34 research outputs found

    PyPop7: A Pure-Python Library for Population-Based Black-Box Optimization

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    In this paper, we present a pure-Python open-source library, called PyPop7, for black-box optimization (BBO). It provides a unified and modular interface for more than 60 versions and variants of different black-box optimization algorithms, particularly population-based optimizers, which can be classified into 12 popular families: Evolution Strategies (ES), Natural Evolution Strategies (NES), Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDA), Cross-Entropy Method (CEM), Differential Evolution (DE), Particle Swarm Optimizer (PSO), Cooperative Coevolution (CC), Simulated Annealing (SA), Genetic Algorithms (GA), Evolutionary Programming (EP), Pattern Search (PS), and Random Search (RS). It also provides many examples, interesting tutorials, and full-fledged API documentations. Through this new library, we expect to provide a well-designed platform for benchmarking of optimizers and promote their real-world applications, especially for large-scale BBO. Its source code and documentations are available at https://github.com/Evolutionary-Intelligence/pypop and https://pypop.readthedocs.io/en/latest, respectively.Comment: 5 page

    Limited Evaluation Cooperative Co-evolutionary Differential Evolution for Large-scale Neuroevolution

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    Many real-world control and classification tasks involve a large number of features. When artificial neural networks (ANNs) are used for modeling these tasks, the network architectures tend to be large. Neuroevolution is an effective approach for optimizing ANNs; however, there are two bottlenecks that make their application challenging in case of high-dimensional networks using direct encoding. First, classic evolutionary algorithms tend not to scale well for searching large parameter spaces; second, the network evaluation over a large number of training instances is in general time-consuming. In this work, we propose an approach called the Limited Evaluation Cooperative Co-evolutionary Differential Evolution algorithm (LECCDE) to optimize high-dimensional ANNs. The proposed method aims to optimize the pre-synaptic weights of each post-synaptic neuron in different subpopulations using a Cooperative Co-evolutionary Differential Evolution algorithm, and employs a limited evaluation scheme where fitness evaluation is performed on a relatively small number of training instances based on fitness inheritance. We test LECCDE on three datasets with various sizes, and our results show that cooperative co-evolution significantly improves the test error comparing to standard Differential Evolution, while the limited evaluation scheme facilitates a significant reduction in computing time

    Coevolution of Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Generative adversarial networks (GAN) became a hot topic, presenting impressive results in the field of computer vision. However, there are still open problems with the GAN model, such as the training stability and the hand-design of architectures. Neuroevolution is a technique that can be used to provide the automatic design of network architectures even in large search spaces as in deep neural networks. Therefore, this project proposes COEGAN, a model that combines neuroevolution and coevolution in the coordination of the GAN training algorithm. The proposal uses the adversarial characteristic between the generator and discriminator components to design an algorithm using coevolution techniques. Our proposal was evaluated in the MNIST dataset. The results suggest the improvement of the training stability and the automatic discovery of efficient network architectures for GANs. Our model also partially solves the mode collapse problem.Comment: Published in EvoApplications 201

    Towards the Evolution of Multi-Layered Neural Networks: A Dynamic Structured Grammatical Evolution Approach

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    Current grammar-based NeuroEvolution approaches have several shortcomings. On the one hand, they do not allow the generation of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs composed of more than one hidden-layer. On the other, there is no way to evolve networks with more than one output neuron. To properly evolve ANNs with more than one hidden-layer and multiple output nodes there is the need to know the number of neurons available in previous layers. In this paper we introduce Dynamic Structured Grammatical Evolution (DSGE): a new genotypic representation that overcomes the aforementioned limitations. By enabling the creation of dynamic rules that specify the connection possibilities of each neuron, the methodology enables the evolution of multi-layered ANNs with more than one output neuron. Results in different classification problems show that DSGE evolves effective single and multi-layered ANNs, with a varying number of output neurons

    Cooperative coevolution of Elman recurrent neural networks for chaotic time series prediction

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    Cooperative coevolution decomposes a problem into subcomponents and employs evolutionary algorithms for solving them. Cooperative coevolution has been effective for evolving neural networks. Different problem decomposition methods in cooperative coevolution determine how a neural network is decomposed and encoded which affects its performance. A good problem decomposition method should provide enough diversity and also group interacting variables which are the synapses in the neural network. Neural networks have shown promising results in chaotic time series prediction. This work employs two problem decomposition methods for training Elman recurrent neural networks on chaotic time series problems. The Mackey-Glass, Lorenz and Sunspot time series are used to demonstrate the performance of the cooperative neuro-evolutionary methods. The results show improvement in performance in terms of accuracy when compared to some of the methods from literature

    Safe Crossover of Neural Networks Through Neuron Alignment

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    One of the main and largely unexplored challenges in evolving the weights of neural networks using genetic algorithms is to find a sensible crossover operation between parent networks. Indeed, naive crossover leads to functionally damaged offspring that do not retain information from the parents. This is because neural networks are invariant to permutations of neurons, giving rise to multiple ways of representing the same solution. This is often referred to as the competing conventions problem. In this paper, we propose a two-step safe crossover(SC) operator. First, the neurons of the parents are functionally aligned by computing how well they correlate, and only then are the parents recombined. We compare two ways of measuring relationships between neurons: Pairwise Correlation (PwC) and Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA). We test our safe crossover operators (SC-PwC and SC-CCA) on MNIST and CIFAR-10 by performing arithmetic crossover on the weights of feed-forward neural network pairs. We show that it effectively transmits information from parents to offspring and significantly improves upon naive crossover. Our method is computationally fast,can serve as a way to explore the fitness landscape more efficiently and makes safe crossover a potentially promising operator in future neuroevolution research and applications