122 research outputs found

    Sufficient conditions for non-asymptotic convergence of Riemannian optimisation methods

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    Motivated by energy based analyses for descent methods in the Euclidean setting, we investigate a generalisation of such analyses for descent methods over Riemannian manifolds. In doing so, we find that it is possible to derive curvature-free guarantees for such descent methods. This also enables us to give the first known guarantees for a Riemannian cubic-regularised Newton algorithm over gg-convex functions, which extends the guarantees by Agarwal et al [2021] for an adaptive Riemannian cubic-regularised Newton algorithm over general non-convex functions. This analysis leads us to study acceleration of Riemannian gradient descent in the gg-convex setting, and we improve on an existing result by Alimisis et al [2021], albeit with a curvature-dependent rate. Finally, extending the analysis by Ahn and Sra [2020], we attempt to provide some sufficient conditions for the acceleration of Riemannian descent methods in the strongly geodesically convex setting.Comment: Paper accepted at the OPT-ML Workshop, NeurIPS 202

    Riemannian Acceleration with Preconditioning for symmetric eigenvalue problems

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    In this paper, we propose a Riemannian Acceleration with Preconditioning (RAP) for symmetric eigenvalue problems, which is one of the most important geodesically convex optimization problem on Riemannian manifold, and obtain the acceleration. Firstly, the preconditioning for symmetric eigenvalue problems from the Riemannian manifold viewpoint is discussed. In order to obtain the local geodesic convexity, we develop the leading angle to measure the quality of the preconditioner for symmetric eigenvalue problems. A new Riemannian acceleration, called Locally Optimal Riemannian Accelerated Gradient (LORAG) method, is proposed to overcome the local geodesic convexity for symmetric eigenvalue problems. With similar techniques for RAGD and analysis of local convex optimization in Euclidean space, we analyze the convergence of LORAG. Incorporating the local geodesic convexity of symmetric eigenvalue problems under preconditioning with the LORAG, we propose the Riemannian Acceleration with Preconditioning (RAP) and prove its acceleration. Additionally, when the Schwarz preconditioner, especially the overlapping or non-overlapping domain decomposition method, is applied for elliptic eigenvalue problems, we also obtain the rate of convergence as 1−Cκ−1/21-C\kappa^{-1/2}, where CC is a constant independent of the mesh sizes and the eigenvalue gap, κ=κνλ2/(λ2−λ1)\kappa=\kappa_{\nu}\lambda_{2}/(\lambda_{2}-\lambda_{1}), κν\kappa_{\nu} is the parameter from the stable decomposition, λ1\lambda_{1} and λ2\lambda_{2} are the smallest two eigenvalues of the elliptic operator. Numerical results show the power of Riemannian acceleration and preconditioning.Comment: Due to the limit in abstract of arXiv, the abstract here is shorter than in PD
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