1,757 research outputs found

    Accelerated Approximation of the Complex Roots and Factors of a Univariate Polynomial

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    To appearInternational audienceThe known algorithms approximate the roots of a complex univariate polynomial in nearly optimal arithmetic and Boolean time. They are, however, quite involved and require a high precision of computing when the degree of the input polynomial is large, which causes numerical stability problems. We observe that these difficulties do not appear at the initial stages of the algorithms, and in our present paper we extend one of these stages, analyze it, and avoid the cited problems, still achieving the solution within a nearly optimal complexity estimates, provided that some mild initial isolation of the roots of the input polynomial has been ensured. The resulting algorithms promise to be of some practical value for root-finding and can be extended to the problem of polynomial factorization, which is of interest on its own right. We conclude with outlining such an extension, which enables us to cover the cases of isolated multiple roots and root clusters

    Simple and Nearly Optimal Polynomial Root-finding by Means of Root Radii Approximation

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    We propose a new simple but nearly optimal algorithm for the approximation of all sufficiently well isolated complex roots and root clusters of a univariate polynomial. Quite typically the known root-finders at first compute some crude but reasonably good approximations to well-conditioned roots (that is, those isolated from the other roots) and then refine the approximations very fast, by using Boolean time which is nearly optimal, up to a polylogarithmic factor. By combining and extending some old root-finding techniques, the geometry of the complex plane, and randomized parametrization, we accelerate the initial stage of obtaining crude to all well-conditioned simple and multiple roots as well as isolated root clusters. Our algorithm performs this stage at a Boolean cost dominated by the nearly optimal cost of subsequent refinement of these approximations, which we can perform concurrently, with minimum processor communication and synchronization. Our techniques are quite simple and elementary; their power and application range may increase in their combination with the known efficient root-finding methods.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    New Structured Matrix Methods for Real and Complex Polynomial Root-finding

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    We combine the known methods for univariate polynomial root-finding and for computations in the Frobenius matrix algebra with our novel techniques to advance numerical solution of a univariate polynomial equation, and in particular numerical approximation of the real roots of a polynomial. Our analysis and experiments show efficiency of the resulting algorithms.Comment: 18 page

    Novel Approach to Real Polynomial Root-finding and Matrix Eigen-solving

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    Univariate polynomial root-finding is both classical and important for modern computing. Frequently one seeks just the real roots of a polynomial with real coefficients. They can be approximated at a low computational cost if the polynomial has no nonreal roots, but typically nonreal roots are much more numerous than the real ones. We dramatically accelerate the known algorithms in this case by exploiting the correlation between the computations with matrices and polynomials, extending the techniques of the matrix sign iteration, and exploiting the structure of the companion matrix of the input polynomial. We extend some of the proposed techniques to the approximation of the real eigenvalues of a real nonsymmetric matrix.Comment: 17 pages, added algorithm

    Algorithms for Positive Semidefinite Factorization

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    This paper considers the problem of positive semidefinite factorization (PSD factorization), a generalization of exact nonnegative matrix factorization. Given an mm-by-nn nonnegative matrix XX and an integer kk, the PSD factorization problem consists in finding, if possible, symmetric kk-by-kk positive semidefinite matrices {A1,...,Am}\{A^1,...,A^m\} and {B1,...,Bn}\{B^1,...,B^n\} such that Xi,j=trace(AiBj)X_{i,j}=\text{trace}(A^iB^j) for i=1,...,mi=1,...,m, and j=1,...nj=1,...n. PSD factorization is NP-hard. In this work, we introduce several local optimization schemes to tackle this problem: a fast projected gradient method and two algorithms based on the coordinate descent framework. The main application of PSD factorization is the computation of semidefinite extensions, that is, the representations of polyhedrons as projections of spectrahedra, for which the matrix to be factorized is the slack matrix of the polyhedron. We compare the performance of our algorithms on this class of problems. In particular, we compute the PSD extensions of size k=1+log2(n)k=1+ \lceil \log_2(n) \rceil for the regular nn-gons when n=5n=5, 88 and 1010. We also show how to generalize our algorithms to compute the square root rank (which is the size of the factors in a PSD factorization where all factor matrices AiA^i and BjB^j have rank one) and completely PSD factorizations (which is the special case where the input matrix is symmetric and equality Ai=BiA^i=B^i is required for all ii).Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, 3 table