18 research outputs found

    Distributed Subgradient-based Multi-agent Optimization with More General Step Sizes

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    A wider selection of step sizes is explored for the distributed subgradient algorithm for multi-agent optimization problems, for both time-invariant and time-varying communication topologies. The square summable requirement of the step sizes commonly adopted in the literature is removed. The step sizes are only required to be positive, vanishing and non-summable. It is proved that in both unconstrained and constrained optimization problems, the agents' estimates reach consensus and converge to the optimal solution with the more general choice of step sizes. The idea is to show that a weighted average of the agents' estimates approaches the optimal solution, but with different approaches. In the unconstrained case, the optimal convergence of the weighted average of the agents' estimates is proved by analyzing the distance change from the weighted average to the optimal solution and showing that the weighted average is arbitrarily close to the optimal solution. In the constrained case, this is achieved by analyzing the distance change from the agents' estimates to the optimal solution and utilizing the boundedness of the constraints. Then the optimal convergence of the agents' estimates follows because consensus is reached in both cases. These results are valid for both a strongly connected time-invariant graph and time-varying balanced graphs that are jointly strongly connected

    Distributed Maximum Likelihood using Dynamic Average Consensus

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    This paper presents the formulation and analysis of a novel distributed maximum likelihood algorithm that utilizes a first-order optimization scheme. The proposed approach utilizes a static average consensus algorithm to reach agreement on the initial condition to the iterative optimization scheme and a dynamic average consensus algorithm to reach agreement on the gradient direction. The current distributed algorithm is guaranteed to exponentially recover the performance of the centralized algorithm. Though the current formulation focuses on maximum likelihood algorithm built on first-order methods, it can be easily extended to higher order methods. Numerical simulations validate the theoretical contributions of the paper

    Asymptotic convergence rates for coordinate descent in polyhedral sets

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    We consider a family of parallel methods for constrained optimization based on projected gradient descents along individual coordinate directions. In the case of polyhedral feasible sets, local convergence towards a regular solution occurs unconstrained in a reduced space, allowing for the computation of tight asymptotic convergence rates by sensitivity analysis, this even when global convergence rates are unavailable or too conservative. We derive linear asymptotic rates of convergence in polyhedra for variants of the coordinate descent approach, including cyclic, synchronous, and random modes of implementation. Our results find application in stochastic optimization, and with recently proposed optimization algorithms based on Taylor approximations of the Newton step.Comment: 20 pages. A version of this paper will be submitted for publicatio

    Optimization Methods for a Class of Rosenbrock Functions

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    This paper gives an in-depth review of the most common iterative methods for unconstrained optimization using two functions that belong to a class of Rosenbrock functions as a performance test. This study covers the Steepest Gradient Descent Method, the Newton-Raphson Method, and the Fletcher-Reeves Conjugate Gradient method. In addition, four different step-size selecting methods the including fixed-step-size, variable step-size, quadratic-fit, and golden section method were considered. Due to the computational nature of solving minimization problems, testing the algorithms is an essential part of this paper. Therefore, an extensive set of numerical test results is also provided to present an insightful and a comprehensive comparison of the reviewed algorithms. This study highlights the differences and the trade-offs involved in comparing these algorithms.Comment: Title of the paper was changed and this new version focuses on the comparison of these methods without the application to malicious agent

    Generalized gradient optimization over lossy networks for partition-based estimation

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    We address the problem of distributed convex unconstrained optimization over networks characterized by asynchronous and possibly lossy communications. We analyze the case where the global cost function is the sum of locally coupled local strictly convex cost functions. As discussed in detail in a motivating example, this class of optimization objectives is, for example, typical in localization problems and in partition-based state estimation. Inspired by a generalized gradient descent strategy, namely the block Jacobi iteration, we propose a novel solution which is amenable for a distributed implementation and which, under a suitable condition on the step size, is provably locally resilient to communication failures. The theoretical analysis relies on the separation of time scales and Lyapunov theory. In addition, to show the flexibility of the proposed algorithm, we derive a resilient gradient descent iteration and a resilient generalized gradient for quadratic programming as two natural particularizations of our strategy. In this second case, global robustness is provided. Finally, the proposed algorithm is numerically tested on the IEEE 123 nodes distribution feeder in the context of partition-based smart grid robust state estimation in the presence of measurements outliers.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    A Decentralized Second-Order Method with Exact Linear Convergence Rate for Consensus Optimization

