization process, preprocessing and organizing data, etc. TensorLayer is a versatile Python library that aims at helping researchers and engineers efficiently develop deep learning systems. It offers rich abstractions for neural networks, model and data management, and parallel workflow mechanism. While boosting efficiency, TensorLayer maintains both performance and scalability. TensorLayer was released in September 2016 on GitHub, and has helped people from academia and industry develop real-world applications of deep learning.Comment: ACM Multimedia 201

    RED: Reinforced Encoder-Decoder Networks for Action Anticipation

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    Action anticipation aims to detect an action before it happens. Many real world applications in robotics and surveillance are related to this predictive capability. Current methods address this problem by first anticipating visual representations of future frames and then categorizing the anticipated representations to actions. However, anticipation is based on a single past frame's representation, which ignores the history trend. Besides, it can only anticipate a fixed future time. We propose a Reinforced Encoder-Decoder (RED) network for action anticipation. RED takes multiple history representations as input and learns to anticipate a sequence of future representations. One salient aspect of RED is that a reinforcement module is adopted to provide sequence-level supervision; the reward function is designed to encourage the system to make correct predictions as early as possible. We test RED on TVSeries, THUMOS-14 and TV-Human-Interaction datasets for action anticipation and achieve state-of-the-art performance on all datasets

    ASPiRe:Adaptive Skill Priors for Reinforcement Learning

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    We introduce ASPiRe (Adaptive Skill Prior for RL), a new approach that leverages prior experience to accelerate reinforcement learning. Unlike existing methods that learn a single skill prior from a large and diverse dataset, our framework learns a library of different distinction skill priors (i.e., behavior priors) from a collection of specialized datasets, and learns how to combine them to solve a new task. This formulation allows the algorithm to acquire a set of specialized skill priors that are more reusable for downstream tasks; however, it also brings up additional challenges of how to effectively combine these unstructured sets of skill priors to form a new prior for new tasks. Specifically, it requires the agent not only to identify which skill prior(s) to use but also how to combine them (either sequentially or concurrently) to form a new prior. To achieve this goal, ASPiRe includes Adaptive Weight Module (AWM) that learns to infer an adaptive weight assignment between different skill priors and uses them to guide policy learning for downstream tasks via weighted Kullback-Leibler divergences. Our experiments demonstrate that ASPiRe can significantly accelerate the learning of new downstream tasks in the presence of multiple priors and show improvement on competitive baselines.Comment: 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022

    Knowledge Transfer Between Robots with Similar Dynamics for High-Accuracy Impromptu Trajectory Tracking

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    In this paper, we propose an online learning approach that enables the inverse dynamics model learned for a source robot to be transferred to a target robot (e.g., from one quadrotor to another quadrotor with different mass or aerodynamic properties). The goal is to leverage knowledge from the source robot such that the target robot achieves high-accuracy trajectory tracking on arbitrary trajectories from the first attempt with minimal data recollection and training. Most existing approaches for multi-robot knowledge transfer are based on post-analysis of datasets collected from both robots. In this work, we study the feasibility of impromptu transfer of models across robots by learning an error prediction module online. In particular, we analytically derive the form of the mapping to be learned by the online module for exact tracking, propose an approach for characterizing similarity between robots, and use these results to analyze the stability of the overall system. The proposed approach is illustrated in simulation and verified experimentally on two different quadrotors performing impromptu trajectory tracking tasks, where the quadrotors are required to accurately track arbitrary hand-drawn trajectories from the first attempt.Comment: European Control Conference (ECC) 201

    Boosting Offline Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving with Hierarchical Latent Skills

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    Learning-based vehicle planning is receiving increasing attention with the emergence of diverse driving simulators and large-scale driving datasets. While offline reinforcement learning (RL) is well suited for these safety-critical tasks, it still struggles to plan over extended periods. In this work, we present a skill-based framework that enhances offline RL to overcome the long-horizon vehicle planning challenge. Specifically, we design a variational autoencoder (VAE) to learn skills from offline demonstrations. To mitigate posterior collapse of common VAEs, we introduce a two-branch sequence encoder to capture both discrete options and continuous variations of the complex driving skills. The final policy treats learned skills as actions and can be trained by any off-the-shelf offline RL algorithms. This facilitates a shift in focus from per-step actions to temporally extended skills, thereby enabling long-term reasoning into the future. Extensive results on CARLA prove that our model consistently outperforms strong baselines at both training and new scenarios. Additional visualizations and experiments demonstrate the interpretability and transferability of extracted skills

    Temporal Recurrent Networks for Online Action Detection

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    Most work on temporal action detection is formulated as an offline problem, in which the start and end times of actions are determined after the entire video is fully observed. However, important real-time applications including surveillance and driver assistance systems require identifying actions as soon as each video frame arrives, based only on current and historical observations. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, Temporal Recurrent Network (TRN), to model greater temporal context of a video frame by simultaneously performing online action detection and anticipation of the immediate future. At each moment in time, our approach makes use of both accumulated historical evidence and predicted future information to better recognize the action that is currently occurring, and integrates both of these into a unified end-to-end architecture. We evaluate our approach on two popular online action detection datasets, HDD and TVSeries, as well as another widely used dataset, THUMOS'14. The results show that TRN significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art
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