9 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Perfomance of the Modified Dynamic Hose Model for Virtual Private Networks

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    This paper is designed to model a Modified Dynamic Hose Algorithm for data traffic management. The Virtual Private Network (VPN) under study was characterized and the data for transmission was modeled. Then Algorithm for Modified Dynamic Hose Model to handle varying traffic rates was developed and simulated using MATLAB. The results obtained from network characterization shows that variation in window size and packet size affects the throughput in a VPN as an increase in window size from 50kb to 100kb improved the throughput generated from 15 for the Conventional Hose Model to 28.3 for the Modified Dynamic Hose Model resulting in 13.3 throughputs, which translate to 47% improvement. Also variation in window size and packet size affects the throughput in a VPN as an increase in window size from 10kb to 50kb resulted to a maximum throughput of 3.01 for the Conventional Model as against 15 for the Modified Dynamic Hose Model resulting to additional 11.99 or improvement of 79.93%. The Modified Dynamic Hose Model algorithm, unlike the Conventional Hose Model, determines whether to drop a particular packet or to queue it thereby improving the bandwidth utilization, minimize latency (delays) and Virtual Private Network Throughput

    Security enhanced sentence similarity computing model based on convolutional neural network

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    Deep learning model shows great advantages in various fields. However, researchers pay attention to how to improve the accuracy of the model, while ignoring the security considerations. The problem of controlling the judgment result of deep learning model by attack examples and then affecting the system decision-making is gradually exposed. In order to improve the security of sentence similarity analysis model, we propose a convolution neural network model based on attention mechanism. First of all, the mutual information between sentences is correlated by attention weighting. Then, it is input into improved convolutional neural network. In addition, we add attack examples to the input, which is generated by the firefly algorithm. In the attack example, we replace the words in the sentence to some extent, which results in the adversarial data with great semantic change but slight sentence structure change. To a certain extent, the addition of attack example increases the ability of model to identify adversarial data and improves the robustness of the model. Experimental results show that the accuracy, recall rate and F1 value of the model are due to other baseline models.This work was supported in part by the Major Scientific and Technological Projects of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) under Grant ZD2019-183-006, in part by the Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation, China, under Grant ZR2020MF006, in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China University of Petroleum (East China) under Grant 20CX05017A, and in part by the Open Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications) under Grant SKLNST-2021-1-17.Postprint (author's final draft

    Application of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (Atm) technology to Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (Pacs): A survey

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    Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (R-ISDN) provides a range of narrowband and broad-band services for voice, video, and multimedia. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) has been selected by the standards bodies as the transfer mode for implementing B-ISDN; The ability to digitize images has lead to the prospect of reducing the physical space requirements, material costs, and manual labor of traditional film handling tasks in hospitals. The system which handles the acquisition, storage, and transmission of medical images is called a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS). The transmission system will directly impact the speed of image transfer. Today the most common transmission means used by acquisition and display station products is Ethernet. However, when considering network media, it is important to consider what the long term needs will be. Although ATM is a new standard, it is showing signs of becoming the next logical step to meet the needs of high speed networks; This thesis is a survey on ATM, and PACS. All the concepts involved in developing a PACS are presented in an orderly manner. It presents the recent developments in ATM, its applicability to PACS and the issues to be resolved for realising an ATM-based complete PACS. This work will be useful in providing the latest information, for any future research on ATM-based networks, and PACS

    Design and performance evaluation of Wireless Multi-Protocol Label Switching (WMPLS)

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    Scope and Method of Study: The research presented in this document focuses on the design of a new protocol for high-speed wireless data communications. The primary goal of this new design is to overcome the limitations of its predecessors, while minimizing the needed resources and maximizing throughput and efficiency in its operations. Another important goal of the study is to provide a homogeneous protocol for wired and wireless networks in order to provide complete interoperability for overlay models and other protocols that can be designed on the basis of this work. The performance evaluation part of this document shows the areas in which improvement has been achieved over previous protocol implementations, and it also shows the areas in which further research is needed in order to improve the performance at least to the levels set by previous protocols.Findings and Conclusions: This study shows that a native wireless design and implementation of the Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) protocol provides improvements in the field of wireless data communications, providing a homogeneous platform for voice and data communication networks. The research is open for further improvements and modifications for services not contemplated in this document, and continuous developments should be conducted in order to obtain a working prototype of this proposal

    ATM virtual private networks

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    Customer network management system for managing ATM virtual private networks

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    As enterprises use ATM networks for their private networks and as these private networks use public ATM networks for wide area communication. the need for the customers to be able to manage both private and public networks is increasing. Currently, some standardization work is bring done towards providing this capability to customers. In this paper, we propose a new customer network management (CNM) system architecture for the management of both private and public ATM networks in a uniform way. The particular features of the proposed architecture lies in the efficient support of the complex hierarchical TRIN manager-agent relationships at M3 and M4 interfaces, and the support of SNMP and CMIP integration. The TRIN hierarchical many-to-many manager-agent relationships are realized by the utilization of a CORBA-based Shared Management Knowledge (SMK) system. We have implemented a prototype of ATM CNM system, and measured the performance for the demonstration of the suitability of the proposed architecture.open111sciescopu

    Using ATM Virtual Private Networks for the Internet Data Traffic

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    Several schemes for the transport of Internet data traffic over ATM are currently being investigated by researchers as well as by standardization bodies. Typically, the main focus of these investigations has been on addressing and switching strategies. Relatively little attention has been given to the efficient allocation, utilization and management of the underlying ATM bandwidth, and to the efficient sharing of facilities by both Internet data traffic and other media traffic transported over ATM networks. The efficient utilization and management of bandwidth in broadband networks is of paramount importance since bandwidth costs are likely to dominate network operational costs, specially in the wide area scenario. In this paper we describe an ATM bandwidth allocation and management approach based on the ATM Virtual Private Network (AVPN) concept, an overlay network, which provides for the efficient transport of the Internet traffic, exploits the ABR service and allows the implementati..