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    This paper considers decentralized consensus optimization problems where different summands of a global objective function are available at nodes of a network that can communicate with neighbors only. The proximal method of multipliers is considered as a powerful tool that relies on proximal primal descent and dual ascent updates on a suitably defined augmented Lagrangian. The structure of the augmented Lagrangian makes this problem non-decomposable, which precludes distributed implementations. This problem is regularly addressed by the use of the alternating direction method of multipliers. The exact second order method (ESOM) is introduced here as an alternative that relies on: (i) The use of a separable quadratic approximation of the augmented Lagrangian. (ii) A truncated Taylor's series to estimate the solution of the first order condition imposed on the minimization of the quadratic approximation of the augmented Lagrangian. The sequences of primal and dual variables generated by ESOM are shown to converge linearly to their optimal arguments when the aggregate cost function is strongly convex and its gradients are Lipschitz continuous. Numerical results demonstrate advantages of ESOM relative to decentralized alternatives in solving least squares and logistic regression problems

    Decentralized Quasi-Newton Methods

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    We introduce the decentralized Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (D-BFGS) method as a variation of the BFGS quasi-Newton method for solving decentralized optimization problems. The D-BFGS method is of interest in problems that are not well conditioned, making first order decentralized methods ineffective, and in which second order information is not readily available, making second order decentralized methods impossible. D-BFGS is a fully distributed algorithm in which nodes approximate curvature information of themselves and their neighbors through the satisfaction of a secant condition. We additionally provide a formulation of the algorithm in asynchronous settings. Convergence of D-BFGS is established formally in both the synchronous and asynchronous settings and strong performance advantages relative to first order methods are shown numerically

    Distributed Adaptive Newton Methods with Globally Superlinear Convergence

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    This paper considers the distributed optimization problem over a network where the global objective is to optimize a sum of local functions using only local computation and communication. Since the existing algorithms either adopt a linear consensus mechanism, which converges at best linearly, or assume that each node starts sufficiently close to an optimal solution, they cannot achieve globally superlinear convergence. To break through the linear consensus rate, we propose a finite-time set-consensus method, and then incorporate it into Polyak's adaptive Newton method, leading to our distributed adaptive Newton algorithm (DAN). To avoid transmitting local Hessians, we adopt a low-rank approximation idea to compress the Hessian and design a communication-efficient DAN-LA. Then, the size of transmitted messages in DAN-LA is reduced to O(p)O(p) per iteration, where pp is the dimension of decision vectors and is the same as the first-order methods. We show that DAN and DAN-LA can globally achieve quadratic and superlinear convergence rates, respectively. Numerical experiments on logistic regression problems are finally conducted to show the advantages over existing methods.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 14 pages, 4 figure

    A Distributed Newton Method for Large Scale Consensus Optimization

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    In this paper, we propose a distributed Newton method for consensus optimization. Our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods, including ADMM. The key idea is to exploit the sparsity of the dual Hessian and recast the computation of the Newton step as one of efficiently solving symmetric diagonally dominant linear equations. We validate our algorithm both theoretically and empirically. On the theory side, we demonstrate that our algorithm exhibits superlinear convergence within a neighborhood of optimality. Empirically, we show the superiority of this new method on a variety of machine learning problems. The proposed approach is scalable to very large problems and has a low communication overhead

    Convergence of Limited Communications Gradient Methods

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    Distributed optimization increasingly plays a central role in economical and sustainable operation of cyber-physical systems. Nevertheless, the complete potential of the technology has not yet been fully exploited in practice due to communication limitations posed by the real-world infrastructures. This work investigates fundamental properties of distributed optimization based on gradient methods, where gradient information is communicated using limited number of bits. In particular, a general class of quantized gradient methods are studied where the gradient direction is approximated by a finite quantization set. Sufficient and necessary conditions are provided on such a quantization set to guarantee that the methods minimize any convex objective function with Lipschitz continuous gradient and a nonempty and bounded set of optimizers. A lower bound on the cardinality of the quantization set is provided, along with specific examples of minimal quantizations. Convergence rate results are established that connect the fineness of the quantization and the number of iterations needed to reach a predefined solution accuracy. Generalizations of the results to a relevant class of constrained problems using projections are considered. Finally, the results are illustrated by simulations of practical systems.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure